Episode 1: Tinkering the Tinker fairy

Dimension: Peter pan (author: Just for you all know both peter pan and Pixie hollow are one franchise)

Location: Neverland

In the nighttime in neverland at in site were a teapot turn to right side and has a door inside the door open and see a pale slender female fairy with blonde hair tied into a single bun wearing a sleeveless and off shoulder green dress and green shoes with cotton balls name Tinkerbell where she close the door from her back will looking sad were she set at her bed she lay down on her bed on her back.

Tinkerball Pov:

 I said: Why isn't he paying paying attention me, of all the adventure he and I go to stop Captain Hook and his pirates plans I know we bring Wendy and her brothers which I don't mind but he fell in with Wendy, 'then I begin to think' I think I should get over with Peter and let him have his love life with Wendy, you know tomorrow I go and see my friends again, I mean I could get to Terence but I don't see him has my type I sure he fine a better fairy mate like my friends Zalina or my sister Periwinkle, 'then I look at my roof has I begin to think' you know I'm thinking what it like dating a human, 'Then I begin to wish' I wish I could fine my true love it anything.

Just then I felt a breeze when I got up and see the breeze I saw all of my window's are close I was shock were I still feel a breeze were I got up from my bed has I look around.

I said: Were is this Breeze coming.

Then a blue flash of light were I quickly cover my eyes were quickly turn to look to a blue portal where I got curious.

I said: A portal.

Then something happen I been pull in.

I Said: Oh help.

I fall on to my cheat were it pull me to the portal I hold on tight then I accidently let go were was sent to the portal were close were I was sent away.

Dimension: Real world

Location: Mansion, in Laboratory

In the laboratory their is boy name Abdullah Adam in his lab coat, his right is robot woman name Mizuki she has a human face with blue eyes pale robotic skin with white hairs, a slander robotic bodysuit with white metal plates exposing her robotic parts and on to the left side is Palmon the Vegetation, Palmon is Vegetation Digimon. It has a tropical flower blooming on its head were Abdullah is ticking.

Abdullah were he grab his tool hammer: And some of this.

Palmon close her hand to her chest: What your new amazing invention master.

Mizuki turn to aside at Palmon: Now Palmon don't disturb master is making plus I can see what he is making.

Palmon hold her human leg: can you show me.

Abdullah: I am making a bird drone then can help me out "he felt his hair move he" that strange

Mizuki: What wrong master.

Abdullah turn to his lab air conditioner: Were is this coming I turn AC but my hair is moving from a breeze.

Palmon: Now did you mention it.

Then hear another voice will running.

???: Sir.

They turn to the direction we another Digimon name Geomon, Geomon is a wolf like Digimon with blue fur with white fur in the center he were red bandana and two pair of boxing glove.

Geomon: Their is a portal breach come here in your lap.

Mizuki: And the breach is coming from "has she point at the work stand" their were your bird bot is.

Palmon: Let hop is not another evil Digimon and better not be that one of those "she got frustrated" female bitches.

Another voice is heard

???: She right master.

They quickly turn to two Digimon and three Pokémon's, one Digimon is pink bird name Biyomon and and the other is red skunk like creature is Elecmon, the Pokemon are one is a yellow mouse with a rectangle shape tail is Pikachu, another Pokemon is an Feline Pokemon with a red gem is Espeon and the furry monkey with a pigs nose and black fur is Annihilape has they our quickly.

Elecmon: We already have three bad Digimon one Myotismon the vampire Digimon, Phantomon the reaper Digimon and *he shiver from the other name were all female dark aura on their face* Lilitemon.

Which not only shivers Geomon, Pikachu and Annihilape but Abdullah the most.

Abdullah: Oh don't remined me of her it took me to Digivolve Gatomon to Angewoman to defeat her with help with Gardevoir.

Biyomon dark inspiration: And, Gardevoir and Angewoman slept with you.

Mizuki: But according to Electra she was in her Salamon form licking Abdullah's face to get up.

