Chapter 164

Ajay sees the endless cycle of memories see in Aoroura where he sees the Jaya was not present in her place while she was helping the peoples out during the earthquke caused by D–Day

" I remember when I failed to realise Jaya was not present in her place "

Through images we can see Ajay through his x–ray vision is searching Jaya everywhere

" How the hell was it possible I didn't find Jaya anywhere around "

But Ajay leans his flight ahead through his x–ray vision trying to see Jaya but he founds here in a terrace and takes his swift flight towards her and picks her up

" But fortunately I found her "

Jaya gives letter to Vinay

" the letter "

It's written" I am watching on you "

"It must be Dr Hyna not a surprise what he is doing justifies that....."

Ajay replies

The senario changes in Aoruara

"But main thing is I want to help those Titan heros but can I able to do that ....I ...."

Ajay replies

" Where is Dada? " Sidha asks Jaya

" I don't know we will find out you peoples jus...." Jaya about to tell but her sister holds her

" No ,Tai you don't go its dangerous out their"

" Don't worry those destruction is not taking place out here its in Delhi " Bhawesh replies

" No that monster is destroying all the heros and see those Titans heros are not able to cope up with it

By the name of "Jagdamba " you will not go anywhere " Sidha replies to both of them

They both felt helpless after hearing that

"Nice " Ajay replies

" But still I am confused how ro take down this Monster

Ajay through that Aroura sees D–Day monsterosity on the city and superhero

" Their is ..."

" Vinay " Ojas wan from behind calls off his name

Ojaswan through flight coming towards Ajay


Ajay bends down to touch his feet as it signify Ashirwarda: ( the Bharat ( indian ) tradition)

" विजयी भावा:"

( May you be victorious)

"Tell me why are you so afraid and confused"Ojaswan asks

" Its because of this monster which I am not able to defeat it..... he is too powerful....and no superhero is able to take him down "

Ajay says that

Through the Aoroura they both seeTwo headed D–Day is defeating those Titan superheros

" Hmmmm.... quiet powerful this thing is "

Ojaswan reacts

" Well , come lets forget it for a while what it is "

They both by flight through those ice land going to other side

" You known its difficult to deal with such problems and also I had to see the family together " Ojaswan tells Ajay but is now they are going to sit on the rock in one on the mountain and the Aurora of Titan war is going on

" Sit down " Ojaswan tells Ajay Ajay sits aside and nano tech he winds the helmate behind

" Is it difficult ? " Vinay asks Ojaswan

" yes ....but its also same for you

But I proud that you handled the situation of your temper which was difficult for me

" Ojaswan replies

" At my time I was more of a testtube subjet where I was not able to control my rage my temper used to cost lot of destruction a lot

Even it was difficult for the defence and Gurudev to control me

After each and every battle their was a battle

for them againest my temperament

Its was very hard "Ojas wan replies

" So how did you learn to control it ? " Vinay asks Ojaswan

" Its because of your mother who was working as militeries research ward she told one sentence " our emotions are not others responsibility it should be controlled by us and us only " thus I did it and from that day onwards gradually actions by my tempament is controlled

The situation and the villans do came destroys from our soul and by body

Never get blown away by it just focus on your deeds

Focus on what you been taught by your mentors

I am waiting for your arrival Vinay just do your thing "

Ojawan says that and he escapes from their

" Focus "

The words echos in Vinays mind and

Vinay without wasting time sits in "Padmasana " and closes his eyes

"....on your deeds "

" Focus on what is taught by your mentor "

The words echos and

Vinay in Padmasana focus be continued.....