Chapter 183

In New York, USA–

In destroyed city where rebuilt and rescue team are helping the civilians and defence forces are looking towards those black monsters body where it is been taken through bulldozer

Where in big screen the interview of Ken O'Neil is showcased

" See its really disturbing to see such senario where our people loosing lives so

For them through "Kind foundation " we are providing them 300 million dollar of fund and also I encourged my derest billionares to help them "

Ken O'Neil replies

" Mr O'Neil will you increase the facility ? "

The reporter asks to O'Niel

In Germany –

The Man in the Tram sees through his smart phone

" Yes surely we are are going to provide scholarships in science and commerce

in which ever country and collage they need

and we are not going to look after religion, caste and creed " O'Niel replies

Show casing through Freedom news

where a rhino as a anchor appears

" sehr rücksichtsvoll von Herrn Ken Ich hoffe, dass Herr Ken erfolgreich sein wird. Möge Gott Herrn Ken segnen. Herr Ken wird der Jugend helfen. Junge, Mädchen, Männer und Frauen sollten Herrn Ken unterstützen. Und die Verteidigungskräfte sollten auch versuchen, Herrn Ken zu helfen. Organisation"

(very thoughtful of Mr Ken

I hope that Mr Ken will be successful God may bless Mr Ken

Mr Ken will help youth and Youths boy or girl men or women should support Mr Ken

and defences forces should also try to help Mr Ken Organisation )

The anchor replies

In Pune –

too watching this news in Marathi

through smart phone

Where in shibbir students are looking "freedom news " and taking

" है जर झाला न खुप बार होईल"

( If this happens then it would be good for us )

The animal replies to the man

Jaya and Bhawesh standing in front of a Huge Tube inside Vinay is been treated by first aid droids

" It good to know that some one is coming forward and helping peoples "

Jaya replies

" Hmmm.... I doubt he will but

We are been standing for a while and Guruji has not yet come out

" Bhawesh replies

" He must be busy somewhere" Jaya replies in the mean time Guruji comes out of the room with a " jhola ( bag)"

" Apologies to keep you waiting" Gurudev replies

Guruji takes out a can like thing and takes of the bag from his shoulder

" Bhawesh, will you just hold this jhola "

Gurdev asks

" Sure " Bhawesh replies

Guruji press that disk and throws it on the ground

and mecury form comes out 3d model of Vinay forms

" Wow , is it...." Bhawesh reacts

" Yes but it a " liquid android" all the information are been stored reagarding Vinay ethics and power

When Vinay not around this will help in such times " Guruji replies

" Well ...Well... Quiet a development around all of you " Baksur replies

Guruji and other standing their watch Baksur coming out through portal

" But still inferior "

Baksur replies

" General Baksur " Jaya reacts

The security systems activates and the laser guns tries to attack Baksur but without wasting Baksur snaps his finger and by clunging his fist those Guns bends itself very badly

" Told you still inferior " Baksur replies

" What do you want ? " Gurudev replies

" Yours lives " Baksur replies be continued