Chapter 7: The R-rated hero in the real world.

???: *Meon*.

A woman wearing a hospital outfit she has slander body have pale skin her hair is long thick, spike and purple the reach her knees, she has sky blue eyes that tilted downward in the center and were framed by a set of rather long eyelashes has she sit up.

???: Where am I last time, I remember I was kill by so many villains and know I'm in a hospital.

She felt a blue scan with a male robot voice.

???: You are fully recovered.

She got spook when saw a big white chubby man with two black eyes.

???: Do not be alarm Miss Midnight Aka Nemuri Kayama.

Nemuri wide-eye: (How did he know my name and hero name).

???: If you're wondering if I'm one of Docter Kyudai Garaki the Villain scientist creation then no I'm Baymax I'm a helpful companion I was made by my friend Abdullah has one of his creations out of the Baymax from the Movie but people call the walking Marshmallow man.

Midnight touches her chest in relived: *sign* Oh that a relief that you're not doctor Kyudai creation.

Baymax: If I was created by him I would have a evil chip in my system but "has he touch his chest button an three chip come out one green, one red and one yellow" has you can see I have three chip the yellow one contain my learning chip, my red chip is the combat chip in cast I need to be ready if where under attack.

Nemuri: That good "has she wink her right eye" we won't want any villains attacking.

Baymax: And this chip is my healthcare chip with it I will provide healthcare and Assisting programing and with it the red chip will take over I have to go on a rampage on someone command and since Abdullah created me I have to follow him since he activate me when he put his arm on duct tape to activate me.

Nemuri: Ouch I know that feeling when I try to get rid of some hair in my skin "she put her hand on her hair and her other hand on her right hip" got to look after my beautiful skin.

Baymax: They're also a cold drinking water and a vegetable salad ready when you wake up and since Mia is not her.

She turns to see a Cold drinking water and salad on her service table.

Nemuri: Ok thank "she slides the table has she begin to eat her salad which she happily enjoyed" this is so good I haven't eaten after my dead which also ask Baymax some question" hey Baymax how is Mia?

Baymax: Mia is that female nurse robot designed by Abdullah "has he show her Mia in her robot skin with blue hair in long blue bell buns with nurse cap on her head, blue eyes, a blue metal robot hair clip, she wears a nurse dress with a white apron with blue long leggings and blue shoes and she is hold a clipboard will smiling in Baymax screen chest" she was made to help out hear in the hospital room with Me.

Nemuri: A nurse robot O she so cute look at her make want to hold her in my chest but any why so Baymax how am I hear Last thing I remember I died.

Baymax: In your world you were killed by so many villain which is why you're a portal sand you hear you are also another My hero Academia member how come her.

Midnight stop eating: With what.

Baymax: You are second person her in this world.

Midnight: And how the first.

Baymax: His name is-.

Then they heard a robot girl voice.

???: Mirai Sasaka aka Sir nighteye his quick Foresight.

Midnight eyes widen then turn to the female nurse robot.

Baymax: How hello Mia.

Midnight: That Mia (she does look lovely with nurse outfit).

Baymax: I take care of our patient.

Mia slowly bows at Baymax: Thank you Baymax, hello Nemuri and since Baymax already told you about me and how you come hear where you land near in master Abdullah and his family garden.

Nemuri: I land in his garden.

Mia: Indeed, you did and he even carry you on his arms where he put you so me and Baymax can do medical check on you and it good thing master has Healing ability.

Nemuri: And you said Mirai is hear.

Baymax: Indeed he was hear he still has his quick which his power have increase and know he has clock pin has weapons.

Nemuri: Wait he use weapons know.

Mia: Oh yes he does know which he didn't know when Abdullah he has power skill and weapons in him which he also got stronger will training with my Master's Training simulation room.

Nemuri: He has a training simulation room.

Mia: Oh yes and let me tell you it really big and he did train in the hyperbolic time chamber.

Nemuri: What is Hyperbolic time Chamber.

Baymax: It's also a training simulation but you have go in order to train.

Mia: And time work different from hear to their and master Abdullah ascend Yoriichi, Kanoe and Summer rose to help other will Summer sometimes come in the dance studios to practice her dancing with master Abdullah's mother miss Maria Adam and with her 5 adopted daughters.

Nemuri: Ok first who is Yoriichi and Kanoe?