Abdullah: Hey I told them I am save now but they pull my hand will saying in quote "he mimic both Angewoman and Gardevoir" 'You need protection Master will sleep with until she is not around' unquote and that how I get was force to sleep with I can't get any sleep with Angewoman and Gardevoir chest on to me.

Then two pair of green come behind Abdullah and rap around his neck he shivers.

Gardevoir: Gardevoir (You did a nice Mimicking me and Angewoman).

Then a white puppy like Digimon name Salamon rub Abdullah.

Salamon: She is right master. 

Pikachu: Pika, pika chu (Ok let not worry about that know we univited guest).

Geomon: Pikachu is right.

Abdullah: Ok everyone stay on guard I'll go see.

Everyone around Abdullah nod has he approach his desk when got their a small think fall on to the table, Abdullah eyes wided.

Abdullah: No way.

Elecmon: Abdullah what is it.

He turn around to them will holding something in his hand.

Abdullah: It Tinkerbell.

They gasp when they.

Mizuki: From Peter Pan universe.

Palmon: She must come the portal "in her mind" let just hope she doesn't fall for our master heart she will become our next rival on the list".

Abdullah to Mizuki: Go and contact the president and tell him what happened.

Mizuki bow: Has you wish master.

Then she walk away.

Abdullah Pov

Then I felt then I look to hand and see Tinkerbell is waking up.

I said: Everyone 'they turn to me' she waking up.

As my head got close has she started to wake where she look around and saw Abdullah, his Digimon's and Pokémon's will look at me will she blush at me "wait did she blush at me".

Abdullah: Hello Tinkerbell, My name is Abdullah.

Tinkerbell: *ring* *ring*.

Abdullah: That because your from the peter pan and Pixie hollow universe and franchise.

Tinkerbell shock: *ring*.

Abdullah: Yes I can understand you plus I can understand other languages including yours and those.

Were I point my the Digimon's first were she turn to look at them.

Abdullah: Those are my Digimon.

Tinkerbell: *ring*.

Abdullah: There stand for digital monsters and "I point out four Pokémon's" those are my Pokemon, Pokemon are like Digimon but different.

Tinkerbell: *ring*.

Abdullah: The Digimon's are Geomon, Elecmon, Salamon, Biyomon, Palmon will other are some where in the mansion and the Pokemon are Pikachu, Espeon, Annihilape and Gardevoir.

All my Digimon and Pokemon in my Lab: Hello.

3rd Pov

Abdullah: Oh Tinkerbell "she look at Abdullah will blush madly at him which his female Digimon's and Pokémon's did like what they saw" how about I give you a magic upgrade.

Tinkerbell thinking what is he planning, then he put Tinkerbell at his round table.

Abdullah: Ok Tinkerbell I'm going to cast a spell this spell will help you magically grow big like human so you can commutated with people who don't understand you and you can turn back into your fairy form.

Tinkerbell is shock that Abdullah know magic will she admire him with heart in her eyes.

Palmon in mind: First I have my competition with Lalamon and know I'm going to have my competition with this fairy.

Then Abdullah focus his mind then he cast his spell on Tinkerbell where the magic dust fainted, she open her eyes will moving her hands away an sitting down on her knee she look at herself but nothing happen, she look at Abdullah will hands on her chest in worry.

Abdullah explain to her: On no, you have it, "then look at Tinkerbell" it just that you have to do it just concentrate and "Tinkerbell close her eyes and stay clam" clam.

Then green spark came around her were she began to change.

Abdullah: See you doing i- "then he begin to

blush which his Male companion smile at his blush will the his female companion were at magical sparkly background were Tinkerbell arms grow grow big and her legs grow like human size will moving her legs then see her arms up in the air together then drag her hand to her head with her eyes close will moving both hand to her lip, then at both side of her chest then rap her arms around body, then background faded to back to normal lab background, then open her eyes.

Tinkerbell: Did it work.

Elecmon: Yep "she look at Elecmon" it work and you we can hear you talking.

Biyomon: And are some size a human (I which master did give her a size magic).

Pikachu nod: Pika, Pikachu.

