Episode 3: Bela’s (author: Aka the hotel Transylvania 2 villain) three buddies vs Abdullah, Tinkerbell and his Pokemon , A mother – son reunion.

Dimension: Real world

Location: streets, ally.

Time: Nighttime

At the streets a woman with blonde long hair with blue eyes rap out clothes walking in the street will holding her body will saying will walking.

Woman: My babies I need to find my babies, why didn't leave my horrible husband plus I don't know where my family is including one of my precious babies, my little Abdullah my baby boy don't worry my child mommy is going to fine you until my last breath.

At roof of a building a portal opens then three bat-like creatures come land at the roof will grin in pain.

Bat- creatures: Ow what the hell?

Bat-creatures 2: What are you shouting at we fall from the ground will we were flying away from those humans and their monster pal traitor and their vampire kid then three of us went in.

Bat-creature 3: Hey guys "two of them turn to him will smiles wickedly at Abdullah's mother" look a female flash bag human.

They see Abdullah's mother coming to the ally.

Bat-creature smirks where he jumps were he flies: Well, well a human to kill.

Then his two buddies fly with him: Yeah, after what those monster and human did to us why nod take frustration on her then.

Bat-creature 3: And Bela will be please.

Bat-creature: Then let get her.

Then three glides down to get her and kill her, where Abdullah's mother did see where they coming from all starving and struggling then they were about attack her something super speedy fast speed come to her rescue where he quickly grab her which she was shock.

Bat-creatures shock: What the.

Where they stop were they float with a gray dust surrounded has the smoke clear to see a creature a semi armored velociraptor. He has a helmet with a visor built in and wheel-like feet. He has three claws on each hand. Creature is black and blue and has a green stripe on his chest with the Omnitrix.

???: Hey you monster idiots "then a woman opens her eyes shook and gasp to see a creature with Velociraptor appearance were three creatures shake they're in anger who distort their victim" pick on somebody your own size.

Bat-creature 1: Oh, are you?

Bat-creature 2: Are you a monster if so why are defending a human?

???: Ok one; I'm an Alien not a monster, two; why would I eat a human plus why would I eat my own kind.

Bat-creatures and Abdullah's mother: Your own kind.

???: I may call myself XLR8 in this from but this is not my true form "then he looks at Abdullah's mother" Ma'am I'm going have you put you down for minute.

Abdullah's mother will shock: Oh no, problem dear.

XLR8 put her down gently will raising his right hand claw: Allow me to introduce myself, friends of Bela who got defeated by Dracula, his family and friends from at their hotel Transylvania.

Both the woman gasp with three bat-creatures, where he slam the Omnitrix in his chest the XLR8 change back to a human boy where she and the bat monsters in shock will the Bat-creatures angry when they a boy were the woman shock to see will she seems her heart beat that she is connect to this boy that she know which she will also bring tear in her eyes.

Abdullah: That Name Abdullah "the gasp will be covering her", Abdullah Adam.

Abdullah's mother: (That is my baby's name, is he my long-lost son and I think my mother intend is kicking in and telling me that this boy is my son).

Bat-creature 1: So, you were the creature?

Abdullah: That I'm but "he turns on his Omnitrix then he diel to select" you three are about to thought a lesson.

Then he slams his Omnitrix which his mother closes her eyes and open to transformed into a Mummy who has greyish-brown and more ragged bandages, with more layers being visible and the tendrils on his back being much shorter. His headdress is black with two glowing green gaps on either side of it and a gold rimming at the bottom. His green eyes are surrounded by crown-like golden spikes and his lower face is wrapped in bandages. His chin is black with more green gaps and a golden beard-like spine jutting from it. His upper chest and shoulders are covered by a large collar/wrap-like garment with green and black stripes. He also has black-and-gold pads on each shoulder, with each one having a green "eye" on them. The gaps on his chest are gone and his heels each have an extra "toe". The ties on his Shendyt are replaced by a single bandage. His braces and greaves now have gold trimmings and two larger green gaps on them. He wears the Omnitrix on a green and white belt around his waist.

Snore-Oh (Abdullah): Snore-Oh.

Bat-creature 2: A monster alien.

Snore-Oh (Abdullah): Indeed, but I'm not alone.

???: Fairy energy ball.

