Young Master. I Have Found You

And soon all the plates were gone from their stall which made Chu Xian and Aunty Chen very happy and then at that moment a man in his early fifties appeared in front of the stall and said, "Can I have your dish as well ?"

Hearing the voice Chu Xian who was busy with winding up his stall looked at the man while saying,

Chu Xian: "I am really sorry Sir but all of our dish has been sold out for now but you have to wait for sometimes before the new batch is ready."

Hearing the words of Chu Xian, the old man just smiled a little and said, "No problem young man. Take your time."

After hearing the words of the old man, Chu Xian looked at the man who is in his early fifties and he is wearing a very well tidied and expensive suit with a bow tie around his neck.

"This old man looks like a very dignified man. But who is he ? And why I am feeling a sense of familiarity with him ?"

Just as Chu Xian thought about these questions in his mind about that man immediately an information panel of his system opened in front of his eyes with the information about that man.

[Name - Zhang Xin.]

[Age - 51 years]

[Occupation - Butler of Bai Family.]

[Martial Arts Level - King Level.]

[Cultivation Level - Zero.]

[Extra Details - He is a very principled and dignified man who loves the Bai Family very much. He has been searching for the Young Master of Bai Family for more than twenty years. He is a very skilled fighter in Martial arts and sword fighting.]

After seeing the information about the man, Chu Xian immediately processed all of that information and then he thought, "So he is looking for me. But I just can't say that I am the one he is looking for as it may create a big problem for me and sister-in-law. But what should I do now ?"

Seeing Chu Xian in a state of deep thought Butler Zhang cleared his throat a bit bringing Chu Xian's attention towards him.

Chu Xian: "I am really sorry sir. I was just thinking about something. Just give me a moment to prepare everything."

Butler Zhang: "Sure Young Man take your time but I want the exact same dish."

Chu Xian: "Don't worry sir. I assure you that you will not be disappointed."

Saying these words Chu Xian went to his shop and brought three fishes with him and then he went to Aunty Chen's shop and brought the vegetables and spices from the other shops.

After returning to the stall Chu Xian began to prepare the dish but still at that moment the only thing that was on the mind of Chu Xian was...

"What should do now ? System can you help me ?"

Hearing the request of Chu Xian, a panel appeared in front of Chu Xian's eyes with a suggestion on the screen.

[The Host is advised to show the Jade pendant Butler Zhang.]

[The Host is advised to show the Jade pendant Butler Zhang.]

Seeing the suggestion panel of the system, Chu Xian thought about the Jade pendant that Shu Ling has given to him.

"The Jade pendant which Master Shu Ling had given me saying that it will help me greatly in the future but how can this pendant help me in this situation ? I don't get it. But first let's make the dish."

For the time being Chu Xian decided to focus on making his dish and after fifteen minutes of cooking the dish got ready and he immediately served the dish on a plate and gave it to the old man standing before.

Chu Xian: "Thank you for waiting sir. Here is your dish. Taste it and tell me how is it ?"

Butler Zhang: "Sure I will definitely taste it."

Soon after Butler Zhang other customers also came to the stall of Chu Xian wanting to have the dish for themselves.

After coming to a little distance Butler Zhang at first smelled the dish to check it's aroma and after inhaling the aroma, a smile appeared on his face and then he took the first bite of the dish.

The moment Butler Zhang put the dish on his tongue, he felt his taste bud being welcomed with a very familiar taste and when he began to crunch and chew the fish and vegetables his feeling became more solidified as to this is indeed the taste he is very much familiar with.

After getting that taste Butler Zhang Unknowingly shedded some tears of happiness and without wasting anymore time Butler Zhang emptied his entire plate full of dish.

After that he moved back to the stall of Chu Xian but when he returned to the stall he couldn't find Chu Xian at the stall, so Butler Zhang began to search for him but couldn't find him anywhere.

Aunty Chen: "Old man are you looking for something ?"

Hearing the voice, Butler Zhang looked at the direction of the voice and find an old woman standing in front of him.

Butler Zhang: "Lady I am looking for the young man who was here and made that delicious dish."

Aunty Chen: "Oh you are looking for Chu Xian."

Butler Zhang: "Yes I am looking for him. Where is he ?"

Aunty Chen: "He went out of the market to get some medicines for me. If you need something then you can tell me."

After hearing about the whereabouts of Chu Xian, Butler Zhang thought that it would be wise to wait for him.

Butler Zhang: "I will wait for him here."

Aunty Chen: "Okay then."

After that Butler Zhang began to wait for Chu Xian in the busy market where many people are coming to buy many things.

After five minutes of time went by, some loud voices came into the market that made everyone in the market get scared.

Goon #1: "Hey. Hey. Hey. Old things get the weekly money now."

Five men wearing colourful shirts holding baseball bats in their hands entered inside the market and demanded weekly extortion money from the shopkeepers in the market.

Random Shopkeeper: "You have taken the money just two days ago. Please live us today."

Goon #2: "Old thing. You are giving us so that we can protect you all. We are doing this all for you all old things. Now give us the money."

Random Shopkeeper: "Please we don't have much money."

Goon #2: "You old things don't understand a single word in sweet way. Then..."

Stopping his words in the middle the goon moved towards the old shopkeeper and then he moved his baseball bat upwards and was ready to hit the old shopkeeper.

Seeing the bat ready to hit him, the old shopkeeper also used his hands to defend himself and the goon with a very angry face began to swing his baseball onto the old shopkeeper to hit him.

But at some point the goon felt that his bat has stopped in the air and is moving forward so he looked back and saw an old man has stopped his baseball bat and this old man is none other than Butler Zhang himself.

Goon #2: "Old Foggie get away from here or else I will kill you."

Butler Zhang: "Hahahaahah... young man these days. I fell pity seeing you like this."

The goon tried his best to set his baseball bat free from the clutches of Butler Zhang but he remained unsuccessful and then seeing the man, Butler Zhang said, "Now my turn."

The goon looked at Butler Zhang and before he could understand anything, the goon felt his abdomen being punched heavily and immediately thr goon fell down on the ground loosing his grip over the baseball bat.

Seeing one of them beaten, the rest of the goons immediately ganged up on Butler Zhang and circled around him.

Then one of the goon attacked Butler Zhang from behind but sensing this attack Butler Zhang performed a back kick which made the goon fell.

Then the rest three of the goons attacked Butler Zhang altogether but Butler Zhang proved himself no match for them as he effectively dogded all of their attacks and simultaneously attacked the goons and injured them.

Now all of the goons are lying on the ground while holding their body parts where they are feeling hurt and seeing them Butler Zhang said, "Young men live your life in good and righteous way and stop this hooliganism. And all of you do not worry as from now o----"

Before Butler Zhang could have finished his words he got kicked on his back and loosed his control and moved four steps forward in a running motion.

And just as Butler Zhang was about to fall on the ground Butler Zhang saw that he has been saved by someone.

Chu Xian: "Uncle are you alright ?"

It was Chu Xian who has saved Butler Zhang but when Butler Zhang looked up at his savior he saw the Jade pendant hanging on the neck of Chu Xian which made his eyes to go wide and he thought, "Young Master. I have found you."