Chapter 165

2months before

Trestan da Cunta

Vinay wearing a black nano suit training with his elements through by without touching them making them float in the air

" Good .....very good

Create by mixing these elements " Gurudev tells Vinay

Vinay by focusing creating wolves through sand

" Something better " Gurudev replies

Vinay through those stone creates big hands

" Better " Gurudev replies

Vinay through wind and sand creates a tornado

" Better more bigger " Gurudev replies

" Bigger you are telling me to create a truck or monster " Vinay replies

" A Titan " Gurudev replies

" Oh boy it will take out my whole lot of energy " Vinay replies

" At first it will but then after you will learn to do it instently it takes time

But you must prepare yourself from every danger like D–Day" Gurudev replies

" Guruji , do you feel that such huge monster do exists ?" Vinay replies

" Yes it does and also their are monster that are worst then that

Problems do come and shatter away its disturbs discuss with your self or with others

Never glorify it just do your work "

So be better everday "

Gurudev replies

Vinay trainning with his elements powers creating each and every living thing

" Its was hard where in one hand you balance your training " Vinay replies

Vinay sees smart T.V where he sees Ajay fan clubs are accused and some where is earlier actions are also been accused

" Where in on other hand you have to balance my life with acquactions "

Vinay with his family going aquarium

" with family "

Vinay with friends

"with friends "

Vinay in kabbadi pratice

" and my dearest kabbadi pratice which gives me new idea to deal with worst of the worst situation

and yes it helps me to stables myself during acquations which I don't like it "

Vinay failing in creating his own Titan

"creating a Titan that was hard task beacuse my vision was not clear at first but after a crystal clear vision but then also creating a one titan a mirror image of myself it was difficult "

Titans was taking the form but iit falls again and again

"A lot many times a lot many errors "

Ajay to himself

"Took me 2 months of hard training sessions

It's still not polished "

Vinay replies

" But for my loved ones I have to do it wheather I fail but .....

I can't because some one in the galaxy is waiting for me so I have to...."

Vinay in mediation near Aurora through that we see D–Day trashing those Titan heros

Vinay helmate comes back to his head

but he still in Padmasan and mediatates

" Focus "

through those Aurora we can see peoples all over the world are worried for their life

"Что будет, если это чудовище придет в Россию"

(What will happen if rhis monster comes to Russia?)

"నా పిల్లలు డిస్నీ ల్యాండ్‌కి వెళ్లారు నేను వారిని చూడకుండా చనిపోతాను"

(my kids have gone to disney land

would I die without seeing them )

"Oh Gott, lass meine Kinder nicht so etwas erleben"

(oh god don't let my children face anything like this )

"私の...子供たち... どうか...神様,...これのせいで誰も死なせないでください...."

"my...children... My family( sob )

please( sob ) ....god don't let anyone die due to ....this...." A sheep crying

" Focus "

"ॐ त्र्य॑म्बकं यजामहे सु॒गन्धिं॑ पुष्टि॒वर्ध॑नम् ।

उ॒र्वा॒रु॒कमि॑व॒ बन्ध॑नान्मृ॒त्योर्मु॑क्षीय॒ माऽमृता॑॑त् ।"

(Mrutynjay mantra )

"Om mani padme hum" a elephant chants

those buddha mantras

(Buddha sutra )

"Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo"

" Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha"

"Focus "

"Ik onkar, satnam, karta purakh, nirbhau,

Nir vair, aakaal murat, ajooni se bhang,

Gur parsaad. Jap.

Aad sach jugaad sach,

Hai bhi sach naanak hosi bhi sach.