The Bat-creature look behind, then green energy strike one of them on the right then Abdullah's mother saw green fairy name Tinkerbell give the Bat-monster a full punch in his mouth that she breaks his teeth where she keeps on punch, dodge and hitting the Bat-creature 2 will he struggle to hit her.

Snore-Oh (Abdullah): Go Electivire and Drapion attack Bat-monster 3 and knock him out.

Then both Bat-monster and his mother look two creatures how come out of the strange balls were it open one were a big ogre with two vires coming out and other is a purple scorpion".

Electivire: Electivire.

Drapion: Drapion.

Then Electivire made the first move where he strike a Thunder punch at the other bat-monster which sent it back were Electivire and Drapion ran to attack the second bat monster, then the first one remain alone where he heard a spinking sound where he turn to see Abdullah in his Snore-Oh form where he spink is right hand where he jump and kick him, then he rap a bondage around the first bat-monster then he reel has he slam him down to the ground.

Abdullah's mother hang on her chest worry in shock: My son has grown up, but "she turn to see a Tinkerbell attacking a the second bat monster" who is human girl with wings is she a fairy and do I get the feeling that she like my son but "she when went to Mama bear" see if she is like my son or playing in his heart I don't mind if my son date whatever girl he like but I will see if she good to my son, plus those "she turn those two Pokémon's" creatures they come out from the ball our those his new Pokémon's I'm sure he till have Pikachu and Eevee I miss those two.

At Tinkerbell's fight where she is handling her first bad guy fight will the Bat- monster 2 where did try land one or three attack because she doing big and small will attack him.

Tinkerbell: I will not let you attack the innocent, fairy dust blast "that attack let again".

Where she breaks his teeth, then she hit him in his private part where he falls down the grown unconscious transform back to human size.

Tinkerbell clean her hand: That should it (I defeated bad guy that is not captain hook and his pirate) well I should get this guy back to Abdullah so he can praise will taking me *gigging* on dinner.

She pours some pixie dust on him fly back to Abdullah's mother.

At Electivire and Drapion take on 3 Bat monster were Drapion shot out pin missile which it hit bat monster.

Bat monster 3: Argggg.

Bat monster 3 is in lot of damages with electricity coming from his body from the fight by Electivire: (Those two our creatures so strong and powerful I should fly away and kill human in another day).

He did fly away but caught: What?

Then he turns to see it was the purple scorpion caught him then he spit out poison jab that hit Bat monster were he.

Bat monster: Haa.

He grins in pain from the poison. Then Electivire a bolt of lightning at it from thunder shock him where it fell to the ground unconscious, were Drapion and Electivire when back with a unconscious Bat-monster dragging back to their trainer.

Back to Abdullah still in Snore-oh form fight the last bat-monster where he is kept on slashing it claws in anger will dodge him with his bandage help.

Bat-monster 1: Hold still you frilly shapeshifting human.

(Snore-Oh) Abdullah: Over my dead body if can touch me if you can.

Then Abdullah punch him and did a sludge hammer on it. Then he taps his watch again where Abdullah's mother saw her son where he dials again and select a different alien which is a small monkey-like alien with four arms, two legs, three fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot, blue fur over a dark blue center, and a tail with two stripes near the tip.

(???) Abdullah: Spidermonkey.

Abdullah's mother: Oh my.

(Spidermonkey) Abdullah then fire a web Bat-monster were he got tied by his strong webs were tied will being mad when look up then got frightened where he punch him real hard then he felt unconscious will tied up. Then he turn to the woman how stand then he tab his watch and when back to human.

Abdullah: Are you ok ma'am.

Abdullah's mother: Oh yes dear.

Then he got close to her look quickly he is shock to that he seen her before.

Abdullah: Excuse Ma'am who are you.

Abdullah's mother worm smile with in tears: Oh my name is Maria "Abdullah is gasp to hear her name but when he heard her last name", Maria Adam.

Abdullah gasp.

In his mind four creatures one is a black glow like think with a lot of teeth and white like eyes, one is a flame coming from it skull, two big dragons one is red dragon with green eyes and other is a white dragon with blue eyes.

Black glow: Mind blown.

Flame skull: The soul of both our hosts and the woman soul are connected.

Red dragon: Then that means.

White dragon: Indeed, Ddriag this woman is our host's mother.

