Chapter 152

In New Delhi war 9 week –


Ajay is lying down on the ground and his nano suit reparing itself and Ajay's wounds

and in front D– Day through his atomic punch about to hit the building but without wasting any time

Both Dr Thunder and Superhero Surya clash with that punch with their respective powers

But then huge blast occurs due to which the whole building and the buildings which are around it gets shattered into pieces

" Why are

Leave it not you to be blamed " Jaya to herself

On the other side in one of the random buildings

Razor , Katanasan and other superhero fights with Dr Hyna Razor and Katana san attacks continiously through their swords but Dr Hyna defends and attacks them too

" Because you have choose that " Jaya replies to her self

On other hand a superhero creates a volly ball through his powers and tries to attack Dr Hyna Dr Hyna hears the attack coming so by his wind attack pushes both the superhero's back and hits of the attack and it rebounds and hits the superhero and superhero falls back breaking the furnitures behind him

Katanasan sees the superhero and D–Day battle where he sees heros are struggling

" Its time "

Katnasan raises his Dragon sword

" 起きて五竜"

( Arise Goryu )

Katanasan as he calls the dragon comes out of the sword and sees D–Day

" Not only your life is connected through his war but many of us life who want to avange it

for a monster manice "

Jaya replies

The Dragon gets furious after seeing D–Day

and attack on D-Day with his energy breath on D–Day gets hit on the side of the face and he bangs on the huge building

D–Day stables himself and sees the dragon Gojyu and they both breaking the building charges each other by their energy beam

" I never been a supporter of war but this monster this monster is taken its in Trillions

the peoples all over the world has taken

pricautionary mesures but his power is imaginable " Jaya to herself

Those monster clunges their fists due to which the sonic wave appears and the glass and some building debries shattered off

" The symtoms we have started seeing earlier when we where investigating about Dhrusti " Jaya replies to herself

2 months ago Jaya and Vinay felt tremors when they taken a cover in building

" What is that Vinay ? " Jaya replies

" Its some earth quake caused by....." The Vinay when he was replying another but heavy tremor hits them the T.V and the traffic in road disturbes

The people in the road reacts

" पुन्हा काय"

( What again ?) A red face squarrel reacts

" This is not a earthquake " the man replies to other man in the car

The mouse who was wiping the glass of skyscraper was very afraid

" देवा विठोबा रक्षण कर "

( God Vithoba please protect ) the mouse replies

A heavy earthquake hits the city due to which the people in city some falls on ground the city building and vehicle glass cracks off inside the bulding some peoples falls and ran from the building

" Everybody vacant the building "

Vinay sees this senario through his super vision the time around slows off

" Ahhhhhh... देवा " ( god)

The shouts was slow but Vinay gets his attention towards the mouse who was about to falls from the standing vent

" Oh no "

Vinay sees around find a narrow road without wasting any time Vinay runs towards the road with super speed jumping upons the cars and through cracking grounds enters the road wears his amulet

"यतो धर्मः ततो जयः"

( Where their is duty their is victory )

By saying the nano particles realeses from the amulet and Vinay withen time turns into Ajay and takes his flight to the air

The peoples in the city are disturbed and Jaya in it sees Ajay in the sky

"Yooh Vin...." Jaya reacts but she stops

" Ajay "

Ajay without delay holds the mouse in mid air and saves his life and takes him to the safe place

" धन्यवाद भाऊ " ( thanks brother ) the mouse replies

" कही हरकत नही " ( no worries) Ajay replies

Then Ajay takes his flight on the air but stops in the midair

" Oh boy " Ajay replies be continued.....