Chapter 142

New Delhi war where Ajay and D– Day Monster are clashing D-Day with his tail and

Ajay through his firely blaze of tornado

" That day I and Jaya when we where at the spot where we see Dhruti and that guy "

2 months before when

Jaya and Vinay covered themself to see

Vinay gets the call from Principal but he cuts off

Dhrusti standing alone at the bus stop

" Vinay can you see both of them " Jaya to Vinay

" Yes , I can " Vinay answers

Vinay through his x– ray vision and superhearing keeping an eye on Dhrushti

" I applude for your sources ...t...."

Vinay while he was replying her he see a man coming towards her

" Oh their a man "

Vinay through his anklet show a hologram of the man

" Is he the one " Vinay asks Jaya

" No " Jaya replies

" Is it " Vinay replies

Those both are standing their and looking to each other

"Did you see that ? " Jaya replies to Vinay

" Yeah I got it "

Vinay through his vision see both of their senses and heart beat and their communication with their eyes

" Hmmmm....Vinay tries to understand

They had communiction for more then 5 minutes

Through eyes " about Ajay " man asks

" No information " Dhruti replies

" Do it or we will kill " the man replies

" No I will find out " Dhrusti replies

Both part their ways

" Got it " Vinay replies

" What is that ? "Jaya asks

" Dhrusti is trying to find out Ajay identity " Vinay replies

" I doubted that " Jaya replies

" If she didn't then they are going to kill " Vinay replies

" Who ? " Jaya replies

" I don't know and I...." when Vinay was answering a sudden heavy earthquake hits the city through which The people of the city gets afraid

" What was that ? " People gets afraid

The another earthquake like thing hits the city which the traffic and electric appliances gets disturbed

"What the heck? " Vinay replies

" More than 5 weeks that thing disturbed us the earth quake

I didn't understand at that time saw it through my– x ray vision "

2 months after New Delhi war where both superpowers are clashing each other

" It was this D– Day monster that time I didn't answer Jaya and any of my members "

The bulding and cars are getting destroyed because of that atomic and firely Tornado

All over the world through T.V and smart phone though the video is getting disturbed

peoples and animals are shocked as well as afraid

And president from all over the world are watching through their satelliete the war effecting the enviroment and they too are worried

In Mumbai –

Freedom News reporter through smart phone

who is a dear

" यह देखिए , सैटेलाइट फुटेज देखिए कैसे निसर्ग के साथ खेला जा रहा है किना अत्याचार हो रहा है हमसे देखा भी नहीं जा रहा क्या कर रही है सरकार

हम चहिए आजादी इस अत्याचार से आजादी "

( Look at this satellite footage how they are disturbing the balance of nature we can't see it what is goverment doing

We need freedom from this injustice we need freedom )

two guys who are Mumbai metro travelling

" भाई , बताओ कल तक तो यह डी– डे को बहुत चांगला

( अच्छा ) मानुष बता रहा था "

( Bro , this guys where telling us the D– Day is a good person ) the teeager replies

" डॉक्टर हाइना , तो महपुरुष थे "

( Doctor Hyna was the greastest person )

The other teeanger replies

" हा , जब वह देश विदेश को बर्बाद कर रहे थे तभी

और अभी हमारे सुपरहीरो और जवान जब सीने में उतरे तो

हौसला देने के बजाए एनवायरमेंट पी खतरा बता रहे है "

(Yes, when he was ruining the country and abroad.

And now when our superheroes and soldiers enter our hearts,

"Instead of giving encouragement, they are warning about the environment as a threat.)

The teeanger replies

" यह लोग न और कितना पैसा गटर दुबाएंगे पता नही "

(These people how much money they will put in sewage don't know ) be continued.....