Baymax: Yoriichi's and Kanoe are two Demon slayers from Hashira dimension and both Yoriichi and Kanoe died by the hands of a by two demon which is Abdullah is helping those two to get stronger so they cough have revenge on them right know their training Rengoku the flame Hashira and they're also teaching him not to bullies his follow Hashira.

Nemuri: Will I hope he learn his lesson but why revenge those demon there might be people with quick.

Both Baymax and Mia look at each other.

Mia: Nemuri funny thing they don't have quick.

Nemuri eye widen: What?

Baymax: Indeed both Yoriichi, Rangoku and Kanoe have no quirk they have a different power call breathing.

Mia: Both of them our not from your dimension including Summer Rose who is from the Rwby dimension.

Nemuri: Their from different dimension.

Mia: Which why master Abdullah is training them so they can get stronger.

Nemuri: And who is this Abdullah that you two speak off.

Baymax show Abdullah full body picture in his screen where Midnight listened when he saw in his chest screen: Abdullah Adam son of Maria Adam, younger brother of his brother of Alexander who is a manager of the McDonald his girlfriend Fiona, Grandson of Edward Adam retired police officer and Kelly Adam Retired nurse, he is 17-year-old boy he one live with his two Digimon's and Pokémon's name Agumon, Palmon, Pikachu and Eevee.

Nemuri question: What is a Digimon and Pokémon.

Baymax show her two Digimon Agumon and Palmon where she hold her face from their cuteness: O a cute Yellow Dinosaur and a Plant creature.

Mia: *giggle* That they our Digimon our short for digital monster in the digital world they in sided your computer they also become your partner in digital space the yellow dinosaur is Agumon the Rookie level.

Nemuri: Rookie level?

Mia: I you want to know about Digimon and Pokémon book so you can know what their and will your reading we'll check if anything is ok and our annualizes you will be discharge in 3 three day because one the a villains so bed where you died and your body is still recovering and quirk or should say power is regenerating.

Nemuri: I don't get some information; will I won't be out for 3 days.

She hands her the books about Digimon and Pokémon.

Baymax: And you watch a movie how about a about my counterpart which is Big hero 6 you that in the hospital tv the Abdullah made in case you get bored.

A Tv float down in part of the hospital bad.

Nemuri: So where is this Abdullah of yours.

Mia: Oh Master is get rid of "she showed her the Bat monster" these guys and trust you have no I idea what have they done.

Nemuri stop eating will saying: And by get rid of those bats monster then it means.

Baymax: He is going kill those three well explain to you everything about this world different from your world.

Then where hospital ship down when there is an elevator that stop at floor with monster curving on the walls where the elevator door open where Abdullah, Electra holding the cell board in her arms and Desiree come out.

Abdullah: Where are they.

Electra: There in cell 12.

Desiree in her normal form float around her lover will putting her arms around Abdullah behind his neck.

Desiree: So, my Darling when wish to restrain those two.

Abdullah nod.

Abdullah: Oh yes my beautiful genie.

Desiree blush and giggle from Abdullah calling her Beautiful.

Timeslip has we're Electra point at the cell 12 sign next to 11.

Electra: Their it is master.

Abdullah eyes turn into Venom eyes: Then let those bat monsters carnage begin.

Electra active her robotic eye camera so she can record Bela's one of his friends demises when they reach cell number 12 they see Bela's three bat monster army in their cell one of them on the ground will other two sitting in the chair they also see their where also electricity mark and other who still have Electivire electricity in his body which it didn't go away they know they were trying to get from their but no use which three at their cell.

Abdullah spoke: Well, well "both three bat monster let their head up to see Abdullah, a green ghost genie and a robot" three evil monster with no heart for humans and monster who know their have change you two pick a wrong fight with my own mother.

They where piss when they saw him and two new other.

Bat monster one: You traitor you are sitting with a human.

Desiree: O what wrong bat boys did you to like my "she kiss his cheek will playing with his hair" boyfriend.

Bat monster on the floor got who is angry: Boyfriend why you traitor.

He charge again at him but again he try to reach out to him he got Electra shock both of his friend gasp when.

Abdullah calm with a creepy smile: Hum look like your eager to die first.

Both Two bat monster eye will other struggle to get up and didn't lesson.

Two Bat Monster shout: What.

He quickly hold up Desiree lamp where he rub it.

Abdullah: Desiree "she smirks" I wish you restrain those two bat monster where I finish of the one near me.

Bat Monster regain concourse when he heard when he said will shouting: What.

