Chapter 154

Pune police head quarters

Where their is big smart T.V defence officals are watching T.V in his cabin while its open

One police animal sees th reel of E-Tuber passes by

" Ganya apla kesari "

" बागा मंडळी या जगात निर्लाज लोक आहेत

जसे है

दूरदर्शन संबोदक

हे सुपरहिरो मिळून हमला गांडवता आहे कमीत कमी प्रॉपर्टी चा नुकसान झालं पाहिजे कैस तिकडे नोकाव त्या गोष्टी का करून राहिलेत है "

"See viewers are shameless people in this world

as is

Television anchor

These superheroes are carrying out the attack together, at least there should be damage to the property."

After the video stops

" या तुक्राठा लोकांना रस्ता आणून त्यांनाच चपलेने हानला पाहिजे "

( These bastards should be brought to the road and kicked with shoes.)

Ganya replies

"जेवायला ये इकडे नाहीतर मी हांनेन"

( Come here to eat or I will trash you.)aji replies

" अरे अजी बाग रक्षण करणं रे लोकांना चुकीचा संगतियात सांग यांना काही "

(Hey, Aji, see this people are telling wrong about our protectors tell them something )

Ganya replies

" सारी नेसा उदिया पासून करणं तुम्हाला नी काम काय येत नाही या मेलयाना ना

तू जेवायला येह इकडं

आलो आलो ...

हर हर महादेव

( From tomorrow onwards where saree you don't know how to work you rots

You come here for food "

Coming ....Coming

Har Har Mahadev )

Where Tech heart while he watching his smart screen working on his laptop

New Delhi war –

" This Monster has taken tons of life all over the world and he has disturbed the balance of the enviroment " Tech heart tells to himself

while through from far away distance

he see D–Day hits Superhero Surya and Superhero Surya somehow stables himself

and tries to attack with his volcanic rays

" Superheros are trying their best to take down this massive threat "

emits through his hands D– Day grts furious

and tries to attack though his atomic breath

Superhero Surya moves through his flight and the atomic rays destroys a heavy chunck of the building and that part of building debries starts melting

Dr Thunder without wasting moves towards D–Day in a thunderious tornado style and hits a heavy punch on D–Day and D–Day dashes behind standingly

" Each and every superhero and soldier has a worth to his society "

Tech– heart tells to himself

D–Day bangs on the building but didn't goes down

" But they are falling short " Tech heart to himself

Tech heart looking towards his laptop where he sees a blueprint of a highly advance robot

" I am afraid that even Ajay didn't able to defeat that Monster will this thing work or...will "

"Hey Ranjan " some one's calling from outside

sees Commissioner Sunil out of the door

" Are you ready ? " Commioner Sunil asks

" I don't know " Ranjan replies

" What do you mean by that ? " Sunil asks Ranjan

" Look at the T.V " Rajan replies to Commisioner

Commisoner Sunil sees T.V where he sees D–Day through his shoulder atomic beam

destroys the city

" Oh fear " Commisioner Sunil replies

" I.....I don't understand " Ranjan replies

" Its okey now look at me " Commisioner Sunil replies Ranjan by looking towards him

" Now take a deep breath and leave " Commissioner Sunil replies Ranjan without delay takes a deep breath and leaves 6 times

" Well it big but the bitter thing is you have to pass through I know you can do it

Don't think just press that button beacuse you have given 7 whole year for this project

and your intent to safe guard the citzens from such monster so go ahead

and press it " Commissioner Sunil as replies

Ranjan by closing his eyes for few seconds and opening it

Press the red button where through the coding the highly advance satellite of "Gamasan " getting the information if new battle bot launch

From the orbit of the earth a is preparing for its launch the new advace pod

Ranjan through his laptop showcase the location towards New Delhi

Ranjan press the button through his laptop

where through satellite the pod's getting launch towards Bharat

Ranjan highly advance advance A.I appers

in front of Ranjan and the laptop downside slate opens up with highly advance joystick

" Gamasan Parchand online " Ranjan replies

The pod which is coming from the sky opens up his head which includes one yellow eye

his arms , legs and also opens

up his weapons behind him

and without wasting lands on the ground with a heavy bang on the ground

The weapon heights is more then 1000 meaters

" Lets rock " Ranjan replies be continued....