Episode 2: Desiree of your Wishes

Episode 2: Desiree of your wishes

Dimension: Danny Phantom world.

Location: Ghost zone.

In the Ghost zone there you'll see a lamp flowing in the ghost zone where a female ghost Genie in her harem outfit were she live inside her lamp and hoping someday waiting for someone rub her lamp that where a portal open then the lamp got stuck in to where it vanish without a trace.

Dimension: Real world

Location: Mansion, Abdullah's bedroom aka the Master bedroom.

In the real world in Abdullah's bedroom were Abdullah sleep with his eyes close in his bed were the sun shine in his eyes were it open then he felt someone clang on to him where he begin to move he felt soft pillow then he hear a girl moan where his eyes widen and then he left his head to the side to see Tinkerbell in her nightgown that Abdullah made for her wings safety on his right side peacefully rap her arms around him has she yawns.

Abdullah: O Tinkerbell what are yo-.

Then Tinkerbell Huss him with her index finger.

Tinkerbell said in quite: Shhhh, Abdullah let get some sleep.

Abdullah: But how are you in my room and where is my dog Grace the golden retriever and Snow my cat they come wake me up.

Tinkerbell: You forgot to lock your bedroom door and I sneak in with my size magic spell and I drag them outside where they sleep in the carpet.

Abdullah: Let hope my precious pets our not hurt outside.

Tinkerbell: So "he turn to Tinkerbell where she open her blue eyes will showering her eyelashes at him" Abdullah how do like me on your "she touch his body" me sitting on you.

Abdullah: I mean you are comfort me but I think we should get up and we have work to do Tink.

Tinkerbell: Oh ok, but you better finish your work I can be bored.

Abdullah: Ok.

Then Tinkerbell fly out of the bed: *smile wink* See you later cutie.

Abdullah nervous: Oh, yeah.

Then Tinkerbell open the door and fly out to her room leaving the door open were a Golden Retriever with a blue bow on her right side of her ears name Grace and a White cat with a Pink bow around her neck name Snow look at their master in bed were he saw them.

Abdullah smile: Grace and Snow.

Grace/Snow: Bark/Meow (master).

Both female pets ran to their beloved master were both climb on to the bed tackle him.

Abdullah: Wow "then both them start licking their master were he get the tickle from them" Ha Hahahaah girls good morning Hahahaah ok that tickles.

Grace put her right paw on her master: Woof, woof (Oh my beloved master).

Snow sad: Meow, Meow (We fail to protect you master).

Then heard a mouse squeak were they turn to see other one of Abdullah's pet mouse with a big yellow bow name Poppy: Squeak, Squeak (You two fall sleep with our master Plus) "were she climb on top of her master head" (were I would have done it to if I sleep with master has his little mouse).

Snow/Grace/Poppy: Meow/Bark/Squeak (our you mad at us)?

Abdullah smile pet and rub his three beloved pets: No, I would never be mad at my own pets all of them.

Snow/Grace/Poppy smile were Poppy jump to his hand and three of them touch their master cheek: Meow/Bark/Squeak (Master).

Abdullah enjoy his pets loving him, then screen change to see Abdullah in the dining room with his home door pets, his Digimon, Pokémon and Tinkerbell sitting beside Abdullah were his and other eating their breakfast will planning.

Polly the Parrot: Clicks, Squeak so master what the plan for today.

Abdullah: Well, I was thinking if Tantamon, Ranamon and Falconmon help Geomon at Security system.

Ranamon: It about time we did some security system check.

Falconmon: Indeed, we should we can also train in the room now we have some gym equipment.

Geomon: I'll be happy.

Abdullah eating his breakfast waffles: I'm going to send a message to doctor strange and tell we have a fairy in the real world "Tinkerbell cling on to him will giggling" (Is it ok to love a person or a creature from another Dimension) will also making the portal.

Biyomon: And which the portal is left to be fix.

Abdullah: But least finish our breakfast and head get to work.

Lalamon: I'll come with you this time master.

Palmon: I'm still coming master too.

Abdullah: Ok if its take your rivalry competition out for now lets eat.

At the Lab, newly build room

At the lab in the new room which is called the portal room complete were see Palmon and Lalamon will Tinkerbell help Abdullah sleeping and went to Lala land will Abdullah finish calibrating the portal will typing.

Abdullah: Ok that should do it now just to start up.

Tinkerbell cheer: Great that means me can now go anywhere in the Dimension "then do what teenage girls and women do with her flirting to Abdullah" then maybe I can take to my Dimension "where she winks at him".

Abdullah blush with a smile, then has the portal open in his portal.

Abdullah and Tinkerbell eyes widen, Abdullah: Oh, I didn't turn it on yet?

Then both Palmon and Lalamon wake up from the breeze.

Palmon: Master did you turn on the machine.

Abdullah: No, it just started on its own.

 Palmon and Lalamon: Oh.