Tinkerbell: Oh, thank you Elecmon and Pikachu and just has you know "Pikachu look her with his ears pop up" your super cute with the other hear (and the boy who cast the spell is handsomely cute" I don't why you our yellow mouse but I'll learn from this world

 Geomon smile: Then your going to love how many books Abdullah have in his library.

Tinkerbell eyes widen: He has his own Library in this his manison.

Mizuki: And let me tell you miss Tinkerbell his Library his big isn't that right mast-.

They turn to Abdullah is still blushing.

Abdullah blush nervous: Yyyyyyeeeeesssss… IIiiiiiiii. HHHHaavvvvvveee.

Tinkerbell smile seductive: *giggle* (Oh like my body I wonder what he be like in bed with his shirt off).

Biyomon fly to her master: Master, are you ok.

Where she hold his face Abdullah shake his head: Ahem any why yes Tinkerbell your also same size has a human "he cover his right will he say" Static right eyes check "with his right magical glow blue were Tinkerbell shock to hear will Abdullah wink to get a shot".

Geomon: Don't worry Tinkerbell "She look at Geomon" Abdullah is checking your static on this right which he will have know your static.

Tinkerbell blush and Impress by this magical: Oh wow.

Abdullah don't checking her Static: That should do it your static is good Tinkerbell "she smile that her new crush said" with "he said in shock" Oh my Tinkerbell you have two Ability one is the I give you size magic which now you can use it anytime you wanted.

Mizuki typing her notepad were she writing Tinkerbell ability.

Gardevoir: Gardevoir (And what the other one).

Abdullah: Magical fairy blast you can use your energy blast anytime but you need train for and will train in Simulation room so you can get better.

Tinkerbell hold her hands on her chest: Oh, that so sweet of you Abdullah.

Mizuki to Abdullah: But master how did she get we know she come from the portal?

Tinkerbell confuse: That in my mind how did that portal open?

Geomon: Oh, that a good question!

Abdullah hand on his chin: I don't know the portal doing but I did make a portal the last think it was one of villains come one of her Animal control minions.

Tinkerbell: Wait there was villains minions hear?

Abdullah: Yeah, know he is change when I broke him, then I change him I show him what if he continues to help DuBois.

This shivers his Pokémon's and Digimon's will Mizuki got mad at that woman.

Tinkerbell: I know she is the Villian who is Dubois?

Abdullah: Let me "where the tv screen appear behind them "show you who she is.

Abdullah: Show us Captain Chantel DuBois

Then screen shows a woman with red puff hairs and had Franch like make up a animal control outfit on.

Tinkerbell: That her and by look of her appearance she definitely looks like a Villian

Mizuki: Indeed, miss Tinkerbell that her, that Captain Chantel Dubois a villain of Madagascar dimension.

Tinkerbell: And how is she a Villain?

Abdullah and other know she will said that, Abdullah: Will it a good thing your friend Fawn is not hear or else she will get a horror what she and her men have done to the animals.

Tinkerbell realized which she widens her eyes in horror will holding her mouth in shock: Oh, don't tell me she!?

Elecmon: She murder the animals and animal never got she kill them and turn put their head new animal she and her men kill into Taxidermy.

Tinkerbell: Oh my goodness "she look at them" your right Fawn will definitely get mad and trumites.

Abdullah: And she didn't have the one of last of last animal left to be Taxidermy.

Tinkerbell: How?

Palmon: A Lion.

Tinkerbell: WHAT?

Mizuki: She right the last animal left to be Taxidermy my her is a Lion.

Tinkerbell horror then turn to Abdullah: And the guy you change is.

Animal: Is one of her men I encounter the skinny one at my Lion sanctuary.

Tinkerbell: Wait you have the Lion Sanctuary.

Biyomon: He didn't have one Sanctuary he has so many animal Sanctuary, insects Sanctuary and the mythical creature Sanctuary even brought the extended will animal back to like?

Tinkerbell: Oh my, I want to see it and if you have Mythical creatures then you also-.

Salamon: Oh no master doesn't have fairy Sanctuary.

Tinkerbell: Oh, that fine.

