In New Delhi war –
Bhawesh and Prakash reacting with two heads of D–Day and his body is evolving due to atomic energy and his body also devoping spikes fighting with Titans where D–Day through his two head hits with his atomic breath on Titan heros
" What the heck ?" Both react
" His regenaration can go to such extent I didn't know that
can the atomic power can provide such powers
I need it "
Prakash reacts
Goryu through his energy breaths attacks on D–Day's head
" No , the atomic energy is very destructive it will turn the person into ashes without delay " Jaya replies
Vion attacks through his electric sword on D–Day's shoulder and the spike which he use to attack with cuts off his spike
Ghamasan hits with his laser blaster realeses from his hand and Goryu through his claws hits on one of D–Days head but then Ghamasan tries to attack with his fist mace but one of his head holds that chain mace and pulls towards him and through his shoulder rays attacks on Ghamasan without wasting Ghamasan gets falls back on buildings
Reels –
E_tuber replies who is a ox
" this so amuzing to see D–Day trashing those superheros "
The E tuber who is a bull
" hey ,
why are you so happy
"I know your grand father must funded for this right "
Chats applications/ apps
"но подумай об этом если эти Титаны не победят их, мы потерпим поражение"
(but think of it
if these Titans won't defeat them we are down and dusted )
" हम ई नाहीं कर पाए लेकिन एक नागरिक के रूप मा हमका ओन लोगन का समर्थन करै का चाही जे हमरी मदद किहिन हैं"
(we didn't able to do it but as the citizen we must support the people who has helped us )
" gute Worte Als Deutschland- bzw. Soldaten-Anhänger sind wir damit einverstanden"
( good words
as a Germany or say soldiers supporters we agree to it )
" #wesupportcountrysons"
The support comes from all over the world through
"We too "
" Respect💪💪"
" Fu**** those who hate our heros we adore them "
" Respect from Czeck"
Haters go to hell
We are a family "
Dr Hyna and other monster fighting against the heros
" He ....he ...ha ...ha ( laughs like Hyena )
"Do you see those Titans their " Hyna tells to superheros
Hyena hits Razor and Razor falls back on the wall Dr Hyna picks Katanasan and bangs him on the furniture Dr Hyna rums swiftly before Razor falls on the ground
" Well...well ...
So what where you blabbering ...
Oh yes ....their will be some one ...look their "
Both of them see the Titan war where D–Day is overpowering those Titan heros
" These people don't look .....they will save you all.....
D–Day lifts Vion and bangs on building
this state will turn into ashes .....who will save ....."
Towards the destroyed city
" The city.....the people their a hero...."
Ajay is present somewhere in a black hole thing where memories are floating
" Is everything thing is going to be dust"
" Darn this feeling of helpness its not of a pain but of the emotional turmoil that given by that Monster "
The fight with D–Day comes as pictures
" I can hear, feel each and everything and I want to stand but
Ahhhh... This ....Darn I can't...."
To be continued...