Chapter 160

14 weeks

In New Delhi

Dr Hyna pushes Katansan and Razor behind

" The defeat " Dr Hyna replies

Katanasan and Razor falls behind on the ground but stables them self by doing back role

" Doesn't make you sit ideal " Dr Hyna replies and he comes forward towards them

" From inside it eats you you do everything but the hopes shatters " Dr Hyna replies

The loud sound of punches both the heros see Those Titans hitting D–Day

" Look closely "

D–Day punches "Ghamasan– Prachanda "through his punch " Ghamasan Prachanda"

standingly dashes back and D–Day through his atomic breath and shoulder rays hit Prachanda

" They are courageous no doubt " Dr Hyna replies

Ranjan through his joystick pushes the hand and press the button for shield

Prachanda by moving both his hand towards his upper body enables shields through his both fore arms and makes it one the attack hits but Prachanda though dashes behind standingly breaking all the building

People sees the clash

Down in civilans jawan are vaccanting them

(यहाँ सुरक्षित नहीं है चलो दूसरी तरफ चलते हैं)

"Its not safe here lets go to other side "

jawan to other jawan (soldiers)

"But will they survive " Dr Hyna replies

Razor looking at Katanasan

" Hey samurai" Razor calls Katanasan

Katansan looking towards Razor

" Mind if I answer?" Razor asks

Katanasan nodes his head to reply

" Hey you dirt bag you are not new to us we have faced many like you and shattered into dust soon you will realise the mistake "

Razor replies

" Its not a suit for theperson who will be dying in such chaoas " Dr Hyna replies

Hyna through claws attacks on Razor and Katanasan but they both defends themself through sword

" You will realise " Razor replies

Goryu through his energy blast attacks continiously and through flight moving towards him D–Day doesn't able to stable himself without wasting punches D– Day

D–Day too tries to punch him but Goryu deflects and that punch hits on the building

and Goryu through his tail catches hos both leg and D– Day falls on the ground.

Goryu attack with his energy blast but D–Day roles and saves from that attack and through his energy breath D– Day attacks Goryu

While Goryu and D–Day battles each other

Ranjan press the button for chain mace

Ghamasan robot stand on his feet and starts running moving his sheild towards left hand and his right hand closes his fist and the spikes comes out from the fist and the fist from it forearm comes out with a steel wire attached to it and Ghamasan roles that fist and through his back and ankle jets dashing forward

mean while D–Day kicks Goryu and Goryu falls aside banging on to small building .

Ghamasan dashes through jets smacks his spiked punch to his face D–Day falls on the ground losing his jaw bone

D–Day tries to stand his jaws regerating itself

but Goryu attacks through energy blast D–Day bangs on the buildings Goryu tries to stand but then through spickes mace Ghamasan dashing with his jets attacks on D–Day's chest which breaks off D-Day gets angry and holds Ghamasan mace arm and through his atomic shoulder rays attacks on Him Ghamasan without wasting deflect the attack through his shield and D–Day gets hit and the atomic rays pierce his stomach

but then ith heals very slowly Ghamasan through his shield punches on D–Day moves his head behind but stables himself gets angry and gives the head butt on Ghamasan's chest Ghamasan falls on the ground Goryu tries to kick but D–Day defects and lifts Goryu

D–Day's body shines due to atomic power

withouth wasting attacks Ghamasan with his super atomic breath Ghamasan through shield the atomic particles melts the building , glasses and vehicles too around them defends that attack but dashes behind standingly more than 2000 meters and other through his atomic rays attacks Goryu falls aside bangs on a skyscraper


Dr Thunder and Surya wakes up and sees D–Day

" Feels like its time you play your card "

Surya replies

" Yeah " Dr Thunder replies be continued.....