Chu Xian The Martial Artist

It was Chu Xian who has saved Butler Zhang but when Butler Zhang looked up at his savior he saw the Jade pendant hanging on the neck of Chu Xian which made his eyes to go wide and he thought, "Young Master. I have found you."

Strong glint of happiness and hope began to shine in the eyes of Butler Zhang as he saw the Jade pendant.

Moving his eyes onto the face of Chu Xian, Butler Zhang thought in his mind, "Young Master you have grown up to be a very fine young man."

The emotions of happiness, joy are creating waves inside the heart of Butler Zhang after seeing the Jade pendant but then his happy moments were cut down by a very irritating voice.

Li Shao: "You old fucking thing. You dared to beat my men. I will kill you today."

This voice belonged to the Li Shao the leader of the goons whom Butler Zhang has beaten up.

"I have to do something."

Chu Xian: "Hey Big Brother. Don't get angry so much. It's not good for your health. And more importantly we all live in a civilized society which is govern by law. So you shouldn't talk things like kill and death, you can be jailed for this."

Li Shao: "Hahahaha.... Kid you are really funny. I am the king of this area and no one dares to go against me."

"King... what King ? You are just a bully who loves to disturb everyone's lives."

Li Shao: "Kid what are you thinking now ?"

"I am thinking how to beat you."

Chu Xian: "Big Brother I am just thinking how good and generous you are. A big man like you should be very generous to leave small shopkeepers like us with a very big heart."

Chu Xian tried to make things good with butter like smooth words but...

Li Shao: "Kid you are really good with words. But I will still kill that old man and also get the money."

"These lowly npcs. They really don't understand a thing. And I really want to be like that but for now I have to beat them. And for that..."

While Chu Xian said the last few words, he saw his status window opened in front of him with a message on it.

[Scanning completed. The User can beat these goons easily using Martial Arts skill.]

[The User is advised to deploy his Martial Arts skill.]

[Does The User wants to deploy Martial Arts skill ?]

[Yes] [No]


[The input from User is accepted. Deploying Martial Arts skill inside The User.]


Looking at Butler Zhang and making him stable Chu Xian said to him, "Uncle you please stay here and let me handle these goons."

Saying these words Chu Xian moved towards Li Shao to face him and his goons while Butler Zhang looked at him with concern and care.

Li Shao: "Kid have you informed your family that you will return home today ? Hahahahahaha..."

Chu Xian: "For that matter we will see. For now let our fists decide you will return home today to his family members in one piece."

"Oh I love this part. Classic Hero troupe being in action and making people clapp and cheer for you. I really dreamed of being in a situation like this for once."

Li Shao: "Go and fuck him."

"What a terrible man. Don't even know how to give orders."

Coming back to the fight, after hearing the order of Li Shao four of his men who were with him immediately attacked Chu Xian.

Chu Xian dodged all of their attacks and took a shelter beside a stall quickly. Soon the goons began to search for Chu Xian, on the other hand Chu Xian who has hiding behind a food stall took some food in his hand and threw them on the goons.

Being hit with the food the goons fell on the ground and seeing that Li Shao shouted at his men and then getting up from the ground the goons moved towards Chu Xian.

Seeing the goons coming towards him, Chu Xian moved away from the stall to another and seeing that the goons began to surround Chu Xian.

Goon: "Boy stop running around."

Dodging and running around from the goons, Chu Xian said, "Come try to catch me."

Saying that Chu Xian picked up three leafs of Chinese Brocoli and then he moved to the front of a goon and hit him on his face with leafs of Brocoli.

After beating the goon with Brocoli leafs, Chu Xian gave him a knee kick and when the goon bent down by the hit, immediately Chu Xian gave an elbow hit on the back of the goon and this made the goon to fall on the ground.

Li Shao: "Fools what are you all doing ? KILL HIM."

Hearing Li Shao's order, the remaining goons immediately surrounded Chu Xian.

