All the world people are shock see D–Day falling back in one roar
" What the heck ? " The teenagers reaction
" рев"
(a roar ) a russian dog replies
" すばらしい"
(amazing ) a japanese girl replies
A news anchor
" कहा थे हमरा यह महनायक जब इस दुष्ट की शक्ति चरम पे कर रहा था "
( Where was this superhero when this evils power was in peak )
The deer replies
The another video anchor shows where people and animals as Ajay's fans and normal peoples
of Andra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are bursting crackers , dancing and whistling and through flower on the screen when they see Ajay's Titan form
"పెప్సీ కోకోలా మరియు టాప్సైడ్లో మన అజయ్బాబు"
( Pepsi Cocola aside
and our Ajaybabu on Topside )
The anchor who is. with crowd
"நம் ஹீரோ தெய்வீக வடிவில் எழுந்தருளினார்"
(our hero has risen up in a godly form )
"கடவுளைப் போல போற்றுவது சரியா?"
(is it okay to rise like a god) the anchor replies
The man from the audience moves his mike towards himself
"ஏய் நீ நீ என்ன பேசுகிறாய் ?"
(hey you
what are you talking ?)
The man replies
"அவர்களின் பார்க்க"
(see their )the man replies
Two headed D– Day gets up from debries
Ajay Titans bends his leg and spred his wings and leaps himself towards the sky
D–Day through his two heads tries to attack
with his atomic breath Titan through his shield and through volcanic breath clashes on the aotomic breath
"1 மாதத்திற்கும் மேலாக நமது வீரர்கள் மற்றும் சூப்பர் ஹீரோக்கள் அந்த அசுரனுடன் சண்டையிட்டுக் கொண்டிருக்கிறார்கள்"
(more than 1 month our soldiers and superheros are fighting with that monster )
The other Titans seeing the clash
Ranjan through his headquarters
" What are we looking at we got a hope don't miss it " Ranjan replies
Vion moving his body behind and throws his axe towards D–Day
" Not.....a... chance " Dr Thunder replies
Other mans voice
"எல்லா கொள்கைகளும் மக்களுக்காக மட்டுமல்ல, உங்களைப் போன்ற மக்களுக்காகவும் உங்கள் உயிரைக் காப்பாற்ற என்ன செய்தன பலர் அதை தியாகம் செய்தனர்"
(what all thing what all policies not just for the people but also for the peoples like you have done to save your life
many also sacrificed it ) man replies
D–Day gets hit by the axe D– Day gets angry
but at the same time the magnificent Titans hits on D– Day's head and through his kadag
slashes on D–Day's stomach D–Day falls aside
D–Day without wasting gets hits with his both atomic kicks but Titan through hai wings move back and stables himself
Goryu through his energy breathes attacks continiously on D–Day
"இந்த நேரத்தில் நாம் நம்பிக்கை இழக்கப் போகிறோம் நம் ஹீரோ அஜய் எழுகிறார்"
(At this time when we about to loose hope
our hero Ajay arises )
Ghamasan through his flight attacks on D–Day with laser blasts
Ajay's Titan without wasting through his bow and arrow attack with 15 water arrows
D– Day gets hit due to it and all the atomic energy in him freezes
"எனவே அவர் நம் அனைவருக்கும் தெய்வீகமானவர் மற்றும் நாங்கள் அதைப் பற்றி தெளிவாக இருக்கிறோம்"
(so he is a godly being for all of us
and we are crystal clear about it )
Ajay inside the Titan making him nervous and feeling dizzy inside
" What is this feeling I am.....not to ....."
