In Mumbai ( Gateway of India)
where Draconian King in the space ship wheres the black crocodile whith hors helmate and jumps down with his black monsters
The monster though land on building walls or roof top but Draconian King buldges his legs and jumps on to ground and the huge cracks and debries comes out from it and black thing comes off
" I will like to see those genocides which was happened when I seen through T.V and also some where heard" Draconian King
from his body the Ghamasan robots through their laser weapons attacks on" Draconian king" the back particles thing which is on the ground defends from the attack
" Ohhh....such a pity
I won't require that strength " Draconian King as replies clunges his fist and the arms buldge up and sees the truck and throws on towards Ghamasan robots Ghamasan robot still manages to destroy but then Draconian king swiftly comes towards Ghamasan robots and punches the Robot the Robot falls on to those vehicles jawans with the civilains who are moving from their
" Please do not wait here its dangerous "
" Let us take you to the bunkers" jawan replies to people and People who are running the black particle thing tries to stop and about to attack with his takes off black thorns
But superhero with cyborg tech stops those
thorns by shooting and destroying them
" Get going " the cyborg hero replies
other Ghamasan robot
and some superheros approching forward to attack with their powers and weapons
without wasting with swift speed Draconian King holds a superhero and bangs on the ground and through his leg hits on superhero's head and with his black sword Draconian king slashes on a superheros stomach and superhero falls down
Draconian King sees more Ghamasan pods coming towards and Ghamasan robots jumps off from pods Draconian King without wasting raises his hand and the black particle thing holds all the pods and throw to the building and too the ground
In Pune
Principal sir and other starffs battling with those black Monsters and through hologram sees the situation in Mumbai
" He has entered
Principal through armor's scanners replies
Vinay while he is taking down black monster
" Where are you ? " Principal replies
" I am fighting with those villans in Tresta da...." Vinay replies
" Their leave the place and go to Mumbai "
Principal sir scolds
" but their are no superheros sir " Vinay replies
" They are on the way you just leave their itself " Principal sir replies
" On it " as Vinay says prepares a small size prototype of Titan who has lion head and the wings of Eagle with the axe and mace attacks on those monsters in the city and in the sky
" won't be able to leave in that way "
Ajay leaves the place through his superflight
" Their is no time but I am not able to take the
sentence from my mind which baba told me " Vinay tells to himself
Ajay crosses through those contries and islands
" He is waiting " means that he is alive beacuse their is no such evidence that....."
Vinay as he was about to tell something
through the earth's ozone layer he sees something approching
" What's that? "
Through his vision he sees a Big alien battle ship which is 3000 meters approching
" The extraterrestrial ship " be continued....