Prakash and Smitha are watching cartoon in the T.V
" Man when this villan going to get killed ? "
Prakash replies
" I don't care if he dies or not but want to see
Ms Dolly show " Smitha replies
" Its not...." Prakash about to reply they here the series of blast some where near to them some where far away
and the T.V looses its signal
" What was that ?" Prakash moves out to see
" Prakash don't it could be dangerious " Smitha replies
Prakash sees that the near by house and some houses neighbouring to them blast happened their
" What the hell ?" Prakash replies shockilgly
" Prakash ...Prak..." Smitha calls out his name but she stops
" What is all this " Smitha exclaims
A animal who is a cat seeing up
" Hey, what's that ?" exclaims
Everybody around that area who have witnessed the senario where looking up even the police man and superheros too
And the portals in sky opens up suddenly
The sky filled with portals
The senario of the portals all over the world in cities and villages to is been seen by Vinay when he jumped in the sky Vinay sees through super vision and his eyes wideopen
" Vinay , what happened ?" Gurudev asks
" I can see poertals same during New Delhi war I have to..... "Vinay replies
"Do not waste time " Guruji as he says taps on to droid the droid from inside throws amulet towards Vinay and Vinay catches while falling in the water Vinay without loosing join hands
" यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः" Vinay chants it
and the nano techology takes the form of the armor and without landing takes off his super sonic flight the water sees its effect
Ajay through his water power crates the fighter planes and those plane moves towards the Monsters and attack with their water power on those monster who coming through portals
In unknown place–
where "Draconian King "
standing on the huge hologram thing
" King shall I start? " Glitch asks
" Begin " Draconian King replies
Kamlesh and Sidha after stables them self
" Are you okey? " Kamlesh ask Sidha after holding the client
" Yes " Sidha replies
"Kreeeree.... Kreeeree...."
Sidha and Kamlesh shock to here the sound
" What was that? " Sidha asks
Both through the broken glass sees the senario
In the portals all the human and animal form black monsters who anthology defer from each other due to weapons and has a big mouth which opens up 180 degrees jumps down from the portal
" Krereeeee..." The roar of the monster
" Everybody stay away from bulding and move towards the armored vehicle " superhero bulldozer replies
" Ghamasan – fire at full will " Captain replies and all the Ghamasan fire with their laser gattling guns , cannon launchers and jawans
destroying the enemies and helping the civilans to safely take to their
Ajay through his flight sees the senario of his country and he also sees those monsters are also jumping from the sky in front of him
" Oh their are many off these " Ajay to himself
Ajay without wasting any time take a deep breath and the chest of the suit bulks up like a builder and without wasting Ajay hits the thunderous clap due to which all the monster who where around him falls away many miles
" Its done here "
Ajay looks up
" What " Ajay reacts
seeing the those black monster jumping on to city
"I hope my peoples will be safe "
Some monsters gets hit through those laser some don't get hit
Sidha and Kamlesh wearing superhero suits jumps to kick monster ass
" Looks like Monsters rainy day is out " Visphot without wasting throws his fire ball on to the Monster and saving the citizens in the building
" Come on move ....move" Visphot replies
Cold star on the other hand through her ice sword and dagger slashes the monsters
and some monsters are trying to attack in others side too
" A huge army of monsters is been sent to my country " Ajay replies
On the other part of the city Vanraj with his monkey power jumps on to building and when his band changes to Gorilla punches on Monster face and Monster fall banging on to building
Ajay through his scanner sees the senario of the world
Ajay while through his volcanic heat rays from his eyes
burns all the monsters
" Krreeee....rree"
" Looks like they are been preparing their for 2 years"
Ajay kicks the monster and the monters bangs on to other monster who are in the way
In other country like America
the Monster attacked in which Cowboy through his guns taking down those Monsters Karul holding those monster with both hands bangs those monsters on the ground and it cracks off
Macting through her sonic powers attacks on to monsters
" Even the Karul is busy " Ajay replies
Ajay creates his six arm form and through thise arms attacks different Tatwas attacks on to Monsters
" What should I? ....what ?" Ajay through his super vison sees the Monster with them Draconian King is taking the leap in to Mumbai
and all the Monster have attack the civilans and animals
" Wow , a pleasure will be mine after destroying this busy place in the world "
" How did he ?...." Ajay to himself be continued