Australian War – 2 months ago
Karul with his both hands trying to resist the huge atomic breathe the armor is shattering slowly
Karul fills his chest by taking a big breath and shouts loudly by opening his defence
The ultra sound coming out from Karul pushes back D–Day's atomic breath
After the ultra sound stops Karul again through his shout's pushes back D–Day's atomic breathes in a more hyper force
Dr Hyna sees this senario from his eyes
" What? This stubborn piece of shit would he be getting a seat in U.N assembly
Karul pushes his ultra shout again and again
On the other side Dragon holds mouth and pushes D– Day mouth upward and the atomic beam moves to sky then without wasting Dragon on the D–Day's jaws and the atomic beam blasts of D–Day mouth
But then too the Monster recovers it faster
But Karul with the swift flight tries on D–Days chest but D–Day hits his atomic claw on Karul and Karul fall aside dashing on the ground
Dragon without any delay holds D– Day through his floting ribs but then D–Day through his both atomic fist hits on the Dragon's back and Dragon falls on the ground with a bang and a sand around it gets disturbed
And their on the other Katanasan , Dark Wielder , Macting and Macho are dealing with Dr Hyna
Dr Hyna through his claws tries to attack Macting but Katnasan through his black sword defends the attack Macho hits double kick on Dr Hyna's chest Dr Hyna moves of three steps behind Macho holds Katnasan's hand and throws him towards Dr Hyna andgives the round kick on Dr Hyna's face
D– Day monster on other end about to kick
The Dragon and Dark Weilder swings his big
sickle weapons on Dr Hyna but Hyna holds his attack and throws him towards on to Macho Katnasan tries to attack Dr Hyna but Dr Hyna gives a front kick on Katansan but Katsan rolls and stables himself
But at the same time D–Day monster kicks on Dragons face and The Dragon dashes on lyingly towards Katanasan and others
" Guys careful " Katanasan reacts
All the superheros jumps high on the the Dragon at the same time Katanasan sees
Dr Hyna through his air pockets coming straight running in air to attack
" Won't be so easy " Dr Hyna replies
Macting through her sonic waves attack Dr Hyna but Dr Hyna tackles it
Macting through her super sonicpowers uses and moves forward to hit with her sonic punch but Hyna absorbs her punch and tries to attack with his wind claw
But then Katana san jumps towards and hits with a knee kick which has black spirit power
Dr Hyna falls down on the Dragon which is sliding Dr Hyna stables himself by falling on the Dragon Macho swiftly comes towards
Dr Hyna and punches him but Dr Hyna block those punches and some kicks but Dr Hyna attacks with his claws Macho through his both hand block but due to his strength Macho dashes back but stabling himself
On the other side the peoples are worried that the shield that is covering them can be broken any time due to clash of superpower be continued