Chapter 146

In Australian War– 2 months ago

Glitch through the mountain top sees the war through binoculars

" Their we go " Glitch replies by a smile

Dragon moves his head on the other side the D– Day monster kicks the Dragon the Dragon falls on the other side

The D– Day monster tries to get up but same time Karul comes towards his head and hits him with his both punches

D– Day falls down again the next moment D–Day gets angry and without wasting tries to attack with his heavy atomic breath ray

but Karul dodges it through his flight then Karul without wasting any time with full force

hits D– Day monster on his chest the next moment the heavy sound of ground breaking echos the Monster falls on the ground cracking off the bones

D– Day monster without wasting swing his palm on to Karul and Karul fall swiftly aside breaking on the near by house

D– Day while he was about to stand Dragon pulls off his tail , swings and throw on to other side The Dragon through his energy breathes attacks on D– Day

D– Day gets effected but after a point D– Day through his atomic breath conters the Dragon's energy breathes but then both with their energy breathe rays clashes on to each other and both trying near by their clash suddenly D– Day through his shoulders tries to attack with his atomic rays

on to Dragon the Dragon tries to sustain but then falls back due to force

Katnasan while holding Dr Hyna through spirit chain sees Dragon falls and dashes on the ground

" Goryu " Katnasan shouts Dr Hyna was tries to come out of chain but Katanasan holds him

D– Day monsters body repaires scares as it turn Karul withhis swift flight coming towards

D-Day and hits him with his Strong Punch

D– Day falls 2 steps back but then Karul without wasting any time barraiges with his punch D– Day didn't get enough time to stable himself Karul then after gives a double kick on D– Day's chest D– Day dashes behind while standing itself and then bang on the mountain and falls on to it

D–Day without wasting time tries to Attack on atomic shoulder lasers on Karul but Karul saves himself from those atomic attacks but Monster suddenly gets and holds Karul and bangs him on the ground with a grudge D– Day Monster without wasting kicks Karul continuously and at last The D– Day Monster hits him with his atomic breath the big shock wave hits around which Katanasan falls and Dr Hyna comes out with the clutches of spirit chain and all the superhero and soldiers standing falls down

All the military vehicles gets tossed away

In the shield people do feel the tremors

Dr Hyna barely stands at the sight and see D–Day creates the ground hole gets deeper and deeper

" Well such a master piece" Dr Hyna replies

" Wonder if...." Dr Hyna when about to replies see D– Day struggling with some thing

" What is this ?" Dr Hyna replies

D– Day struggles to hit his atomic beam

While down on the ground Karul theough his both arms shielding attack of atomic breath where his armor is shattering piece by piece

" You should not see the defeat or us "

Karul replies be continued....