In the news room where anchor ( who is a todd) is showcasing the blast footage
" Like wise we are been showing this footage of the bomb blast.....which happened in Odisha ....the sources say that police officer where trying to nab a criminal a jihaddi due to which the bomb blast took place
In this chous some of the social media influncer do say this is a " Bhagwa atankwadi" or some of them say this is done by Jihaddi "
The seane shifts to panelist
" We have our panelist here
Islamic scholar " Mukbir Ahmed " and we Bagheshwar Dham mat " Gavik shastri "
So without wasting lets come to the point
So tell me Mukbir Sir shouldn't we consider this a jihad where you kill lots of innocent peoples for no reason " the repoerter asks
"It's a jihad and he should be punished as soon as possible but I have seen people who are connecting with Islam see
" Islam is a religion of peace" and we don't like to harm any living beings and its also very wrong to consider it Bhagwa atankwadi when you don't have any proof
This matter should be taken very seriously as soon as possible"
Through smart phone a person sees this news Vinay from far distance hearing this news
" See this a very wrong act to consider it a "Bhagwa atankwadi " we all know this is been framed by some of our elite peoples
and yes....."
" Who was that and how did he possible stopped my telikineses power? " Vinay to himself
" This is a jihad "
" Yes he was not a human ofcourse by the looks of it " Vinay replies
" This is so wrong to consider a person called as jihaddi when you know the bomb was been planted by the terrorist "
The reporter replies
The chats of all the social media Vinay can hear the typing noise and can see chats
"यति बेतुका"
(So absurdity )
" They don't want to accept their are terrorist living among us "
" राजनीतिक दल के त हम समझ सकतानी लेकिन इ मीडिया चैनल अयीसन हिपोक्रेसी काहें देखावेले
(I can understand the political party but why do these media channel showcase such hipocracy)
" I should not waste time and tell Gurudev about this morning " Vinay to himself
On the other side in the dark two headed man looking around the countries
" What do you think brother where we should
dipatch the soldiers too " the smallhead replies
" Not yet decided we will see but ....."
The main head replies
The man moves ahead towards the huge glass where all the mixture of a man and monster thing where some off the mens blade came out and some has gun like thing in the hand
" let me take the pleasure of such beauty "
The main head replies
" Don't bother when they will play around
we will enjoy it
with full gratitude "
The other head replies
In Morning at Gurudev's Math
When Vinay moving towards Gurudev
" Ahhh, Vinay I was waiting for you" Gurudev replies
Guruji that " I know please have a seat"
" Quit sensitive .... do not lose hope I have seen lot of such cases
This is the beginning be prepared..." be continued...