Chapter 6: A date. Adam Grandparents and brother reunited.

At the garage where a car just come out from the garage where see Abdullah on the staring wheel were he drove his Car to the entrance, where he come out from his seat where he waited for Tinkerbell and Desiree.

Abdullah look at his watch: They should be ready I already pick a two Pokémon's.

Then he heard a door open it see he turn to where both of his lovers come out from the entrance and shock will blush to see his girlfriends in different out, Tinkerbell is wearing a green dress that reach her knees.

Tinkerbell: How do I look.

Abdullah: You look great Tink.

Then he turns to Desiree in her outfit with pale skin I your wondering why she has pale skin.


See Abdullah and Desiree where he holds Desiree's lamp.

Abdullah: I wish that you have your own human from so you could bland in.

Desiree: Wish granted.

Then a wheel come where she can select her human and her normal form.

Abdullah: There you will bland with the crowed if where going on a date.

Desiree: You do have a point.

Abdullah: And now with you wish and your new power coming in has a form wheel.

Desiree: That is true.

Flashback ended.

Abdullah: So are you lovely ladies ready to go.

Tinkerbell/Desiree: Of course, handsome.

Tinkerbell quickly said: I call dibs on the first seat.

Where she quickly.

Desiree: No fair Tink but I'll sit in the back and enjoy the view.

Where she opens the back door of his car and sit in the back sit.

Abdullah: That the spirit.

Where set back on the driver set, where he starts the car will turning on the A/c to let them feel cool where he drove where the gate open where Abdullah drove to and when out of the forest out on the street where he drove to the town to their destination.

Abdullah driving: So, girls where do you want to go on a date.

Tinkerbell: Well, I think we should go to McDonald I want to try their food.

Desiree: Will I could use something to eat so let go.

Abdullah: Well McDonald is first.

At the McDonald where they stop the car at the parking lode where they arrived their destination. Where they got out will turning the McDonald.

Abdullah: Well, we arrived in our destination.

Tinkerbell and Desiree got out with a wow at McDonald, there are going in they see 4 employess 12 customers they walk to the female reception.

Female reception: Welcome to McDonald, are those people are with you.

Abdullah: Yes, they ours.

Female reception: Now may I take your order.

Tinkerbell: I'll have Vegetable salad and my drink is orange juice.

Desiree: I'll also have Salad and strawberry shake.

Abdullah: And I'll have medium size French fries and a Fanta.

Female reception: Thank you "she begin to typing on her computer for their order" that will be $11.99.

Abdullah give her money, where two old couple saw the boy who look familiar.

Old lady: Darling I have felling I seen that boy somewhere before.

Old man: Your right my love and my old police intended never lie.

Then saw him and two female girls walk to their set which is their set 13.

Old lady: My grandmother senses are tingling that boy look like my little sweet robot make Abdullah.

They also heard another voice.

???: I hope its good for you liking grandpa and grandma.

They smile will turn to the man with red hair and have some blue color eyes has his mother, Maria and he is wearing a McDonald Managers outfit.

Old man: Alexander my dear boy our first grandchild with us.

Old lady: Know my dear.

Old man: Ok dear.

Old lady turns to her grandson: Alexander my boy?

Alexander: Yes, grandmother Kelly.

Kelly Adam: There is a young man 17 and two girl with in table 13.

Alexander turn to the table 13 then widen his eyes when he saw two girls he did know but that wasn't attention it was on the boy with black hairs and eyes he turn to his reception: Hey Fiona.

Female reception name is Fiona Arum she has green hairs with purple eyes, she is wearing a McDonald outfit.

Fiona: Yes sweetie.

Alexander: Hey Babe, ho was that boy with two girls.

Fiona: Oh let check because I have their name "she pull out their names" the one in green dress is Tinkerbell, one with a long hair is Desiree and the boy is Abdullah.

Both of them I widen: Wait Abdullah.

Then after they stop eating they begin to leave when call out.

Alexander: Hey wait.

Abdullah and his girlfriends turn to see two old couple, Alexander and Fiona who also close the restaurant.

Abdullah: Did we forget something.

Alexander: No but do you have an aura.

Tinkerbell: Well yeah he does why did you ask.

Abdullah then read the man mind and look in his past which surprise.

Abdullah: No way Alexander is the you big bro.

Tinkerbell and Desiree look at each other: big brother.

Alexander: That right little brother it me Alexander, with Grandmother Kelly Adam, grandfather Edward and my girlfriend Fiona.

Abdullah: Your, my brother's girlfriends.

Fiona: Yes, I'm your brother's girlfriend.

