Chapter 4: Maria Adam day at her son mansion

Maria's Pov

My eyes open from the sun where I open my eyes has my yawn.


I stud up where I'm lay on my worm bad my son give me and told me that this is my room I am happy that I found my son, now I have some tame animal and now I have 5 adopted daughter they even welcome me in warm I turn to look around then I saw a some my size clothes and a note which I am still in my worn out clothes.

I said: Oh, right Abdullah take my size that day I didn't know he can make my clothes one is a night wear and the second is my normal clothes, I did know my son has swing skills I mean I would know because I was separated from him but it's fine for me.

I got up from my new where I took a shower which Electra my son's head robot maid give me instruction, I will thank her later, I turn on the shower where I feel a cool water.

I said: O "then I have my tears come out from the fresh water" I don't ever remember when I took a good shower after what my "sour face" Ex-husband did which I don't have any simplify him after what he did "where I add a clean soap on my body" to my family, but my son Abdullah and his companions will fine our family, but I can believe that they was a Ghost Genie and she from Danny phantom dimension and both her and Tinkerbell are fighting over my son they even made my son blush and Desiree wears a harem outfit in front of my son which case him to blush even but I'll talk to them when I see them but right know "then I add shampoo that Abdullah, Tinkerbell and his Pokémon brought" all I can do know is relax and explore around the place.

Outside side of Maria's room

 3rd Pov

I step out of my new room with my new clothes on I wear a brown sweater top long sleeve with a long green skirt that reach my knees, where I enter the hallway that where I heard a Meow voice I look down and saw that white cat with a pink bow I think her name Snow that a lovely name that my son have given her.

Maria: Oh, hello Snow.

Snow 😊: Meow.

Then she Purr my legs O she so cute then I begin to rub her body has I bend down where I can tell she likes me.

Maria: Oh, your so cute I believe you and your brother Shadow the black cat is also same cute you are.

Snow Meow that she like her master's mother.

Snow in her mind: (Pikachu, Eevee, Palmon and Agumon were right master's mother is kind).

Where the Snow power activity that Maria shock from the Snow power has, she felt good luck with.

Maria: Oh my, why do I feel I have good luck on my side thank to my son's cat I think I'm going to Ask his why?

The she heard familiar voice.

Palmon: Miss Maria.

Maria happy turn around saw Palmon.

Palmon: Oh Palmon.

Palmon and Maria hug each other.

Palmon: Oh, miss Maria, I miss you.

Maria: Oh, my dear I miss you too.

Palmon: We thought the me and others won't see you again?

Maria: *giggle* I would never die when I can find my son, you and other.

Palmon: So, Miss Maria, what are you going to do?

Maria: Well, I'll explore around the place since I don't know anything except for the gate and my room.

Palmon: Oh, you should miss Maria "with Snow nod" this place is big so you might get" lost here, and I see your wearing that clothes that master made.

Maria: O I live these clothes "she trilling around with her hand separated" I can't believe my son made these clothes and didn't know my son has good swing skills.

Palmon: Oh Yeah master made clothes he started to do with a table cloth he had tough time will putting a tread in the needle hole but he got better with making clothes and other stuff where he decided to make a Tailor room.

Maria: So, there is a Tailor room?

Palmon: Yeah, It's on the third floor and did get exhausted from all the clothes making at the sometime.

Maria then closes her eyes worry for her son: O my baby boy "then she remembers something" oh right Palmon?

Palmon: Yeah!

Maria: Can you explain why my son's cat glow white light I fell good luck.

Palmon: O "turn Snow 😊" Snow put good luck on her.

Snow 😊: *Meow*.

Palmon turn back to Maria: And to answer your question Miss Maria, your son my master give Snow and Shadow Aka the black cat when they were kitties, Master did he can give any living thing powers Both Snow and Shadow did had problems with it but master help them control their power.

Maria: Oh, I didn't know my son could do that, so Snow's power is good luck then.

Palmon: And Snow's brother Shadow has the bad luck, the bad luck will only work if harm Shadow, master or anyone that he cars about that person will get bad luck in 24 hours and for Snow if you treat everyone love, care and she sees you're a kind person then you get good luck.

Maria: O Thank you Snow.

Snow 😊: *Meow*.

Palmon: But not the only Ability does Shadow and Snow.

Maria: What else dose she and Shadow have.

Palmon put her hand on her chin: Well, Shadow has the power of shadow he can go to anyone shade and his claw, teeth and his entire body become shadow, Snow has power shine the light which anyone get blind, when she defended our master because a banshee try assault Abdullah not giving his bread to her Snow use the power of Snow on her which the kids wow at her power in excitement and her final ability is to heal.

Snow and Palmon didn't see Maria has dark aura on her eyes and a scary smile.