Out of his mind.

Abdullah shock, surprise, sad and happy: Your, your wait let me check.

Abdullah look into her head; he saw she and young Abdullah playing with his long-lost siblings and grandparents like how she, his biological sister and his grandparents were happy with their dreams with his father Billy being a jerk when he stop read her mind he now know that this woman he save is his mother Maria Adam, Abdullah stood their when tear drove down his face. Electivire and Drapion came back with third bat monster.

Electivire: Electi (Hey boss wear back with third bat monster).

Then Both of them see, Both Maria and Abdullah look at each other, will Tinkerbell also come.

Tinkerbell: Hey guys I'm back with-.

She lands on the ground, will dropping the second bat monster will taking her Pixie dust back she sees a woman and Abdullah look at each other.

Drapion: Drap (What is going on).

Tinkerbell got worry.

Abdullah: Mom.

All three of them gasp when he says the word mom.

Maria smile worm will be extending her arms will she cry in tears: I Finally found you my baby boy.

She quickly embraces her long-lost son and he hug her back to see his kind mother again.

Electivire: Electi (That boss's mother).

Drapion: Drap, Drapion (I'm Pikachu did show her what she look like and how kind she to him, Eevee, Palmon and Agumon).

Tinkerbell: That Abdullah's mother *sign* that relief.

Maria: Oh, Abdullah I found you after all those years.

Abdullah: Oh mom, *sniff* but why your clothes torn up and what happen.

Maria was about to say but they her both three Bat monsters are moaning in pain.

Abdullah: I'll send them to monster jail.

Maria: Wait you have a monster sweetie.

Abdullah turn to his mother: Yes, mom that wear bad monster go how had did a crime, those three our from the hotel Transylvania universe.

Maria: Oh, so from Transylvania.

Abdullah: Oh, right you never watch hotel Transylvania movie before.

Maria: Well, I never watch a movie because of your ex-father and my ex-husband.

Electivire: Elect (Pikachu did told us his Pokémon's about his father).

Drapion nod.

Abdullah: Ok now let me send them to monster jail.

Abdullah snap his fingers then both three of them went away to the monster jail.

Abdullah: Ok let get in my car you can explain will we head back home with some stuff and grocery.

Maria: Indeed, dear and are those two "where she points out Electivire and Drapion" are your new Pokémon.

Abdullah: Oh yeah, those two are my new Pokémon, this Drapion and Electivire.

Maria: Oh, how you two I'm Maria Adam, I'm your trainer mother.

Drapion and Electivire happy greet her 😊: Drapion/Electivire.

Abdullah: They said their happy to meet you Miss Adam your son Pikachu and Eevee talk a lot about you.

Maria: Their ok.

Abdullah: Yep, including Agumon and Palmon we were abandoned at the gas station by Billy.

 Maria: So, he lied to that you ran away he abandoned you.

Abdullah: Yeah, but let talk everything in the car to the mall.

Maria: Of course?

Abdullah: Ok let go "he turns to his two Pokémon with two Pokeballs" Electivire and Drapion return he put them away.

Both of them went back to their Pokeball then they walk to his car.

Maria is stun to see her son's car: Oh, my this is your car sweetie.

Abdullah: Oh, I bought it with my money, so hop in.

Tinkerbell sit on the back and Abdullah on the driver set then when Maria set on in the front with her son at the driver.

Maria: O "she felt worm sitting in her son's car will closing the door" I can't remember when I last set on the worm car.

Abdullah start: Then you better buckle up.

They Abdullah and his mother put their site belt on where start his car turn on the A/C were Maria felt cool breeze from her son's car she smiles that she is glad she got reunite with her son she then he drove his car to his house where they talk.

Abdullah: Hey Mom!

Maria: Yes sweetie.

Abdullah: Were did you and other go because I search you, my brothers, my sister and my grandparents. I ask the neighbor they told me you guys lift with no note for them to give me?

Maria: Oh, sweetie we left after what your father side he kick you out the house your grandfathers knock your father we force him to sign the divorce papers we got money for all he has done, then were we separated from each other will splitting up the money my parents when with Alexzander, your father's parents went with Thomas, Emily went with your third brother Owan and I went alone to search for you, we did tell the neighbors or else your father them to tell him the truth.

