Chapter 157

2 months ago –

In Australia war seen by Kamlesh , Sidha through their laptop and the T.V News related the Australian war

Foreign news channel " Freedom news "

whose anchor is Pomariaon dog

"Some peoples are claming that their's is war and other group of peoples in their is no

such war in Australia

Defence forces and goverment

are not clearing the matters reading this situation which is not a good thing "

Kamlesh after getting irritaed

" What the hell is all this goverment has already issued the big notice in social media platforms other mediums "

" Do not mind them lets focus on footages did you get any coverges " Ranjit replies

" Let me ...yes here we are " Kamlesh reacts

All the three of them sees the footage of post war thing

" So much divestation it more then what Hazardious did during that time "

Sidha reacts

" As per report 30 soldiers are injured

And that Monster and Doctor Hyna are moving towards Indonasia through sea route and those four monster have started causing havoc in Indonasia "

Ranjit replies

" Hmmmm..."

Through the laptop Kamlesh see something comes out off the ground and takes the flight upwards

" What is this ? " Kamlesh asks

In Australia the people and jawan sees in the sky and they feel the flight shockwave

" Whow "

" What happened to Karul ? " People replies

Karul in sky takes his super fight which through his shock wave tares up the clouds

His appearance have changed his face is dark blue and his hair is white and his armor is torned off

" He blew we through his tail he will repay

.....He will repay " Karul in fiercely replies to himself

Karul moves of his body in the mid air and speeds up his flight and the heavy sonic creates a hole in the clouds flies forward

and Kamlesh and other sees through tha lap top the drone camera is recording the speed and velocity of the power and flight

In other side Dr Hyna on top of D–Day march forward through the seas

Dr Hyna notice something and sees upwards Karul was marching towards them

and without wasting hits D–Day with his both his fist Dr Hyna jumps up

But the shock wave creates through that clash blows Dr Hyna and the sea where the D–Day is present thewater around creates a heavy Isunami like thing on all the four sides

and the shock wave is effected by near by boats and battleships around

" sungguh tsunami"

(What a tsunami) the people in boat

People in the battleship

"benda ini jatuh di tengah laut"

( this thing has hit in the middle of the sea)

The soldier replies

The people on the sea shore in Indonasia and other world contries experience those shock wave for more that 6 weeks

Some people fall of from chair or while walking or soldiers fall

some while sometimes building glass breaks

the vehicle gets disturbed and stopped

Karul takes D– Day exchanges heavy blows through kicks and punch in their ultimate form

and bangs him down the sea due to which the shock wave all the water around them

creates a vaccum space without water and aquatic animals feels waterless some blows of along with water and through all four side creates Very big tide

which the boats smudge in water but some how the people are been saved by navy submarines and those huge tides are created which the cities on indonasia face it the people and animals around the city are panicked some of them taken away through those tides even the vehicles of the city also get effected some are taken off the road

D–Day out their gets furious through his atomic palms hits Karul and Karul swiftly falls aside towards the sea water which is forming itself to it postion Karul taring those sea water breaks hits on the debries of island the huge chunk gets crack off

In Indonasia people and animals experience the heavy viberation and in some parts earth quake too

"ya tuhan apa yang terjadi ini"

( oh god what is this going) women is reacting

" mengapa saluran berita tidak menampilkan tanda-tanda gempa bumi"

(why didn't news channels showcased the signs of earthquake ) the cat reacts

"silakan ikut dengan kami untuk memastikan keamanan"

( Please come with us to ensure the safety )

The police man helps the people

The sea comes to its level

The people from the sea are been taken safetly in battle ship

" apa itu"

( Whats that ? )

A man pointing finger sees that that the part of the sea is changing its colour and the water starts getting warmer

D– Day body charged up with atomic energy and attacks its rays on towards Karul

Karul through his swift flight tries to stop it with its super sonic shout and atomic rays gets defuse due to which the sea gets disturbed and the city and vehicle glasses breaks off

Karul and D–Day attacks each other through their fist

D–Day through it atomic ray through shoulder hits Karul Karul holds that atomic rays through his both palms and moves back due to preassure but through his hand attacks on D–Day's leg without wasting Karul takes D–Day with him and dashes him on the sea ground

D– Day gets furious and through his atomicpunch hits Karul and bangs him on the ground due to which the huge tides are been crated the whole world experience this viberation some experience earth quake

In Pune Jaya and Vinay experience this both things when they are in road

At home too

Kamalesh and Sidha are shock to see the data of the energy waves created through this war

" What is ....." Kamlesh reacts

" Its out of the mind if this war continues then the whole world balance will be on danger

But we don't have such equipments to comeout such thing "

Ranjit replies in fear be continued