Maria mama bear inside: (So that Karen try to assault my son in that greasry store if I see her again harming my son I'll kill her or any Karen/Ken's who ever harm my family) "return to her normal state where she also remember" and were did he get that strange watch my son carrying because my son transform if I remember he turn into XLR8, Snare-o and Spidermonkey.

Palmon: You will know when you watch the tv show call ben 10 that were you know where did he get it from.

Maria: Ok dear, so I better be going to see the place if you two can show me.

Snow nod 😊 and Palmon: Sure, we won't mind.

Then they heard another voice where they turn to see Tinkerbell.

Tinkerbell: And I'll join too.

Palmon: Oh, hey Tinkerbell.

Tinkerbell: Hey you three, Abdullah told me he will get up late for making clothes for his mother "she turn to her crush's mother" I must say Miss Maria you look beautiful with your blond hair being shiny blond again.

Maria: Thank you dear.

???: I mean she is not wrong.

Maria except three other got confuse: Where is that voice coming from.

Tinkerbell: It ok Miss Adam it just Desiree in the bottle wining.

Desiree come out from her lamp: Well I'm sorry miss little bells, you were the one how pull me away from darling me, I was trying to comfort him.

Tinkerbell yell at Desiree: You were going to flirt with in bed when he is tired miss wisher disasters.

Maria turns to Palmon and Snow to tell them: I'm going to explore his place.

Snow: *Meow*.

Palmon: Don't worry miss Maria we'll take care of these two will you go explore.

Then Maria when away to look around.

Maria pov The Tea room

I entered the first room were gasp to see all the decorations in this room and some painting there is some table and chairs, other one is a coffee table with 4 cushion on the ground I think it for sitting then I saw a maid robot droid cleaning the room where she turn to me has she bow.

???: Hello Mistress Maria Adam, the mother of my master I'm the head maid of the mansion Electra the robot maid welcome to the tea room.

Maria: Tearoom?

Electra: Yes, my mistress this is the Tearoom were you, master any other take fresh cup of tea, we have one part for sitting on the chair and other part is Japanese/Chinese style. So you like to have a cup of tea and tea biscuit for morning breakfast miss?

Maria: I mean I could use a cup then ok but our you sure you will clean the place again.

Electra: It all find miss is our job has the robot maids.

Then I set on one of the noble tables at the windows sipping my tea and eating tea biscuit which I fine both tea and biscuits were delicious.

Maria: That was a nice tea and biscuit.

Electra: Did you like it ma'am.

Maria: Oh yes, it's delicious, I can't remember last 7 year I drink tea and "I pull out my last biscuit" biscuit.

Maria, I finish last biscuit and my last sip of my tea wear clean my mouth will 😊.

Electra: You want some more tea miss?

Maria: No thanks save it for the others.

Electra bow: Has you wish my lady.

Then I stand up from my chair will putting my arm between my hip.

Maria: Are you sure you don't want me to help you Electra.

Electra: That really nice of miss Maria, "her hand on her chest" but I insisted.

Maria: Ok then I surprise my son made a beautiful room like this.

Electra start cleaning up: Indeed, master Abdullah had made this room so anyone will have refreshing drink and biscuit.

I said: I wish I have some to talk too.

Electra in her mind: There is one person she can talk to but she is exploring our world, let just hope she don't died again when she got attack by Grims now she is in the real world I think she in Africa I think plus master and the president did give her money to explore or world she does sent us phones?

I said: Have a nice day Electra.

Electra: Have nice day miss.

I went out of the Tearoom were I close it with smile were I look at the Tearoom since.

Maria: I'm really will come in this room again maybe I'll bring my son, or I can bring Tinkerbell and Desiree to talk about their relationship with my son?

I walk away from the tearoom to next room.

Maria pov Art room

I enter the room where I saw a lot of art stuff, I read the sign said art room.

Maria: Oh, this is an art room oh my son must love to make art but it fine a lot of people get their job has an arts to show people how much they have drown for the people to love will I do hate people who think art doesn't help earn money, but I'm one of those people who how believe in those who love to do art.

Then I saw 5 art stands with paper and it has my 5 adopted daughters name in it.

Maria motherly love: Oh my 5-baby mush really to draw and I improve of they want to become painters I wouldn't get in their aways. Well, I must head to the next room.

I close the door walk to other room.

Maria Pov Medical room

I arrived into another room which is already unlock I see a nurse robot droid walking around the place with hospital supplies I saw able of room and it said which it said medical room.

Maria: O so this wear "has I said the nurse robot turn to look when I said" people get treated.

???: Indeed, ma'am.

I turn to see her walking towards me.

Maria: O hello I'm-.

???: Maria, my master mother.

Maria: Oh yes how did you know?

