Chapter 174

Ajay beating out each and every black monster through his "Agni and Vayu tatwa "

( Fire and air ) mixture missiles

" Oh boy he is a intruder but looks like a human form " Vinay replies to himself

Through his supervison sees every close one his friends , his family and teachers

" They are safe but they should also be prepare"

In Japan Hokkaido

A huge spaceship with a 8 foot man dark sparkling blue armor walking towards those people who are attacked by those monsters

The monsters sees the man and 100 monsters tries to attack him his soliders theough their advace guns burns them all down

" Earth do also raise such dirty swines

Pathetic" the man replies

" The next thing which is about to come " Vinay to himself

"Let the show begin " The man

The Man armor third marble shines through his vision sees all the

mobile phone , T.V screens and camera his face is shown all over the world

" Attention Earthens

General Bakasur is here ,"

Jaya and Bhawesh sees the the red man through T.V when they are fighting with the monster

" Your planet is acquired by me "

" What? "Jaya exclaims

" He is drunk or something " Bhawesh replies

Principal and Guruji sees the red man

" I understand

but it can't helped "

The man smokes his cigar the Guruji after seeing got shoked

" Is this can't happen .." Gurudev replies to himself

Visphot , Coldstar and Vanraj sees the man through big screen

" Co-operate

And let me take oh....sorry

Extract the meteors energy for myself "

" He is going to take that meteor " Vanraj reacts

" That destroy our planet " Sidha replies

In Delhi

The Razor and Surya too sees this when they are fighting with those black monster

" Do not resiste

Its of no use once I extract you will die peacefully by the extraction "

" Oh who this f*** idiot " Surya replies

The peoples all over the world protest

" Go back "

" 神を信じます"

"परत जा"

"Geri qayıt"

Genral Bakasur heres each and every word coming from peoples mouth and smiles and smokes cigar

" I don't to be drunk kid "

Bhawesh and Jaya shocks after hearing it

" Return to your place " a superhero who has jets and along with that Katanasan and other superhero has joined forces

the man smoking his cigar turns back

" Who the hell ?" The man replies

The Man sees the superhero

" As always the bunch of idiots you super freak are all around the galaxy a pain don't bother me return to your home " the man replies and smokes the cigar

" Go you red horned alien you have no place here people like you should rot in jail "

The superhero with exosuit and tech guns in his hand and guns replies

The Man seeing towards them

" Oh really "

The alien soldiers moves their guns towards the superhero and fire at full will

Some superhero falls down due to hit but some heros like Katasan , a bodybuilder hero with yellow body and the exosuit heros

marches ahead by dodging those laser and hitting those soilders

Those heros moving towards The Man

Katasan through his sword tries to pierce the Man armor but it bounces and without wasting the Man back hand slap to Katnasan and Katasan bangs on the car

The yellow builder superhero tries to punch the man but the holds his punch and with same hand lifts and bangs him on the ground and the exosuit hero tries to fire through his gun but his armor has no effect

The man lifts the builder and throws on to exsuit hero the exosuit hero along with him falls back

Baksur as rolls his eyes throws both the superhero to portal and by rolling on to other side opens the portal and those superhero about to fall in with the yellow gaint superhero falls on Bhaksaur's legs and the holds the exosuit superhero through his neck

And smokes his cigar on exosuit superhero

" Jail is not enough for me kid " and about to crushes his neck but then without wasting Goryu through his energy claws hit Bhaksur

Bhaksura moves back dashing standing ly behind holding exosuit hero through hie neck

Baksur sees his cigar got destroyed by it

Baksur sees Goryu while he roars at him while marching towards him

" Hmmmm...."

Baksura clunges his fist by gathering a wind like energy and Goryu as he comes towards him Bakasura slaps his on his cheeks Goryu falls far aways destroying vehicles and buildings

Bakasur sees the exosuit superhero who suit is effected by the attack

" Pity "

And General Bakasur throws him like a garbage and flies towards the ship he moves his hand toward him the cigar appears and hold it and with other hand ligs fire and smoke the cigar

" Lets start our business "

Ajay through street big screen sees Baksaura going in the ship and Drconian King through screens sees the same

" I knew it is big " Ajay replies

" I must discuss further plans with him " Draconian King one head replies

" Intresting " the other head replies be continued