Chapter 155

New Delhi war where every individul is been resuced by foreign as well as Bhartiya superheros and it is covered by reporters

" As we can see the joint operation heros and BRICS heros are been seeing saving the life of the citizens

This is a joint effort of their courageousness

can been seen here.... "

A heavy of something bangs on the ground

and the heavy smoke speads all around them

Everybody is shock to here and are trying to see that the huge shadow of 1000 meter robot has landed on the ground and the next moment it stands

" वो क्या है वो लोगो तो "गहमासन" का लग रह है "

( What's that the logo is similar to that of Gamasan ) Duck reporter replies

" कैमरे जूम करो "

( Zoom the camera ) tells the camera man

The camera zoom at the logo

"ओह दर्शकों अप देख सकते है वह भारत देश के सुरक्षा बल घमासान का लोगो है "

(Oh viewers can see up that is the logo of India's security force Ghamsaan)

The reporter duck replies

D–Day roles and sees the giant robot and gets furious and charges an moves ahead charge an on Ghamasan

In headquarters

" I didn't expected that he would be that huge " Ranjan tells to himself by seeing the the senario from the A.I scan

"But I have to end this " Ranjan replies

Ranjan control his joy sticks

The Monster as he attacks atomic as well as shoulder atmoc rays the robot jumps on to other side and stables through his jetboots

and as the robot rolles the Monster cling his claws on the robots shoulder but the robot holds both his hands towards the claws the

clap of their power creates a sonic wave which destroys some bulding and breaks up all the glass of the buldings , cars and cameras the people on as well as in subways fells down on the ground due to shock wave

The duck by falling on the ground

" जमीन में पड़े मत रहना रिकॉर्डिंग करते रहे "

( Don't lie down on the ground continue shooting )

" बॉस मोबाइल काम से गया है "

( Boss, mobile is destroyed ) the camera man replies )

" अरे दूसरा गैजेट निकल ना"

( Take out the other ones ) Duck replies

The camera man opens up the bag

" वो भी बर्बाद हुए है "

(They are also destroyed ) the camera man replies

"अरे यार बाकी यो को न्यूज मिल जायेगा "

(Oh man other will be getting the news )

The duck reporter replies

" Grrrrrrrreeeeee...."

D–Day pushes Ghamasan Robot behind by clunging both their palms Gamasan tries to stop but dashes standingly behind while dashing all the road and ground debries

cracks or say starts breaking due to their huge legs

In headquerters Ranjan through joystick control

" His powers are unimaginable " Ranjan replies

Ranjan moves his joystick controllers

their on the other hand robot rolls his body and holds his hand with both his hand and throws the Monster on the ground by breaking the road and vehicles and also breaking off debries

The news camera man who is a Horse with his mobile to shoot through his canera

The jawan comes

" यह शूटिंग बदमे ..."

( Do this shooting .....) the jawan when say a a small debries from the ground hits on the jawans head and he fell uncautious

"Oh boy what the heck" after the camera man reacts he runs away

The duck reporter with his camera man

runs to hide out

" Come on ..." The duck reporter roles

" What is that " duck replies

The other reporter who is a duck sees the uncautious jawan

" Oh jawan " duck as reacts goes and sees the jawan

" Oh he is breathing come on help me " duck as replies both duck and camera man helps the jawan to move towards the safe place

On the other side the robot tries to punch D– Day but D–Day moves aside by rolling the robot punch hits the ground

D– Day without wasting hits his atomic kick and the robot falls behind breaking all the buildings

" Its shit....." Ranjan replies be continued