During Australian war or say D–Day war
2 months ago
Two owl who different from each other and one can't see and other one is normal discussing
" भाई यह क्या बोल रह है मौलाना अस्तर नाईक "Terror Master" ने शर्क लाया है इसका मतलब समाज दे"
( Brother, what the hell is this Maulana Astar
Naik said about Terror Master he has brought Sirk to all of them tell us the meaning about it ) one owl asks blind owl owl
" देखो शर्क का अर्थ है जोह " अल्लाह के साथ है " या कहे जोह उनके साथ बाटा जा सकता है
पर साला यही समाज नही आ रहे की यह मौलाना उस जिह***द के साथ शर्क बाटने की बात कैसे कर सकता है
अमेरिका में तो साला..."
( The meaning of the " Shirk "is one who is with Allah or say the thing can we share with him
But darn I am not understanding how can that Maulana can share shirk with that Ji****di In America this shit has...)
While the blind owl was replying thise both E–Tuber has experienced a heavy viberation around them
" ये क्या था बे "
( What was that ) the owl asks
" टी.वी चालू कर "
( Switch on the T.V ) the blind owl replies
The owl picks the remote and on th T.V news
where they see The Anchor is reporting the news regarding " War of Karul and D– Day through " the drone view
Through negative vision
The sea water is blown aside clearly
" अबे इसकी तो हो कहा रह है और असर कहा अनुभव हो रह है बे "
(Where is going and where its effects feeling ) owl replies to bind owl
In the T.V they see Karul on the through his
Super shout hit D– Day on his chest
" हजार्डियस के साथ युद्ध किया था तब वो कितना भयानक था भूल गया क्या ? "
( While battling with Hazardious recall how destructive it was ) the blind owl replies
D– Day attacks his atomic breath and atomic rays through his shoulders and Karul hold those atomic power through his both hand but dashes behind standingly rapidly bangs on the islands which are between Indinasia and Australia and then moves back on too indian ocean
" हा पर ..."
( Yes but )
The owl about to reply
" एक बात बता वो करूल का शरीर ने रूप बदला क्या ? "
( Tell me one thing did Karul change his form)
The blind owl asks
The D–Day runs some distance and jumps on with his atomic fist
" कारूल ने ही नहीं तो डी–डे ने भी अपना अपग्रेड करवा लिया है "
( Not only Karul but D–Day too upgraded him self )
The owl reply
Karul jumps off from that attack from D– Day hits it on the sea ground the sea water moves aside many aquatic animals get killed and the Viberation id been felt by those owl and they fell down
" ये लोग भी शर्क का हिस्सा है क्या ?"
( Is that too a part of Shirk? )Owl asks
" अरे उस विशेष समुदाय के तोड़ी है "
( They are not the part of the particular cult )
The blind owl replies
Underwater in Banda sea
In the war zone where Karul comes taring off those island debries and holds one of big chunk and thrown on to D–Day destroys thats with his atomic palms Karultries to attack D– Day but D– Day through his tail hits Karul Karul falls on breaking and coming out of islands and falls on through those Indonsia village in Lisa Bengomban breaking out those house
"apa ini ?
( what is this ?
monster ) the people comes shouting
D–Day comes out of the sea the atomic power coming out of the body and enters towards Indonasian seas people and animals who are enjoying the spot runs off from that place
The police officals are helping the citizens vacanting the city
Grrrrrrrrreeeeee ...
The Monster roars
Karul comes out from those house debries and sees D– Day and takes off his superflight and attacks him holding his chin and bangs him on the water again D–Day gets angry and tries to attack with his atomic breath and shoulder rays but Karul hurls boths his hand and hits a very energy emitting thunderious clap due to which the atomic breath gets destroyed and Karul due to the force of it dashes in to the sea again
The people and animals around that war fells due to that clap house and vehicle glasses breaks off
Karul moves towards D–Day too attack
D–Day atomic energy shining furiously gets up and Karul falls aside on to the island near Indonasia
D–Day goes running towards that island
Karul stands about to stable himself without wasting D–Day kicks with both the legs and island getting destroyed and Karul fall off far away crossing the Indian ocean
Dr Hyna jumping through the seas sees the senario
" Well well what a delight to see such a powerful hero flying in the sky in such a way
I am quiet satisfied to see my manicing to such peak
Well I will tell Glitch to send my other Monster to other countries " Dr Hyna replies
And sees towards Drone camera
"I will not let this joy to be cornered " Dr Hyna replies
" He .....he ..he "
.....To be continued