Chapter 143

The New Delhi war where everybody in world is watching

"don't give up Vi.....Ajay " Jaya replies

" That not Vijay thats Ajay " Rupesh replies

( Comic seane )

Bhawesh hit on his head

" Will you stop poking your nose " Bhawesh replies

Jaya lets her tongue out showcasing that she is mistaken

In New Delhi both superpowers breaks off

And all the bulding breaks off and some buildings collapse

and on otherside where kuck and seishin tried to sneak into the room on other side

But due to the sonic wave both the superhero falls back kuck falls by breaking the wall behind

Outside Monster just bangs on the wall stables himself but on the other side Superhero Surya bangs on the vehicles

Ajay falls back dashing the building rooftop and skyscrapers

Ajay then bangs on one of the broad cooperative building but then through his

Agile reflexes he stables himself by back role and dashes behind

Red haired Ajay without wasting stand and his suit starting to repair itself

The Monster without wasting starts to come towards him at same time without wasting

The bear , poision viens , avlanche andDr Hyna moves towards him to attack

Ajay without wasting joins his hand and through those broken debries attracts them and form a six hand structure behind him

"षट् स्कन्धाः( Shat skandhah )"

(Six shoulders )

Dr Hyna through his fist ,bear huge fist attacks continiously but Ajay through his hand blocks or attacks them through his both hands and also by his six shoulders

The surrounding getting effected by the attacks the glass brokes off

" The intense training helped me to devlop new skills " Ajay to himslf

And other side avlanche tries through his huge ice punches

Ajay along with his six shoulders fall back through his back flip and saves himself from those attacks Ajay through his one of his stone hand ignites 5 fire balls and attacks on all of them all of them jumps to save themselves posion veins through her posion darts with a bullet speed attacks on Ajay through his other stone hand palms with wind power hits Poision veins and destroys her attack

Avlanche through his storm like ice attack of Ajay without wasting rolls of both the hand and with mixture of wind and water hyrostorm is created and with both his hand destroys avlanche attacks and Avlanche some how stables himself by falling down

On other side Dr Hyna attacks through his leg by front flip but Ajay dashes along with his shoulders on other side

Dr Hyna as lands with his kick the landed part gets destroyed as when Ajay tries to stand the bear holds Ajay through his palm and bangs on the building rooftop both of them due the power falls down breaking off the three floors

But Ajay without wasting time attacks the bear through his laser and then hits with double kick bear falls breaking the furnitures

Ajay as tries to stand D– Day monster through his atomic rays from thr shoulder hits Ajay .

Ajay falls back along 1,00,000 kms with along atomic rays destrying all the buildings behind them

On other side kuck and Seishin gets ups and starts too run

" This is hard man " seishin replies

" This is a part of our job " Kuck replies

But Razor with katnasan behind rides his bike parallel to the buildings and other superhero through flight or through running on building or swings moves with them

" Hey guys " Razor replies

" oh boy look at that "kuck replies

" Katana san requests you to take mizu and she – ra along with you they will accompany you and their are other superhero too they will aid you

" Fine go ahead " sieshin replies

Razor gives the raise to his bike and his bike moves on upwards parellel to building

" Are you alright? " Razor asks

" It okey here we will be getting support since we are late " Katanasan replies

" Ah don't bother we handled this war for more than 3 weeks still we would like you did " Razor replies

" Yeah you would oh boy ...." Katnasan replies

" Didn't get a hold on to your mystery powers I see " Razor replies

" Shut up and ride time to avange my kaligees " Katana san angily replies

" Fine .....hold on tight " Razor replies

Razor gives another raise and the bike move ahead and jumps in the sky to land on to another building while Ajay moving towards the D– Day monster

" This hero got tons of guts " Katnasan replies

" I agree " Razor replies be continued .....