Desiree snap her fingers a strong energy force then in the well will other one is in the entrance with his eye widen where they heard a cell door open they turn to see Abdullah stand in middle and Desiree with her arm cross will smirking and Electra holding the control panel of cell 12, bat monster got angry to eye widen when he saw black blob coming out from his arms has it rap around him he grow tall and black blob reach to his head when he before the blob cover his entire body.

Abdullah voice begging to change: Let the carnage begin or should I say let the Venom begin.

Where his body fully cover with black blob quickly his eyes and mouth become Venom eyes and mouth with a sharp teeth's with a spider symbol on his chest where he roar with tongue.

Abdullah/Venom: We are Venom.

Bat monster look at Venom where they frightened to the human turn into black blob monster, but Bat monster on the ground didn't care has he dash towards him he try to punch Abdullah/Venom where his goes in his stomach he laughed wickly but his face turn to horror that didn't hurt him arm they create a blade from his right where he slash it where his arms got cut of.

Bat monster horror: "scream".

Then look up where he bit his head off where dead Bad monster corpse falls down where two of scream in horror.

Two scream in horror where: *scream*.

Desiree: Ho music to my ears.

Where the wish that contain them stop where they run to their dead from they turn to Abdullah/Venom where he still showing his head.

Abdullah/Venom: Crunchy bat monster "where he put his hand on his chin" but we could use some salt.

Bat monster: You I'll kill you.

Abdullah/Venom: Oh what wrong sad that friend died well he should have thought of that before you two and him could when you attach my host mother and all the victim's in your past besides "Venom walk a little close" you got us monster Infront of us who consume you.

Bat monster: Why you.

He also charge at him/them but he create a big mace where quickly jump and slam his head where blood spill from his hand.

Electra: Two down "she turn her head to right" and one to go master Abdullah and master Venom.

Abdullah/Venom turn his eyes to the last Bat monster how is shaking in fear that he watch his friends get kill: Indeed we have one last of these fools let.

Abdullah/Venom stretch his big arm at him grabbing him by his neck and pulling him to his face.

Abdullah/Venom: Eyesss, lunges, kidneys so many monster snacks to eat, I'll break you arm and great your lagged.

Bat monster: What are you.

Desires/Electra: And their it is.

Where Venom face split we see Abdullah will saying his name repeatly.

Abdullah/Venom: We are Venom on second thought.

Bat monster beg for mercy: No have mercy.

Abdullah/Venom: Sorry but all out of mercy!

Then Abdullah/Venom open his mouth with sharp teeth then chomp the last Bat monster head of where his head where Abdullah/Venom ate his head then turn back to Abdullah.

Abdullah: Why to go Venom.

Venom chuckle: Ahahahahahahah those bat monster did even chance against me.

Abdullah: Well, know you know they taste like.

Venom: Hyun.

Then he screen faded to see the bat monster corpse in the Dragon mountain where Abdullah his pet dragons Ruby the red female dragon, Drako the Black male dragon, ocean the blue male dragon and Kimbra the pink female dragon has they begin to devour those bat monster closing the door where hear a lot of riping, torn apart and darkness, Abdullah is sitting in his living room sofa will holding Desiree and Tinkerbell by their shoulder will they lay they heads on his shoulder will their rubbing his chest.

Abdullah: Well, those three our gone.

Desiree: And Bela also lost his three men.

Tinkerbell: And I think he be worry that his three men are missing.

Abdullah: He and his other Bat monster don't know that his three friends are in hell, which I will head to my demon hunting headquarters with Yoriichi's and Rengoku because Rengoku need some more weapon.

He heard his mother's voice.

Maria: Are sure you need to give him more weapon sweetie?

He and his girlfriends see his mother with his grandparents, Summer Rose, Electra, with also Snow on his mother arms, Michael the gray mouse on Summer's head and Grace.

Abdullah: Yes, mother he needs to be ready he masters blue flame but he need learn to use more weapon and be ready.

Summer rose: It true I saw the demon when you took me to space headquarters and I'm also happy that you brought Yoriichi's family and Rangoku's mother back to life.

Abdullah: Well, his father and his younger brother are still alive back there.

Tinkerbell: True it he did went back to his dimension and face off Akaza again he died again.

Grandfather Edward: The flame boy needs to get ready of all cause.

Desiree holds her grip on Abdullah: I can believe you didn't "where Abdullah struggled from Desiree strong ghostly grip" told you have another Genie.