Abdullah: Yes, "serious" back to main topic yes he out of know were at night and it's a good think the intruder alert were on both side, he at my animal Sanctuary were he found my lions he need kill two out of 10 lions, a male lion and the lioness he enter the feeding he has 10 traumatizer dot ready.

Mizuki: And he enters the feeding door and he was about to when.

Abdullah: When me and Geomon get there in time.

Geomon: We knock him out then Abdullah he shows him that if he continues doing this, he won't have a normal like and will have a miserable life

Abdullah: And now he is redemption himself now he has a family and working for forest ranger from one of my oldest friend in the forest protecting the forest and animals and everyone in my world loves him.

 Tinkerbell: Well, he better keep that redemption because I'm going to give him a knuckle fairy sandwich. "She shows her right fist" and you never fought Dubois because?

Then another voice spook.

???: That because boss never encounter her.

???: And if master had he and us will fight her and her men for the animals she kill.

They turn to see three more Digimon and a two female robot with a maid dress, the first digimon look like a yellow dinosaur name Agumon, another plant Digimon with pink plant bub with two leaf is Lalamon and the a blue dragon his Veemon then two female robot maids one has long black hair that reach her legs with a maid outfit on two white triangle hair clip on each front side of the her hair and blond with long hair with twin tails with also wear a maid outfit with blue eyes shadow.

Abdullah: O Agumon, Lalamon, Veemon, Anna and Julia.

Julia: Hello master.

Palmon dark aura at Lalamon has she did the same: Well It isn't Lalamon guess what I assisted master.

Lalamon: Well I train for master to take me on of his adventure with you over grown flowers plant.

Palmon: Well your plant Digimon yourself Lalamon.

Veemon: Any why now we have three Dubois men left.

Then Palmon and Lalamon stop fighting each other.

Agumon: And we don't know if she is coming or one of her men's our coming.

Julia: It a thank good the portal send the skinny one name Tim ripen hear.

Tinkerbell: So the portal send me hear randomly.

Abdullah: Yes me, Tantamon, Mizuki and Rotom our still making the portal room but ones it finish we can help other people from different with my Mentors Kilowagg, doctor Stephan strange, Azimuth and my friend professor Paradox.

Tinkerbell: Who are they?

Mizuki: Doctor strange is the Sorcerer supreme how use the power of mythic arc, Kilowagg is the Drill sergeant of the green lantern crop he teaches him about lantern fight and he has both "were Abdullah show Tinkerbell the lantern rings which our blue and green lantern ring" blue and green lantern rings.

Tinkerbell: Wow.

Anna: Azimuth is a Galvan who created the our beloved master Abdullah's Omnitrix.

Elecmon: It allowed him change in to any aliens.

Tinkerbell: I want to how does it work.

Agumon: Maybe later.

Abdullah: *Ahem* "Tinkerbell and other turn their attention to Abdullah has he got from his chair" I know you want to go back to your world Tinkerbell but the portal room and the Portal comment center isn't ready but you can stay hear get to know this place and you can your everything in this world.

Tinkerbell got up with her hands down near her legs: *sign* I can't get to my world without the portal "she look at with smile were Abdullah stand near her" but I don't mind get to know the real world I could new thing from this world, plus I don't mind living hear with Abdullah (Which is why I fall over heels for him) plus I won't mind if I help around the Mansion. 

Everyone smile, Abdullah: I be glad to have a another tinker to help us (which I already what you said).

Tinkerbell: *giggle* I get you say that.

Abdullah smile and extend his hand: Then let me say this Tinkerbell "she smile were she shake his hand" welcome to the real world.

Then Tinkerbell cling and rest on Abdullah's chest were he hold her hip which his female robot and creatures don't like it.

Tinkerbell: Thank you Abdullah I will never forget your kindness (plus I can show you my hot cute body to you *giggle*).

Abdullah smile: Then the pleasure is all mine.

Abdullah Pov

This will become our new journey with Tinkerbell, I look at my lab's roof will smiling I wonder what else the random portal bring sometime next to us then I went serious and if the villains' our coming their me, my robots, my people, my missing family except for my father, my Digimon, Pokemon and my animals will protect from them no matter what that a promise.

The screens fades.