Grandmother Kelly: Oh, my grandson its good to see you again.

Grandfather Edwards: Look at you, you have grown.

Abdullah: Thanks Grandfather.

Desiree: Hello "his family and Alexander" I'm Desiree and his is Tinkerbell were Abdullah's girlfriends.

Alexander: Oh, Nice to meet you.

Abdullah: We should will heading him.

Alexander: Well, were living in a house we could come and see the house your living in but some people need to live their so I guess we can move out for them.

Abdullah: We talk what will we drive to our house.

Alexander nod with their grandparents and his girlfriend has both drove in each of their car.

Alexander: Wait you found mom?

Abdullah: Yes, when me and Tinkerbell were getting grocery, she was attack by three bad monsters from hotel Transylvania 2.

Fiona: Hey we saw the movie.

Edward: Those monsters attack my daughter I would forgive them.

Desiree: Don't worry they're at monster jail that Abdullah made I think them still in their cell.

Abdullah: I'm going to get rid of those to soon.

Abdullah also explain what happen some Maria told him and Tinkerbell that they were about to told her.

Kelly in Alexanders car: O that what happen.

Abdullah: Yeah, taking to the portal.

Alexander: Wait you can make portal.

Abdullah construct a portal with his mystic arts magic where he created a portal.

Abdullah: Yep, a little from my mentor.

When they went to the portal where they arrived near their outside in at the entrance behind is big sliver gate his brother, his grandparents and Alexander's girlfriend in their car arrived where they shock Abdullah new house is actually a mansion.

Abdullah talk to his brother in his car: That right big bro this is our new home that I found in 7 year ago.

Alexander, Fiona and Abdullah Grandparents Where amaze.

Abdullah check his watch: Its 7:50 am.

Everyone got out except for Abdullah and Alexander: Hey bro let drive in my garage.

Alexander: Ok "he turn who are out of the car" you guys head in sit.

Abdullah: I'll take Alexander to the garage.

Tinkerbell: And well bring them in.

The brother drove their car to the garage.

Tinkerbell turn to the new people: Ok let head in.

Desiree: O but first disguise wheel normal.

Then Desiree turns back to normal.

Fiona: That green ghost skin your Desiree the ghost genie from Danny Phantom.

Tinkerbell: And I'm Tinkerbell from peter pan and Pixie hallow dimension.

Kelly: You two are really from different Dimension.

Tinkerbell and Desiree explain their story to them which they understood.

Edward: We are happy that you two have my grandson has you boyfriend.

Kelly even nod with her husband and Fiona.

Fiona: I can't believe I'm meeting with real life Tinkerbell and Desiree.

Tinkerbell: Oh yeah, Abdullah said where famous in the shows and Movie which we are still going to watch my first one movie.

Desiree: I did watch the ghost boy's show season 1 episode 1 to 6 in Abdullah room.

Abdullah: And you'll "they turn to Abdullah who is coming back with Alexander" see so much more "where he took out a device where the device see so many rooms where his family where shock to see".

Alexander: Theirs is also Boiling ally, an art room and every room has its own kitchen.

Fiona: There is also a Pokémon greenhouse, a private pool, and Animal sanctuary.

Then they heard a Eagle call where they look up and eagle coming which both Abdullah and his girlfriend's smile.

Where hold out his right finger where an eagle land on his finger.

Abdullah: Hello Ezio you guys this is Ezio the eagle he one my eagle lives in my Balcony.

Alexander: Oh, cool you have three pet eagles.

Tinkerbell: Yes Ezio, Storm his female eagle, Apollo his second male eagle, Azura the mother eagle and 5 more eagles at the Balcony.

Fiona: Can I pet him.

Abdullah: What do you say Ezio.

Ezio: *Eagle noise*.

Abdullah: He said Yes but do it a little so I can get back to nest.

Fiona then pets Ezio then flow to his.

Alexander: So, Bro what are you going to do.

Abdullah: Well, I think it's time go see other dimension since I have the portal room because I thing people need my help.

Alexander: Then we will support you.

All of them.

Abdullah: And I'm ready to fight how ever is coming no matter what, so are "he hold his brother, his brother's shoulder" are you guys ready to meet mom again.

Alexander: Are kidding yes, I love to see mom again after so long.

Grandfather Edwards: Then let go of to our new adventure.

Desiree: Oh, trust me you will love all the animals like those eagle hear.

Grandmother Kelly: Let hope the dearest that were with you are ok.

Abdullah: Alright let go in.

Then everyone went inside with a door close where their new life continued for their next adventure.