Summer: Oh, are you talking about Shenron the green dragon that come out from the Dragon balls.

Michael: *Squeak, squeak* (Yeah that him the one that revive you who have died in your dimension).

Abdullah: Michael said yeah that him the one that revive you who have died in your dimension right now he's in my rare items room.

Tinkerbell: Well, is a good thing we watch the dragon ball series.

Abdullah smirk towards Tinkerbell: And you where picturing me has a muscles will drooling.

Tinkerbell face got red which she playfully smirk and push playfully.

 Tinkerbell: O you know me well babe.

Desiree: I mean I don't mind seeing your muscles.

Abdullah: Of course, you do my genie and fairy power.

Desiree/Tinkerbell: Fufu.

Grandmother Kelly hold her husband arm where she rub his shoulder: Well your grandfather is my Piccolo.

Grandfather Edward chuckle will blush from his wife where kiss his cheek.

Michael sad: *squeak* (Well I have to myself a mate too).

Abdullah: Oh, don't worry Michael, you will fine yourself a mouse mate or I could help you fine you, Zack, Daisy and Poppy some mice for you to get attractive or be friends with.

Michael smiles a bit: *squeak* (Thank you master it does get lonely with only four mice's who are my brother and sisters).

Abdullah: He said he thank me but he also sad it gets lonely with only 3 mice who become his siblings.

Everyone in the room felt sad for the Michael and the mice's.

Abdullah: Well anyway, Electra "she turn to her master" how is our new arrival is doing.

Electra hold her chipboard: Well her bones our broken from the villain attack and all damages plus her quirk is regenerating, so she will take three days to recover.

Grace paws on her master feet: *Bark* (They did really a number on Nemuri ha master).

Abdullah pet his dog's head and ear: She did which is why Mr. Sasaki, his wife and his children coming tomorrow to see Nemuri.

Then with a flash of light which they quickly cover their eyes and turn to man in old fashion clothes in a lab coat and a gray frog standing on his two feet looking old big green eyes with minus wear green and black clothes some of them got confuse will other where at the know.

???: And which is he why he will be arriving at 6 PM in the morning with his wife and kids in 5 minutes.

Abdullah: Hello Professor Paradox and Azimuth nice to see you two again.

Paradox: Well, I come to two see new faces.

Azimuth: And I come hear look at the Omnitrix that have any improve.

Summer: I didn't know you two are coming if you two could have said Electra will make you some tea.

Paradox: Well, me and Azimuth love too.

Azimuth: But we already have.

Abdullah: Oh right, Mom, grandma, grandpa, Tinkerbell and Desiree the one in the Lab coat is Professor Paradox and the Gary matter is Azimuth the ones I told you about.

Maria: Oh, so your Professor Paradox and Azimuth "Maria how to them" Thank you for taking care of my son.

Paradox: It's fine Miss Adam he come to time and time again.

Then also a golden portal open and man with a magician clothes and cap out.

Paradox: I also know you were also coming my friends.

???: It good to see you Paradox and Azimuth.

Summer: I good to see you again Doctor strange.

All how finally know how he is.

Grandfather Edward: That doctor Stephan strange.

Abdullah: Yes, grandpa this is doctor strange my mentor.

Grandmother Kelly: But I never screen you do any magic of mystic arts before.

Abdullah chuckle nervous: That because I forget sometimes when I'm on different missions but I sometimes remember.

Then they heard a sound where a which is familiar they all turn to see a portal.

Maria: That portal open.

Paradox: Oh, I forgot to mention 4 four people are coming from the portal.

Dr. strange: Oh, I know who is coming.

Desiree: Who is coming?

Paradox: I think our fairy friend know who they our.

All turn to Tinkerbell.

Tinkerbell point at herself: Me.

Then they heard bell sound and 4 spark come out from the portal, Abdullah know how they our know with his sense and aura, where Tinkerbell shrink back her size where finally saw who they has they lift their where Tinkerbell gasp when saw.

To fairies

Tinkerbell eyes-widen: No, it can be.

All four of them look they saw the fairy that they never forget.

All four: Tinkerbell is that you?

At the regular size of human.

Maria: Abdullah sweetie who are those people.

Abdullah: It's the Lord Milori, Queen Clarion, Tinkerbell's boss Fairy Mary and her twin sister "Tinkerbell and other four eyes-widened has they look at each other" Periwinkle.

Then the screen stops at them.

To be continue…