" Don't give up on this emotion " Principal through armors video call
" Sir ," Vinay replies
" This is the time where people which you love and which they love are seeing you as a hope
Don't dare to fall " Principal sir replies
" Yes sir " Vinay replies
Titan opens his wings for the flight and jumps off towards D–Day
" the reason for leaving my brothers and sisters will be a head ache because I told them that I will be serving Ai and Baba beacause goverment has permitted it and I am sure Ranjit kaka will support me in some or the other way "
Vinay to himself
Ghamasan on D–Day attacks through his chain mace as the D–Day role Titan is in front of D–Day
Ajay inside the Titan
" I noticed a thing this Monster is healing up very quickly after having the blows "
D–Day swings his atomic tail on Titan the shock wave blows off the building around them Titan falls some distance away but through his wings stables off on the ground dashing on through it
People in Korea are seeing through the office T.V
"그는 너무 강력해요" The cat replies
(He is so powerful )
"안녕 안녕 너무 두려워하지 마세요 그가 할 일은 행동이다"
(hey hey
don't be so afraid
he will do is deed ) the man replies
D– Day through his shoulder rays and atomic breath attacks on Titans Titan through his shield and mace defends the attack Titan through his wings cuts of D–Day's attack but D–Day jumps on Titan and through his atomic fist hit the Titan but Titan without wasting hold his fist through jaws and bangs him on the ground and through his volcanic axe hits D–Day dashes on to the ground some distance away from the city
D–Day about to stable himself but the Titan takes up the flight and kicks D–Day but D–Day dashes behind with both legs crashing on to those building behind him but his injury are recovering then after he stables himself
Titan takes his flight and moves towards D–Day but through his atomic rays makes a cresent moon like thing around him
Ajay inside gets destracted D–Day through his tail hits on the Titan Titan though falls some distance behind
"He is powerful but
I can see through X–Ray that D–Day has not recovered his chest around heart which he caught up with heavy blows that sholud help "
Ajay replies
But stables behind through his wings D–Day run forward to attack
Titan without wasting through his tail hits on D–Day's legs D–Day about to fall on the ground but swiftly the Titan comes towards him and through his horn blows him towards the sky Titan without wasting flies in the air towards the horizon
D–Day and Titan facing each other Titan prepared himself to throw his Trishul towards him
" This ....."
Trishul blazes water storm around it
" will...."
Titan throws that Trishul towads D–Day
" End "
The people all around the world
(In their own language "
"Die "
The trishul pierce D–Day's chest and along with rocket speed flies on far away from the countries and dashes on towards the the North Atlantic Ocean
" Greeee....rerr...."
The people around sees the views through mobile or from the near by country
The water freezes his atomic powers from inside because of it he trumbles
and D– Day freezes to death
People around are happy to see to senario and around the world are enjoying the victory in their ways
Titan lands on the ground and all the people around him are celebrating the victory
" Ajay....."
Dr Hyna through his pocket legs runs towards the Titan
" I will kill you " Dr Hyna replies angrily
Ajay comes out off the Titan and through his fist fill with atomic and wind energy
" First taste this "
Ajay punches Dr Hyna and Dr Hyna falls back swiftly and dashes on to the road due to which his body got destroyed completely
Dr Hyna on the ground
" Glitch make way "
Glitch through portal take Dr Hyna away from it and all the test minions with him
Ajay though being in flight can hear and see people around the world are overjoyed by this victory
" I am also over joyed by it " Ajay replies
Ajay sees the Titan and through fingers he does the "Yogic Mudra – harmory and creation "
through which the Titan form gets disolved and it takes a form of which trees and childern playing tools as garden, mountains
and huge parks
People are shocked to see the senario
In America
" Wow, so cool why isn't he our superhero "
Ajay listen to that
" I am for everyone fella their no boundries
Don't worry "
Ajay seeing the destroyed city and peoples
" their may be some loss of property "
The jawans are taking citizens for medical care and doctors treat them
" some things may not be restored "
In Pune –
Sidha and Prakash are worried
" Where is Dada? " Sidha asks
The bell rings
" I know " Ajay replies
Prakash opens the door and see Vinay and Ai Baba is front of them
" Ai , baba, Dada ( mother father brother )
Everybody look "
" My family will know who I am"
Sidha and Prakash hugs them with tears of joy others Jaya and Bhawesh sees the senario
" But still I won't let anything worst happen to any of my family members
Because I believe in
"वसुधैव कुटुंबकम"( the whole world is my family)
Expect one who tries to wage war
....The End