Through Aroura
Vinay can see their actions and feel
Peoples ,animals and superheros emotions
Vinay sees by sitting on the mountain
looning front of the big tube
" How is Vinay ? " Bhawesh asks
" He will be fine don't worry " Principal sir replies
In Hokkiado –
Katnasan and Karul are fighting with those Robots
The peoples all around the world watching T.V , laptop and through mobiles some of content creators and some of news channels
The anchor is a giraffe who fore head has tilak
" जैसे कि आप सब जानते है कि एक नया विलेन जिसका नाम है " जेनरल बाकसुर " उसने अजय को पारस्थ किया जिसके कारण से समाज में चिंता का माहौल है
परंतु दूसरी तरफ कुछ ऐसे भी लोग है जोह कहा रहे है कि समाज से एक बोझ मिट गया
और यह और कोई नहीं बाकी यही सुवर के औलाद है जिसमें अपने हिन्दू लोग भी शामिल है वह ऐसे बयान बाजी कर रहे है
यह गद्दार कभी हिंदू नहीं यह चिंदू है और इसे अपना कहना भी में पाप समझता हूं और बाहर के राष्ट्र में इन लोगों का कोई महत्व नहीं सिवाय "
"As you all know that a new villain named "General Baksur" defeated Ajay due to which There is an atmosphere of concern in the society since But on the other hand, there are some people who are saying that a burden has been removed from the society.
And this is none other than the rest of them are the children of pigs, which includes their own Hindu people, who are making such statements.
This traitor is never a Hindu, he or she is Chindu and I consider it a sin to even call him my own and these people have no importance in the outside world "
The anchor replies
" la bonne nouvelle pour nous est que les monstres noirs du monde entier ont été vaincus par toutes les défenses et tous les super-héros. mais à part ce super-héros, Ajay a été blessé par le général Bakasura."
"the good news for us is that the black monster around the world are been taken down by each and every defense and superheros
but apart from this superhero Ajay is been injured by General Bakasura "
The French anchor replies
" tá sé seo an-tromchúiseach ba chóir dúinn chreiche dó"
( this is very serious we should prey for him ) Irish Eilk replies
"wat maakt het uit, we zijn veilig, dat is alles"
(who cares we are safe that's it )Bison replies
Czech –
"viz katanasan a Karul bojují s těmi roboty"
(see katanasan and Karul are fighting with those robots ) the Teenage boy replies
"jsou také novinkou, že se do boje zapojí i Dr thunder"
( their are also news that Dr thunder will also be joining the fight )
In Tamil Nadu and other countries
the hero are been praised by animals and humans
Baksur on his throne planing to kill Hindus
" What is that I can do ?" Baksur talks to himself
and Vinay is in a very sad state and watching towards Bhawesh
" It's very difficult to answer the truth when its very bitter " Ojaswan replies
Vinay sees Ojaswan comes flying towards him
" Baba " Vinay reacts and without wasting any more time touches his father feet
" Vijay bhawa ,
But your victory is not possible when you are trapped in such loop
" Ojaswan replies
" I don't understand how to say such thing " Vinay replies and starts crying
" You don't need to if the time comes he will realise that " Ojaswan replies
" Should not say he my frie... more of brother
How can I hide it from him " Vinay replies
" Understandable and it is difficult accept it , but he understood a point where you should not be distracted by asking about Dhruti so I am postive he will understand wait for the time I won't force you regarding it " Ojaswan replies
" You should focus on healing yourself and also you have to look
on the important factor which you don't have idea " Ojaswan replies
" Are you talking about Baksur" Vinay asks
Imaganing the major destroyed cities around the world deaths of animals and humans
" No, Vinay I have seen many lives getting destroyed in seconds though we save many of them still its a nightmare " Ojaswan replies
In America –
Draconian King changes his form by wearing a mask where he looks as a handsome individual and whore a suit and moving towards back stage
" War has has three faces son " Ojaswan replies
" Sir , peoples are waiting " the squirrel replies
" Yes ,I am ready " The Man replies
" One loss of innocent life and property
the man moving towards stage in front of media
"Second the victorious one becomes glorious "
The Man in front of media and behind having a company logo
" And the third the mongrer who always shows good intentions but has evil deeds "
"Mr Ken O'Neil "
" What is your plan on this losses on life ? "
" Relax "Ken reacts be continued....