New Delhi city–
Half of the city is been destroyed
All defence and low ranking heros are helping citizens both animal and human to rescue from from the perticular area
" चलो जल्दी
इस तरफ "
( Come on Quick this way)
" The War " Vinay to us
The police letting people to move in very advance rescue vehicles
" आओ जल्दी समय नही है "
( Come on fast we don't have time )
The solider who is jaguar through walkie talkie
" हम और बचा ओ वाहन की जरूरत है कृपया ...."
(We need more rescue vehicle please.....)
" Didn't assumed that it wil be so fierce "
Vinay to us
At that time a gaint superhero falls on the building
हे भगवान
( Oh god)
People react to it
" No where main stream out of the contry is showcasing this "
debries breaks and it is about to fall on the police man but the defence robot destroys all the falling debries through his weapons
( Sound of breaking of debries )
" Doesn't matter still we have to go through this "
And a giant Dragon like monster walking on his four legs who is very ferocious and with the height 2000 meters
" Kkkkkrrrrrrrurrrr"
People sees it
But next moment the monster is been hit on face by a blast
The monster moves head Dr Hyena just gets shook upon the monster
" what is it "
Dr Hyena see superhero Surya flaming with lava like fire which is suppose to attack again
Hyna just move his hand and the gaint monster through his mouth attacks a red heat ray like a high artillary cannon
Superhero dodges the attack
Surya through his hand attacks a lava rays that hits the monster
" Darn it doesn't gives it a critical damages "
Surya responds to himself
The monster seeing the Surya moment attack with his claws and Surya gets hit and fall back far distance on a building filled with people and soldier
But with wind power some saves him and saves the people
In Pune – Puraniks residency
Jaya Bhawesh and their brothers and sisters
watching along with Smita and Prakash are watching through the smart T.V
" Why so much destruction? " Rupesh replies to situation
" Go and ask that villan " Prakash replies angirly
"Please come back and don't keep any greveinces while battling to that monster "
Bhawesh to himself
" We need you " Jaya te herself
" I can here everything sense everything "
"Hey look " Govind pointing his hand towards the screen
At the same movement body filled with bruises and costume tored but nano techonology is restoring the costume Ajay through his super speed wind flight
" Ajay has move to attack " Govind, Trisha and Rupesh shouts loudly
" I have to focus to my battle so that no civilans get hurt "
tries to attack the monster through his mix of wind and electric fist and Monster gets hit and fall on the building
(Sound of breaking of the building )
Monster falls on the ground
The drone capturing the view
But without wasting any time Ajay through his lighting flight soakes all the fire around and moves taring the smokes a flame like thing sees in the smokes withen a seconds the Monster from the other side comes off dashing and breaking the roads and bridges
( Sound of breaking roads and bridges )
But without wasting the Monster gets up and with mouth realise the heavy lasers ray Ajay
moves off from the attack but with instent reflex the monster gets up and hits Ajay through his claws Ajay bangs on the building
without wasting through his back
which has 20 cannon like structure on of it hits Ajay
Ajay through that attack falls back more than 10,000 kilometer destroying all the building coming his way
" Ajay...." Surya shouts loudly
Children in Pune got stunned to see this senario
" Oh no "
Ajay falls of on vehicle
" This is how .....the war is which we didn't see it coming when we where busy in seeing another war coming "
Vinay to us be continued....