Then hear a sparking sound where they turn to see a bottle come from the portal then bunch then roll to Abdullah's feet.

Both Abdullah and his plant Digimon eyes widen with Tinkerbell confuse.

Abdullah look down at the lamp, Lalamon: Oh, my goodness.

Palmon: What her bottle lamp doing here.

Tinkerbell eyes twits with eyes close anger will smiling with dark mark in her face when she heard the word she, Tinkerbell: Abdullah "Abdullah jump and turn to her will holding the bottle" how inside that bottle.

Abdullah: Well, let just this bottle or should I say belong to one of Danny Phantom's villain name Desiree.

Tinkerbell confuse: Wait how Danny Phantom and Desiree.

Lalamon: Oh, right you haven't seen the TV shows yet.

Abdullah still holding the lamp: Well, I'll let you watch Danny phantom later, but were about to show you who is Desiree.

Tinkerbell: Oh, please do "with her dark aura will making a fist" so I can punch this bitch.

Abdullah got scare because he can sense her dark aura.

Abdullah: O-oh computer show us Desiree the ghost genie.

Computer lower her screen will saying: Yes master.

Then screen turn on and see a green ghost woman with her very long black hair with a peekaboo hair style, wearing Egyptian harem clothes with her big chest with her arms behind her hair making a sexy pose.

Tinkerbell: That her.

Abdullah; Yep, that her, Desiree the Genie ghost was once a beautiful and powerful woman in ancient times.

Then see Abdullah hold on to Desiree's lamp, his plant Digimon's and Tinkerbell sitting at chair with everyone in the mansion and the to the President and general, Tinkerbell She was this rich and powerful.

President Harrison: And its for worse.

General George: Tell her story

Abdullah: She lived in a palace and was highly desired by many men.

Tinkerbell: Wait many men.

Geomon: Yes, with her charm and the outfit she still wearing.

Tinkerbell: (I mean I won't mind wearing one to charm Abdullah I can tell he is reading my mind which I don't mind *giggle*).

Abdullah: (Yes, I am reading your mind) However, her life took a tragic turn when she fell in love with a sultan. Despite her loyalty and affection, the sultan betrayed her, casting her out of the palace. Heartbroken and destitute, Desiree wandered the desert. During this time, she made a wish to be able to grant her own wishes and those of others. This wish was fulfilled, but with a cruel twist: her ability to grant wishes came with the caveat that the wishes would often result in disastrous and ironic outcomes.

Tinkerbell: Oh, that shameless man how could he do it to a woman how give her everything him and he throw her away.

Abdullah: That why I blame the Sultan.

President Harrison: Not just you but everything else blame the Sultan.

President wife Sarah: So are you going to bring her out.

Abdullah: That the choice I am going to make.

Ranamon: Then will be here to defend.

Abdullah nod the look at the bottle where he stands up then he begins to rub Desiree's lamp where her lamp hold was a white smoke come out where a Desiree appear will closing her yes with a smile with her arms open then she opens her eyes look at the one who rub it.

Desiree: Oh, hello my dear I'm Desiree the ghost genie of that lamp and you must be the handsome cutie how rub it.

Tinkerbel shout: Excuse me "she got in front of Abdullah" you genie floating bitch this guys is already been taken.

Desiree: Oh, but two our not boyfriend and Girlfriend, so you she little fairy dust plus "she floats near Abdullah right cheek and kiss him right in the cheek which Tinkerbell, his Female Digimon, Robots assisted, maid and other etc., Pokémon in the mansion or at the greenhouse and his female pets were mad that how dare she kiss Abdullah/our master will get him blush" you did kiss him on the cheek.

Abdullah eyes stare to swirl: I got kiss by a girl; I got kiss by a girl.

Tinkerbell franstred: Well then two can play that game "Tinkerbell fly near Abdullah left side and kiss him on his cheek".

President Harrison: Oh I thing I should got back to work.

Sarah: And I'll support you.

General George: I thing me wife and me kids our call I should go.

Both side turn of the intercom.

Abdullah: I got kiss by a different girl again (Wait does Tinkerbell and Desiree like me I means I'm getting charm by her a little) "he shakes himself of" Ahem "were they got Abdullah attention" now Desiree so you heard everything from your lamp.

Desiree: Oh Yeah, I did will I don't care about "she hold on to Abdullah will" but I can grand you any wish for your Desire I can be your personal Genie.

Biyomon: So, master are you going grand a wish.

Abdullah: Yes, Biyomon because a Genie of the lamp suppose to grand a wish.

Desiree: That right my hot handsome master usually I charm man but It seem you have charm me.

Abdullah stutter a bit: O-ok "then Desiree stands at the center ready to grand a wish" My first wish you're going grand wish without the consequences.

Will Mizuki recorded this.

Desiree eyes widen: Oh "then magic spark come in Desiree" Oh haa *moan* ha.