"It looks like I have to deal with these goons first."

Chu Xian: "I don't have time to entertain you all one by one. So you all come at once to me."

One of the goon aimed at Chu Xian's head and dashed towards him. Just before his attack could land on his head, Chu Xian ducked down and immediately punched hard in the stomach of the goon.

This made the goon fall and after him another two goons attacked Chu Xian simultaneously but Chu Xian stopped their weapons in mid air.

After that he twisted their arms and made their weapons to be dropped on the ground and after that Chu Xian gave them both knee kicks which made them to fall on the ground and after they fall on the ground Chu Xian kicked both of them on their backs.

Now only Li Shao and one other goon is remaining and looking at the remaining goon, Chu Xian said, "Come here."

Hearing the words of Chu Xian, the remaining goon get scared and ran away from there which angered Li Shao more. 

"WOW. This is so exciting."

And in his anger Li Shao shouted at that goon but then Li Shao decided to shift his anger onto Chu Xian. "Boy, you have angered me more. Now get ready to die.", Li Shao roared at Chu Xian angrily.

"This novel world small time villains. They can't be more ignorant than this as they always try to talk more without doing any action."

Looking at Li Shao, Chu Xian said, "Hey are you done now. Because I am getting late to sale my dish. So I think we should hurry now."

Li Shao: "Boy prepare to die."

"Now the final action."

Li Shao holding his baseball bat very tightly in his both hands dashed towards Chu Xian. But with a smile on his face, Chu Xian ran towards his own shop.

Li Shao angrily followed behind him. Soon Chu Xian stood across Li Shao inside his shop.

Li Shao: "Kid come out now."

Chu Xian: "*smiling* No I will not come out."

Li Shao: "Fine then I will come in."

Saying this Li Shao began to move in but immediately Chu Xian moved to the right side and seeing this Li Shao also moved to that side but then both of them continued to circle around Chu Xian's shop.

They both circled around Chu Xian's shop for about fifteen times after which Li Shao began to puff as he became out of breathe and stopped at one position.

"Oh. This seems interesting."

Chu Xian: "What happened Big Brother ? Are you okay ?"

Li Shao: "*breathing heavily* Boy... wait for me..."

Chu Xian: "Sure I am waiting for you."

After catching his breathing Li Shao got ready to kill Chu Xian and for that he began to look for Chu Xian and found him standing near a stand.

Soon Li Shao moved closer to Chu Xian and without waiting for anything punched to his face but Chu Xian moved his head and avoided the punch.

And then Chu Xian moved his hands which he has kept behind his back in which he is holding a fish and then he used the lower part of the fish and slapped four times on both the cheeks of Li Shao.

"Slap... Slap... Slap... Slap..."

"It's really exciting to slap someone using fish. We always eat the fish which is really good but the slap using the fish is more exciting."

Li Shao: "Boy what are you doing ?"

Chu Xian: "I didn't do anything. This fish is the one who slapped you. This is called Carp Slap."

All The People: "Hahahahahahaha..."

Chu Xian: "See how all the people are happy about this. You should be proud of yourself to make all of these happy."

The laughter of all the people present at the market and his insult by Chu Xian made Li Shao very much infuriated and burning with anger.

And in that anger all he thought about finishing off Chu Xian once and for all. So Li Shao moved his hand to the backside of his shirt and from there he pulled out a gun and pointed it towards Chu Xian.

Li Shao: "Boy you have insulted me so much. Now I am going to kill you."

"I can kill him in a thousand way right now using the things present here. But I don't want to stain my hands with blood. That's the last thing that I want to be on my hands. So for now I have to subdue him."

[The User can use lightening steps to take away the gun from the enemy.]

[Does The User wants to deploy Lightenting Steps ?]

[Yes] [No]

"If I use this lightening steps then all might be highly impressed with me and my plan to be no one will be wasted."

[Does The User wants to deploy Lightenting Steps ?]

[Yes] [No]


"I have to think about something else."