Abdullah: So that why the house empty and you never tell the neighbors.

Maria: Yes, in order to-.

Then she got cut off were she hold her stomach began to growl.

Abdullah: Oh, you're hungry.

Maria: Sorry sweetie I didn't eat much any thing in seven years.

Tinkerbell took Sandwich out of the supplies where she give it to her: Ma'am "she turn to Tinkerbell on the left' their we brought some sandwich's so you can have one.

Maria: Oh no dear I shouldn't.

Abdullah: Mom is ok Tinkerbell is kindly give you a sandwish so eat it.

Maria: Oh well thank you dear.

She kindly took a sandwish from Tinkerbell hand and begin eat it where she Oh and begin to eat.

Maria: I have not eaten sandwish for years.

Abdullah: Glad you like it.

Tinkerbell even pass her water: Hear some water.

Maria take gently from her: Thank you dear.

She drink half water.

Maria: *sign* So "she talks to Tinkerbell" dear you're from the peter pan world.

Abdullah: Actually, mom Tinkerbell's movie were created by Bradley Raymond so she not only from Peter pan universe but also in pixie hallow.

Maria: Oh, my Tinkerbell has her own movie.

Tinkerbell: And with my friends which I didn't see it because we were watching peter pan movie then episode 1 of Danny phantom in his atrium.

Maria shock: What you had an Atrium!

Abdullah: Yes, and the place we're living is a mansion where I found in the forest where I was abandoned at the gas station.

Maria shock and mad: Wait Billy abandoned you at the gas station.

Abdullah: Yes, with Pikachu, Eevee, Agumon and Palmon, then I found two kittens and puppies in the box I took them.

Maria: You adopted them "Abdullah nod" Oh Abdullah you are defiantly my son I'm so proud of you.

Abdullah: Thank mom and I did few other animals like deer's, a mother eagle and three baby eagle which they live in of my balcony and they petrol for intruders.

Maria: With you deer's!?

Abdullah: Yes, mom but don't worry I build an animal sanctuary for them another wild animal I encounter, some farm animal and other.

Tinkerbell: Yep, your son has so many animals.

Maria: Oh, that my son, so found a mansion.

Abdullah: Yeah I found it, it was abandoned so I told the worker bots to remake the mansion then me, Pikachu, Eevee, Agumon, Palmon, my puppies who are now dogs K-9 is Ace and the female Golden retriever name Grace, my two kitties who are now cats the black male cat is Shadow and my white female cat is Snow, Daisy the cow and three baby calf and some who were with me doing my 10 year.

Maria: Those two Electivire and Drapion.

Abdullah: My Pokémon they were Eleckid and Skorupi and "he saw they are arriving" Oh were.

Abdullah turn his car to the forest at the road which Maria is shock because she even saw this road in the maps, he drove to the forest has we went deep into the forest, then she a big sliver gate which gasp will hands on her mouth.

Maria Pov:

I was shock when my baby boy stops his car with Tinkerbell smile near the silver gate.

Tinkerbell: Where hear.

My son Abdullah place his hand on his intercom which I didn't notes: Open the gates Eva, Mizuki.

With who is Eva and Mizuki.

My son Abdullah: Oh, If you're wondering who they our their my assisted AI.

I said: Oh, that good.

The I turn to the gate has gate open wide to see a 7 story mansion with the thing in the ground which so beautiful like the fountains, which I got so shock and gasp that my baby boy has being living all alone I grateful for other to take care of him and I'm glad he is taking care of him but I cannot 4 child was in hear the hold time, I blame everything to my ex-husband he separated me from my family and I found one of my family, I know he grown up, But I will take care of him has his mother no what and If anyone try to hurt my family and my babies I'll go mama bear those people, but 'I place my hand on my chest' I found reunited with 4 son and I will never leave his side ever again that my promise.

Abdullah: Oh Mom.

I said: Yes sweetie.

Abdullah: When I was 12, I Adopted 5 young girls has my sister and theirs is also a ghost genie in my house.

I stun up and say: What!

That where my son stop his car at entrance door of his mansion where the door open 5 5-year-old girls happily come out where they stand with a robotic maid that I know my son made her, why son adopted 5 young girl let's just hope Emily my fifth child didn't mind of being a big sister.

3rd Pov

To be continue…