In a black space
"Vinay "Gurudev calls his name
" Vinay ..."
Vinay opens up his eyes he is in the asana of Makarasan and is present in a old temple of Jammu – 2 months earlier
"Its was not so very harsh trainning today so why did you fall asleep
The earthquake hits and a little viberation is felt in that place
" Cresta da tuna is facing this earthquake today that why we don't feel that effect to that
You go ahead " Gurudev replies
" Actually, I didn't sleep properly yestarday of a thought "Vinay replies
" Would you like to elaborate about it ? "
Gurudev replies
and earthquake viberation are felt by both of them
Vinay takes a deep breath
" Gurudev its about the girl who is not from our school and she was trying to know more about me felt very suspecious at start but then we after that didn't know much "
Vinay replies
The earthquake again and again hits their Gurudev smiles
" well that is the case your inetentions are not wring but through my experience I will only say that focus on what matters in present " Gurudev replies
" Yes Gurudev " Vinay replies
" Come on lets do meditation " Gurudev replies
" This thing cannot be opened up in one blow " Gurudev replies
2 months after in Pune
New Delhi war news is seen through Smart T.V
Gurudev and Principal are watching
" I know that So I didn't force you at that time I will come to know about the situation "
Gurudev replies to himself while he sees the very poor resolution of war footages is been shocased in Telivision
" We do apologise for such poor images we are trying to show that how situations are bad in war zone the rise of radiation do not allow us any footages but the sources are correct that Ajay is defeated and he is lying down and ....." Reporter is giving the news but Principal mutes the voice
Gurudev looks towards Principal
" Will they judge every actions of the superheros like this nowdays this media houses are just tauting the defence peoples
with no reason " Principal angirily replies
" It was same back then sir but don't let the anger control you " Gurudev replies
New Delhi war
Dr Thunder and superhero Surya is fighting with D– Day Surya attacks with his Volcanic fire blazes that realise from his hand
D–Day moves himself on other side
" Your performance is not as good as earlier, my friend does it hurts? " Dr Thunder asks
" Quit often " Surya replies without wasting any time Dr Thunder hits D–Day on hos chest with his flying kick
" Are other member from the BRICS present here ?" Surya asks and without wasting Surya through has volcanic punch hits D– Day on his chest the volcanic energy blasts of D– Day's chest
" Wow ....." Dr Thunder replies
D–Day without wasting any time holds superhero Surya in his hand and dashes and bangs on to near by building but the same time through electric power Dr Thunder cuts of D–Day's arm and arm falls on the ground
D– Day without wasting any time D– Day hits with his atomic breath on both of rhem Dr Thunder crates a shield around them but due to the force of attack those both falls 700 km ahead in a hotel building destroying heavy precious iteams both lying in the ground
" He will take toll on all of us " Dr Thunder replies be continued ...