Sochey soch na hove je sochey laakh vaar"

from his all the eight chakras

"Focus "

Chupe chup na hove je lai raha liv taar,

Bhukyaa bhuk na utri je banna puriya bhaar,

Sehas sayaanpa lakh hoey ta ek na chale naal

Kiv sacheyara hoiye kiv kude tuttey paal

Hukam rajai chalna naanak likhya naal

" Focus "

and four tatwas shines and all chakras and tatwas coming together and through Aurora

which is taking the form of spirit

A boy chanting the mantra :

गिरिवर विन्ध्यशिरोधिनिवासिनी, विष्णु विलासिनीजिष्णुनुते।।

भगवति हे शितिकण्ठ कुटुम्बिनी, भूरि कुटुम्बिनी भूत कृते।

जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी, रम्य कपर्दिनी शैलसुते।।

The girl chanting the mantra :

भीमरूपी महारुद्रा, वज्रहनुमान मारुती |

वनारी अंजनीसूता रामदूता प्रभंजना ||१||

महाबळी प्राणदाता, सकळां उठवी बळें |

सौख्यकारी दुःखहारी, दुत वैष्णव गायका ||२||

दीनानाथा हरीरूपा, सुंदरा जगदांतरा |

पाताळदेवताहंता, भव्यसिंदूरलेपना ||३||

"Focus "

The huge Titan with shashtra bahu ( hand full of weapons )

"लोकनाथा जगन्नाथा, प्राणनाथा पुरातना |

पुण्यवंता पुण्यशीला, पावना परितोषका ||४||

ध्वजांगे उचली बाहो, आवेशें लोटला पुढें |

काळाग्नी काळरुद्राग्नी, देखतां कांपती भयें ||५||

ब्रह्मांडे माईलें नेणों, आवळे दंतपंगती |

नेत्राग्नीं चालिल्या ज्वाळा, भ्रुकुटी ताठिल्या बळें"

"Focus "

With hand of axe , khadag ( sword ) , trishul ( trident ), dhal , ghada ( mace ), dhanush and bana ( bow and arrow ) and also vajra ( thunderbolt )

"पुच्छ ते मुरडिले माथा, किरीटी कुंडले बरीं |

सुवर्ण कटी कांसोटी, घंटा किंकिणी नागरा ||७||

ठकारे पर्वता ऐसा, नेटका सडपातळू |

चपळांग पाहतां मोठे, महाविद्युल्लतेपरी ||८||

कोटिच्या कोटि उड्डाणें, झेपावे उत्तरेकडे |

मंद्राद्रीसारिखा द्रोणू, क्रोधें उत्पाटिला बळें ||९||"

" Focus "

The body taking the form of the armors like ancient warriors

आणिला मागुतीं नेला, आला गेला मनोगती |

मनासी टाकिलें मागें, गतीसी तुळणा नसे ||१०||

अणुपासोनि ब्रह्मांडाएवढा होत जातसे |

तयासी तुळणा कोठे, मेरू मंदार धाकुटे ||११||

ब्रह्मांडाभोवतें वेढें, वज्रपुच्छें करू शकें |

तयासी तुळणा कैची, ब्रह्मांडी पाहता नसे ||१२||

"Focus "

The legs like animal like form of panther and has a shield

"अणुपासोनि ब्रह्मांडाएवढा होत जातसे |

तयासी तुळणा कोठे, मेरू मंदार धाकुटे ||११||

ब्रह्मांडाभोवतें वेढें, वज्रपुच्छें करू शकें |

तयासी तुळणा कैची, ब्रह्मांडी पाहता नसे ||१२||

आरक्त देखिलें डोळा, ग्रासिलें सूर्यमंडळा |

वाढतां वाढतां वाढें, भेदिलें शून्यमंडळा ||१३|"

" Focus "

The titan getting its tail like monkey and in its back a wings like Garuda ( eagle) and crow takes form

धनधान्य पशूवृद्धि, पुत्रपौत्र समग्रही |

पावती रूपविद्यादी, स्तोत्रपाठें करूनियां ||१४||

भूतप्रेतसमंधादी, रोगव्याधी समस्तही |

नासती तूटती चिंता, आनंदे भीमदर्शनें ||१५||

"Focus "

Around the head the crown like sudarshan chakra is formed the head taking a form of


"हे धरा पंधरा श्लोकी, लाभली शोभली बरी |

दृढदेहो निसंदेहो, संख्या चन्द्रकळागुणें ||१६||

रामदासी अग्रगण्यू, कपिकुळासि मंडणू |

रामरूपी अंतरात्मा, दर्शनें दोष नासती ||१७||"

"Focus "

The face taking a form of a lion

" Without any doubt I will be "sankat mochana" for my loved ones and for this world " Vinay tells

The lion roars be continued