Chapter 5: Fairy and Genie confession to human

Tinkerbell Pov

I said: Oh, I can believe that you.

Tinkerbell was frustrated Desiree from her flirtiness to her crush Abdullah where both flying in hallway where Abdullah's mother Maria let will folding their arms.

Desiree: Same with you, you also flirt with him when he is sleeping.

I said has I went to Lovey-dovey: Well, I can help it he is handsome.

Then Desiree asks Tinkerbell a question?

Desiree: So, Tinkerbell.

Tinkerbell turns to Desiree.

Desiree: What do you think Abdullah has an do you have feelings for him?

My eyes widen with blush: Will I "then she smiles will close her eyes" when I first saw him I saw a handsome 17 year old boy, who is not only smart, have powers and magic, It's because he is kind, he genres, his why taking care of his animals and other living beings except some people, how are being a jerk but "I place my hand on my chest" yes I do have feeling for him.

Desiree smile then said in her mind: 'I know it she has feeling for Abdullah'.

I said to Desiree: So, Desiree what "she holds her both hip" your feelings towards Abdullah.

Desiree sense her heart beating in worry got thing she got have of the power from Abdullah were she now see the heart: Well at first "has she hold her right arm" I thought he will be like the Sultan and other man but slowly and heard everything from my lamp that he caps in his power items room that he actually felt bad for me and he even said she should be the one to blame I do agree it was the Sultan's fault but he made a second wish he really charm and stole my heart usually I charm and stole man heart because of my sexy body which is know that I'm a ghost but he stole my heart I must say he also like older women too especially they are ghost girl or a women who don't have true love, so it's true I do love him and have feeling for him.

Then I begin to be sad of what I hear from Desiree words.

Desiree: Which is why I want to know if you have feelings for Abdullah, which is why I'm thing sharing Abdullah with you.

I widen my eye where I turn my head towards her with tears in my eyes where I hold my chest: Really.

Desiree: Yeah I thing you and I should confess our feeling to him.

Tinkerbell: Yeah, your right "turn to Desiree" we should or will never have a chance.

Desiree: Then let go to his room.

I nod then me and Desiree went to his room to confess our feelings to the first floor to master bedroom.

3rd Pov

They float towards Abdullah to confess to him but unfortunately they didn't that he heard everything form his Psychic from his room where he is sitting in his room has he heard everything from psychic power.

Abdullah: Oh, there really are in love with me ha and why did I use my Psychic power sooner.

Then Black cat name Shadow on his master's right side bed desk: *meow* (I easy to forget sometimes master).

Abdullah: 'sign' Ha your right, but I should confess to them ha "then he rise both of hands" what do you guys Ddriag and Albion.

Then green and blue light glow from his both arm Green one is on his right Arms and the blue one is on the left.

Ddriag: I think you should, because Zarathos did said he sense their hearts.

Then right eye turns to fire where another host is in the Angle of justice also the spirit of vengeance Zarathos, he also speak in his right eye.

Zarathos: Indeed, I saw the souls their pure and now Desiree sin our dropping and Tim Frances the guy who work for that animal killer woman Villains from Madagascar franchise how is now pure and innocent.

Albion: Back to the main topic Zarathos, and agree with them exactly Ddriag.

Ddriag at mad: Was that supposed to mean.

Albion: Since Zarathos made deal were you and him combine to become a spirit of Vengeance took care of him then Venom and which we were there from the beginning.

Abdullah: Will I did know you two were with when I watch that curtain Anime.

Ddriag: And I have been crying every day from the idiot for using me has his desire, and the point is partner now that you are a one of the strongest being in the universe, they also might get shock but those two really love and I can by their hearts and wondering if you become a jerk and an asshole.

Shadow: *Meow* (Which you never become like them).

Albion: And your fill free to love anyone hey your even do those things with you has a new been.

Abdullah: Your right should stop hiding me true form know.

Where he pops out his both angel and demon wings.

Abdullah: I should confess my felling towards them.

All four host: That a spirit, now get out there and fell in love.

Abdullah smile: Thanks, "he lifts is head up with his wings back in his body" their hear.

His eyes and hands turn back to normal, where he heard a knock on the door.

Abdullah: Come in Tinkerbell and Desiree.

Both open the door both shocks will Desiree in her in heat.

Desiree: Oh my.

Tinkerbel: Oh, you can read minds.

Abdullah: Yes.

Desriee: And you heard everything.

Abdullah: From the second floor yes but doesn't mean I don't confess your feeling.

Both of them blush will Desriee in more heat from the respond will have heart in her eyes.

Desiree: Actually, we do love you.

Tinkerbell: We fall in love with you when we arrived, we falling in love with since but we thought.

Desiree: Since she and I can live long since I'm a ghost genie and a fairy and we live long.

Abdullah: Well to honest at first when you two came one after another, I thought maybe you two want to go back.

Desiree and Tinkerbell rise each hand has a stop hand will shaking their heads to say no.

Desiree: At first that I thought, but I'm a ghost now but when you come and confess me in my bottle, so I don't mind dating a human.

Tinkerbell: And I already got rejected by Peter so many tines that I give up I choose to be with I'm means I'll tell my people where I'm because of the portal.

Desiree and Tinkerbell: So, we choose you as our lover.

Abdullah shock then smile: If that your decision, then I shell do my part to make you two happy.

Tinkerbell warm smile: So, you?

Abdullah open his arms with smile: I excepted you two equally.

Both his new lover smile where two of them tackle him in his bed where two of start kissing him over and over again where Shadow went out of the room to the pet door where he went to explained to his pet's, Pokémon's and Digimon's about his master two mates/Harem.

Abdullah got up and hold their back has both girls look at him then he first kiss Tinkerbell on her lips where both of them kiss were he move his tongue where he did a French kiss where she went wild has she begin to go Horney he also poke her back.

Tinkerbell with hearts in their eyes: *Eep* meon* yes best love ever.

Abdullah where he realized something where he parts his lips from Tinkerbell where Desiree also saw this for a minute.

Tinkerbell got mad will pout with her red cheeks: Hey why did you stop I was going to my best part.

Abdullah: First Tink you look cute when you pout "that got Tinkerbell cover her face with her hand for being embarrassed will Desire giggle Tinkerbell Cute instruction" and second what about other girls from different dimension?

Desiree did a v sign will she wink: We'll welcome them but I they decided to a jerk then I'll send where the eypyt people get mummified or beat them him.

Tinkerbell: That right they don't deserve.

Abdullah: Oh, ok well back to kisses.

Tinkerbell/Desriree: Yay.

Then he kiss Desiree which she also rubbing her big breast at her will kissing will she was kissing something went into him mind.

In Abdullah's mind Desiree still in her new lovers mind.

Desriee in her mind: Hello is anybody there.

She felt flame energy were out of nowhere a flame come out where she shock and sceared where she sees a man with his skull on fire where he stop her with her voice.

Zarathos: Come down Desiree I not going to hurt you now that your change.

Desiree: Who are you know my name, how are you, what do you mean I change and what are you doing inside me and what are you doing inside my lover's mind.

Zarathos told her who he is what he was before turning into this, how did she know she change and sins, she also told her lover have 3 more host in his but he also told her that her and Tinkerbell lover is already dead, where is 4 host that are protecting him, he also told her that he may be dead and immortal but he still Abdullah she nod smile return back to normal where he and his girl begin to have their love section, in his bed.

Outside of his room his mother, Summer Rose and his adopted sisters' eyes sparkle where they heard love from Abdullah's room where they were so happy that Abdullah found his love of his which they left them and enjoy their times to enjoy their time, but their adventure continues.