???: Electra told other maid and other bots about you, by the way I'm Mia the blue long twintails nurse robot I am created by my master to heal any patient with my helping friends Baymax and your son's Pokémon Blissy.

Maria: O nice to meet you Mia I can understand about Pokémon but who is Baymax.

Mia: Oh, Baymax is the artificial intelligent robot he a white walking marshmallow he can be creepy at time but he is nice.

Maria: Where can I find him.

Mia: At the training simulation station at the simulation medical bay in his red recharging box.

Maria: Oh, Their a training simulation.

Mia: Yeah, master designed to be prepared anything and it's in the ground floor at the lobby.

Maria: Oh, thank you but I'm not going in at room.

Mia: Oh, its fine to their also a 3 gym.

Maria: He has three gyms?

Mia: Yep, master had an idea to make three gyms in 4 floor their also a Music room at the second floor for people want to sing, dance and learn how to play instrument, there is also a game room full area on the fifth floor their a Library on the lobby, the master bedroom is on the first floor, the kids room is at the first floor with your room.

Maria: Oh Thank you for telling other places will I must be going because I have to other stuff.

Mia: Ok miss Maria see you later.

Maria: See you later my dear.

Then I walk away from the medical room.

Maria pov at the dance studios room

I entered another room I entered I was.

I said: Oh, my gash.

I saw a lot of big mirrors attach together with a vary long poll right next to the end is the changing room and 5 big windows.

Maria: This is a Dance studio.

I look inside Changing room and there is Ballerina outfit I look at and measurement to see it's actually.

I said: This is my size, "I look myself holding the Ballerina dress" it's been a will since I these after I marry Billy, my father and my mother when I did my first ballie will mom was crying tear when she saw me in this dress and call me the white crane.

I look at the dress and decided to put it on, at the dance floor I come out from the changing where you can see me in the ballerina dress with my hair into a bun.

3rd pov

Then see Maria Abdullah's mother dancing in her Ballet dress where she dances on her toes like Ballerina where she did a perfect Ballet jump.

Maria: *giggle* I still got it.

She even did a Pirouette, she jumps where she did a triple spin will she is dancing a portal on and a slander woman one-piece red dress with white frills under the skirt and exposed shoulders, separate black sleeves with red and black bracers and a separate black skirt that covers most of the red one underneath. She wears a less bulky version of her white cloak with a red inner liner, which is secured by a pair of black leather straps with leaf-shaped pins that attach to the cloak at the shoulders before crossing above her chest and eventually attaching to a set of thick black belts around her waist. Prior to leaving for her last mission, she wore the same rose pendant has Ruby would later don where the two straps overlapped above her chest. Covering her legs is a pair of grey leggings and on her feet is a pair of black high-heeled boots with red highlights where the camera zooms to her face to see the mother of Ruby and the stepmother of Yang, Summer rose.

Summer Rose: Hey everyone I'm back and-.

She stops when she sees a blonde woman dancing, she confuses who she is and on other hand she was surprise to a woman dancing in the Ballerina outfit and were she finish where she stop with her special Craine pose then she hear a clap were her I widen where she turn at the door to see Summer Rose.

Summer rose: That was beautiful dance moves I never try doing those in my Ballet dress which is the one you are wearing.

Maria: O sorry I didn't know it was your.

Summer Rose: Oh, Its fine at lease your barrowing it I'm sure Abdullah will make another.

Maria eye widened worry where she hold her hand on her chest: You know my son?

Summer Rose eye widened: Wait you're his mother!

Maria: Yes, he and other found me next day, and by look of it you're also a mother too.

Summer: Yes, I'm the mother of two children actually the first one is my step daughter and the second daughter is my biological child.

Maria: So where are they?

Summer: At my world call ramment I was given a second change to were I got send to your world were I meant your son he also help me to get stronger because I need to be ready if Salem comes hear.

Maria: Oh's Salem.

Summer: Oh, that's the story for another day.

Maria: Ok, so you want to join me for next ballet dance.

Summer: I love to and I will be fine to dance in my old outfit and it will great to dance with friend.

Maria; You think of me has your friend.

Summer: Yap, your my friends Maria, your also a mother like me and you have 10 kids like have two kids and your are also a loving mother like me so I think we can become good friend, so what do you think.

Maria happily smiles: That means now I have someone talk too.

Summer happily smiles: And have nice conversation with and have tea and biscuit.

Maria: Have a lady time someone.

Summer/Maria happily: *Squeaked* Eeeepppp "they quickly hug each other" my new bestie.

Now the friendship between Maria and Summer rose has become now, has we zoom out from the Dance studio, now Maria is back to her son but more family members need to be found and now she is getting to know of Abdullah's new place where we the screen faded, where the story continues.