In Kenya
Karul hurls from the sky and fall on city building trashing all that falls on the road
(People shouts )
People around sees the shattered place
"ni nini hicho?"
( what is that ?) People react
" It was like a meteor" people reacts to it
Karul comes out from the broken road in furious mood comes out
" Grrrrreeeee..." (From the distance )
People are astonised to here that
" What is..." People react
Karul takes off the flight towards the sky
In Pune where Kamlesh and other watching this battle
Through radar they see Karul moving D– Day in middle of Indian ocean
" can't belive their are such villans "
Kamlesh replies
" Their are many more to see, Kamlesh "
Ranjit replies
" What do you mean ?" Kamlesh asks
" Never mind I will tell you when the time is right " Ranjit replies
D– Day moving towards Indian oceanand seas getting hot the same time Karul comes and hits with his super roar due to it D–Day
moves inside underwater Karul through his flight moves inside the sea and tries to attack D– Day but D– Day attacks through his atomic rays comes out from the shoulder
Karul blocks the attack but moves back due to force Karul his hand D–Day punchs Karul and Karul falls on the sea ground and everything shatters around them the stones around them gets destroyed
D–Day through his atomic breath hits Karul and Karul gets more steeper and the cracks widen off and the lava comes off from it
After a while Isunami comes out towards Kerala and Tamil Nadu Karul gets up in a injured way tares off rays and punches D–Day D–Day falls behind Karul through his flight holds D–Day and dashes on through those sea ground
" Yahhhhh..."
Karul through his both the punches hits on D–Day's chest very heavily . The sea ground heavy crackes come out and all around and stones breaks off.
D-Day gets uncautious for a moment Karul moves towards D–Days tail and holds and rolls two rounds and throws him off the sea
and D–Day is in the air moving towards Yemen
" This war between you and me will be taken on otherside where their is no one "
Karul tells furiously
Yemen people are shocked and afraid to see this senario
Karul comes out through his flight and hits D–Day very hard and takes him with towards air through his super flight
Through down their the civilans sees D–Day takes through air
The defence headquarters through their radar see
" He will be taken to Iceland or Green land "
Soldiers reply
Iraq and Saudi Arabia while nearing to Madetarania sea D–Day gets his causious back see Karul taking him and D–Day getting furious and attacks Karul through his atomic breath which Karul dodges and takes D–Day with him but the atomic rays hits those rays hits to the city of Egypt called Alaxzandria buildings
People are afraid and scared
D–Day's body shine due to atomic energy
and through his body comes out a atomic blast due to which Karul falls in Madetranian seas and D– Day too falls down near Syracuse, Sisily–Italy
People are afraid and shock to see such a huge monster near the sea and from the other cities it can be seen through
Some people are taking the video of it
mio Dio, un mostro così enorme
( my god such a huge monster )
Lynx replies
Deve essere stato quel Mostro a causare la distruzione in Australia
( It must be that Monster which caused destruction in Australia )
People reacts
come diavolo è successo qui?
(how the hell did it come here? )
The red deer reacts
Karul through his fight comes out of water
injured and exhausted about to close his eyes sees
" You are a doosh bag know that "
D–Day by getting furious attacks about to attack on citizens
Karul through his super flight moves towards D–Day and hit heavy double to his
chest the huge shock wave creates due to which heavy waves hits the people and building debries and glass breaks
D–Day moves back some steps behind and his chest breaks
Police officals arrives at sight
"che diavolo dove sono le truppe? "
(what the hell
where is the troops) officer asks
But police officals replies
"maledetti idioti"
(bloody idiots)
"il posto è vacante"
(vaccant the place)
officer tells it loudly
Police officals without wasting moves towards those citizens D– Day tries to attack Karul but Karul moves from the sight and moves to attack D– Day through his heavy atomic breath bangs Karul in the sea due to which the sea waves coming of the shore hitting the people while they where escaping
Karul after the hit through sea tries to get up
Karul through his atomic kick hits Karul due to which the sea waves getting more bigger and the water hits the city
Karul gets uncautious
D– Day roars for his victory and his chest repairs itself
" Grrrrrreeeee..."
" It was the delight to sees the powerful hero down in the sea and the whole world in fire "
Dr Hyna replies be continued....