Chapter 168–The villan in the shadows

After 2 years of New Delhi war –

some one with two head in the dark seeing all the Ajay's villans defeat and death through drone footages

"Likewise we have seen him through mere eyes what it can do "

"And also we have just tried to kidnap his friend "the other head replies

" Quiet a hero we can see " the first guy

" Using the elemental power

Quiet a idea " the other guy

" We know nurshing and using the elemental power has been a" culture in India" before other civilisation came in existence

"Still we use religion as tool to wage a war on Hinduism or say India " the man asks

" Well I don't the word Hindu.... because we have wasted lot of resorces for it

But still I want to give it a try what this superhero through its roots can achive more"

"Well brother lets give it a try " the other one to other

In Pune

Vinay and his friends are together moving of the class

" That was such a load of thing " Bhawesh replies

" I know you hate Chemistry for lot of reason

but trust me once you understand that you will enjoy it " Vinay replies

" Oh well you you are telling this to Bhawesh

remember the last test he got C" Jaya tauntingly replies

" Hey.... I could have got B if I have wrote that definition of Lithum which was of 20 marks " Bhawesh frustratingly replies

" That's not also a good grade Bhawesh "

Vinay replies

" Don't say that you know I did studied hard for achieving grades " Bhawesh replies

" Hey.....don't dishearten yourself you can do it but just don't play games you know "

Vinay mockingly replies

" You " by saying Bhawesh run behind Vinay to hit him and Vinay runs forward

" Well wonders happen when you are free and you don't have to face bigger villans like D–Day " Vinay tells to himself

" I just can see nothing so as dangerous when I fight those villans who are around me but Guruji told me to vigilant without flickring your eye lids

It's difficult to understand such sentance " Vinay replies run forward while Bhawesh is catching him

" You have became lazy Bhawesh" Jaya replies

"But then I can enjoy some moments " with my friends

In Odisha in the police van is standing in the colony

"ସେମାନେ ବହୁତ ଯତ୍ନବାନ ହେବା ଉଚିତ ଯାହାକିଛି ହୋଇପାରେ "

(we should be very careful anything can happen )

the officer replies

Through they are watching on to Hindu family through drone

The officer who is a Bulldog and he is giving orders to subordinates

"ମନେରଖ ଯେ ସେ ଜଣେ ଜିହାଦି ଏବଂ ଆମେ କରିବା ଉଚିତ୍ |

ବହୁତ ସତର୍କ ରୁହ |"

(Remember he is a jihaadi a terrorist and we should

be very careful )

The officer commands

" Sir " everyone replies in one tone

" Do as plan is that clear " Officer commands

"Sir " everyone replies in one tone

The van's door opens and everysubordinate and officer some peoples go on to left and other goes to right

The family enjoying their meal

"ସୁପ୍ କେମିତି ଥିଲା ?"

(how is the soup?)

and police trying to catch hold the target and taking the position and moving through staircase

And far in Pune when Vinay is running far from Bhawesh

"These officers are in danger " Vinay replies to himself

The officer have surrounded the house and the officer is ordering his subbordinate to kick the door

"ଏହି ଅବିଶ୍ୱାସୀମାନେ ତୁମ ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କୁ ହତ୍ୟା କରିବାକୁ ଯାଉଛନ୍ତି

ଆଲ୍ଲା ପାଇଁ ନିଜକୁ ହତ୍ୟା କର |"

(these Kafir is going kill you all

get killed yourself for allah )

The voice is ordering him

The Vinay transfer his soul through his brainvibes crosses through miles to stop that but some dark energy who is in the form of skeleton skull of Crocodile who has two horns and red eyes

" Yaaaaah..."

stops his soul from moving ahead

and on the other hand the police breaks off the door and and the mans wife and childerns gets afraid but man in calmsness finishes his soup and takes his deep breath

" Allah –hu–akbar " the man tells

And he blasts and the people around gets destroyed off through the blast

and Vinay getting upset and Bhawesh catches his

" Oh "

And tears fell from his eyes be continued .....