Abdullah: I don't want to do this, my second Desiree you are going to grand only my wishes and you're going to stick by myside.

Desiree which she blushes will putting her hand on her mouth with tears and with her Eye widen which some of them know, Desiree: Your second has been granted "with she snaps her finger were the wish is granted.

Abdullah: Third wish is Tinkerbell "Tinkerbell pop her head up blush he granting her wish" is she could have an Egyptian outfit.

Desiree smile: Then she should have it "were she snap her fingers again".

Then a green Egyptian woman dress in green color appear with were she grab it.

Tinkerbell: Now I have two dresses.

Tinkerbell come near Abdullah: Thank Abdullah "she kiss him on the cheek".

Desiree stern look at Tinkerbell with jealous, Tinkerbell give Desiree then eye.

Desiree: (This fairy is starting to made me annoying, but at least I can be with my new darling I hope he like sexy ghost girls like me).

Abdullah: That is all.

Tantamon: That enough wish for a day then.

Tinkerbell zip right to up in excitement: Yes I have 2 outfits now.

Abdullah: If you want Tinkerbell, I can make you a 3 outfits but a night gown.

Tinkerbell turn to Abdullah in shock with Desiree: Wait you can make clothes.

Palmon: That right master has his own Tailor room where he can make anything.

Desiree: I did know that?

Abdullah: That I can and you relax let me show you my mansion tour I don't make you go every part of the mansion so I made "were he flip over a device in his hand" to show you every part of them mansion.

Then each look has the tour device were it a giant screen in and out of the mansion where they see every part of the mansion area were they were shock to every part of the mansion.

Desiree: Oh my gosh, you have everything you ever have your own swimming pool, an Animal sanctuary and "she and Tinkerbell were shock to see a mountain with four dragons" you have four dragon and a Dragon Mountain.

Abdullah: Yep, my own dragon mountain and in two days I'll be doing animal inspection at my Swan's Sanctuary.

Tinkerbell: You have own horse stable, a horse track field, a farmland and you have a garden field.

Abdullah: Yes, if you want your people can make a home at my garden field.

Where turn of his tore device then two of them saw five young girl.

Tinkerbell/Tinkerbell: Abdullah why theirs a 5 young girl behind your legs?

Abdullah: *smile* Oh you mean my five adopted sister "Abdullah to his adopted little sister" it ok their real.

Then five come in front will clinging on to his leg.

Abdullah: I guess it time for introduction Tinkerbell and Desiree meet my adopted little sisters Rosie, Daisy, Alice, Cindy and Brittany.

Rosie Adam is Abdullah's 5-year-old adopted sister with a purple hair color with long hair, she wears little girl yellow T-shirt with a puppy with its puppy dog eyes she wears double purple with short white sock and purple shoes, Daisy Adam also adopted and 5 years she has orange pigtails, she has brown eyes, wearing an orange dress with a white trance around her wrist with puff sleeves, a orange hair band white shocks and orange shoes, Alice Adam, a 5 year girl, blue eyes, long blonde ponytail she wear a Alice in wonderland from Disney dress which Abdullah find it cute, Cindy Adam also 5 year with red blob hear, green eyes, wearing a yellow puff-sleeves dress white sock and blue shoes and Brittany Adam also 5 year, brown eyes, blue long twintails hairs, she wear a blue shirt with Bubble's aka from Powerpuff girls printed on with a blue skirt, wears a long socks with blue shoes.

Abdullah: Desiree is not going hurt anyone.

Rosie: Well, we will keep our eyes own you.

Desiree: I promise you that will not hurt your brother.

Alice: You better.

Cindy looks Tinkerbell with Daisy and Brittany: Wow your Tinkerbell from peter pan and from pixie hollow.

Tinkerbell: *Giggle* Yes how did you know about me.

Abdullah: I thing we should show both Tinkerbell and Desiree the first movie.

Gabumon: That a good idea

Kudomon: It best to show them their life in the movie.

Tinkerbell: Sure, I won't to watch a movie.

Desiree: Since, I know movie, but I don't mind "she flirt with Abdullah" is it with you Abdullah.

Abdullah wired: Sure, why not.

His 5 sisters: Yay Movie time.

Abdullah: Let go the atrium so we can watch the peter pan movie.

Hagurumon: I'll start the projector.

Agumon: Let watch the movie.

Veemon: How Agumon race you to the Atrium.

Agumon: Your on.

Both Digimon ran of to the Atrium will everyone follow them.

Desiree Pov

I am going have a best life in real world, plus I know this Tinkerbell come from another dimension but I'm happy the where I am, I think its time for me forget my grudge that happen to me in the past and I should focus on the future I think will guide a villain like myself at the right patch, plus I don't mind sharing him with Tinkerbell, if Danny, his girlfriend Sam, his family and his friends come to look for me and think I'm casing a chaos will then my darling will talk to them and I will protect him no matter what.