Chapter 175

In Maharatra

In Mumbai –

Ajay with his bulky hand fill the fist with Vayu tatwa and punches in the air all the monster who where coming towards him blows off due to the air power

Draconian King sees Ajay

" Excellent" Draconian King replies

Draconian King moves his hand and the black particles raise towards those Ajay and

Black particle turns into red flame thing and fires towards Ajay without wasting time tap his leg force fully on to the ground and the debries comes up and turns itself to the shield and those firely things gets stuck on those debries

Draconian king without wasting any time come aside Ajay and punches him through his bulky fist

Ajay swiftly falls back banging on to the buildings

In other side

"Draconian king " sees through hologram standingly

" Well my prototype is doing his work let me do mine " Draconian king replies

Draconian King's ship moving towards Japan

On other hand in Hokkiado

General Bakasur standing on the ship balcony where ship takes out a gaint highly advance instrument and it's pointed towards the ground

On other hand Katanasan comes out of the debries


(he dare to touch his dirty feet on my country)

Katanasan replies to himself

Katanasan moves his hand to take of the sword

"敵が強すぎる時が来た 私のドラゴン先生が私に贈り物をくれました"

(It's time the enemy is too powerful

my dragon sensai has given me a gift )


The Master and Student moment

"シンジョ,あなたは今,すべての刀とオラチの剣をマスターしました この鎧と剣をあげます"

(Sinjho ,you have now mastered each and every katana and orachi sword

I will give you this armor and sword )


(and also this pendent so that you can awaken those swords when ever you want and also it has the dragon orochi use it when their is danger in our country )

Katansan moves his hand and with that big katana orochi handle katnasan holds it


(Japan ,is a rising sun and the sun will always rise ) Katanasan replies

Katanasan completely takes of his 9 inch orochi sword and takes stance and hold it

Karul and Ajay sense that and they both feel pride and shock

" Katanasan "

Draconian King sees in his ship

" This thing from Japanese I had to expected along with Hindus let see if he can leave up to it " Draconian King replies

" A showcase again " Glitch replies whlie he sitting aside

In Maharatra

Ganya in E–Tube

"मित्रांनो, आमचे नायक त्या खलनायकांशी लढत आहेत आणि आमचे काही मूर्ख आणि आचारविहीन लोक संदेश देत आहेत की एलियन हा आपला देव आहे आणि ते एक ट्रेंड चालवत आहेत


तुम्ही मूर्ख आहात का तो ग्रह नष्ट करणार आहे आणि तुम्हाला मंदिरात जायला वेळ नाही आणि तुम्ही परक्याला देव म्हणून दाखवायला सुरुवात केली आहे याला स्वस्त मानसिकता म्हणतात katanasan एवढा मोठा हिरो पडला...."

(guys, our heros are fighting with those villans

and some of our silly and mannerless men are conveying that the alien is our god and they are running a trend

#our aliengod

are you nuts he is going destroy the planet and you don't have time to go to temple and you are started to showcase a alien as god

this is called a cheap mindset

Katasan such a big hero has fallen....)

" आ गण्या "

( Hey Ganya) aji calls him

Aji watching T.V with others

Ganya looks towards Aji

" त्याला काहीही झाले होलेता तो त्याच्या पायावर उबो"

( Nothing has happened to him he is on his legs ) his Aji replies

And their General Bakasura by smoking cigar through his ships balcony sees

" So someone is on his feet "

Baksura without wasting hits his fingers

" Let see how much he stands " Baksaura replies and the ships door opens and 10000 soldiers with their weapon marches out

Katanasan along with gaint sword sprints ahead and those alien soldiers open fires with their gun but Katansan with his swift reflexes dodges those attacks and moves ahead and also some laser attacks he dodges up

withen no time Katanasan through that sword cuts 10 soldiers at once

" Hmmm" Genral Baksaur reacts

General Baksura looking towards his gaint machine and his eyes shine

The Machine moves down

In Mumbai

Ajay furious and his hair tuns red and the surrounding starts trembling and grounds starting breaking big cracks

" I won't allow that happen

Bhoomi tatwa –Skanda Bahu "

The broken bulding debries creates six hand behind Ajay's back and without wasting hits on the ground very hard

In Hokkaido the battle ship by ground snake made by stone and sand entangles and lift it up

" What is this ?" Baksur reacts

Baksur sees Katanasan where with one big 360 degree swing through his sword cuts of more 70 soldiers

" Some other hero is stopping it how dare them " Baksaur replies

" Yooooooh...." Some one with a roar

Baksur when he tries to see Karul with one heavy punch blows Baksur in the mid air

Baksur bangs on to building

Baksur with wasting through portal comes is front of Karul and tries to hit with his yellow energy blast

" Yaaah "

Karul holds Baksura's hands the sonic of the energy gets sonic emits and Karul due to pressure falls on knees and his armor cracks

" Didn't expect that" Karul replies to himself

" How dare you defy me " Baksur replies be continued