C5: Honest Husband And Happy Wife

[ Alert! Bloodline Extraction has taken partial effect! ]

"Simm, check your stats, look for changes," Ken said in an urgent tone. The Goblin woman understood the implications and immediately focused on the empty space before her eyes.

Ken had no idea what she was seeing, but her gasp told him what he needed to know.

"Has your talent changed?" he asked.

"Ye-yeah! My Racial Talent is the same as before, but there's a new artificial talent underneath that. It's titled Bloodline Extraction and its grading slot just shows question marks...like it's ungradable or something."

Simm nervously put a palm over her slightly bloated abdomen.

"Master, did you do something while I was unconscious? How did you change my talent? And why is it ungradable? Does it have anything to do with the funny feeling in my stomach?"

Ken patiently let her fire away every question she had before he started answering them one by one.

"I cast a spell on myself, Simm. I did that right before being stripped of my progress as a mage. Couldn't you tell? I'm back to the basics, just a level 4 human now, hahaha!"

Simm's panic went up a notch upon hearing his answer.

"What?! How did that happen?! You've lost your powers, master? That means you can't be left unsupervised anymore! You have to bring me along everywhere! I can protect you, because I'm stronger than you now. I am a level 23 Super Goblin, if you're curious!"

Seeing her scoot closer to pat his body up and down like a concerned mother made Ken laugh. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into another intimate hug, despite her half-hearted protests.

What he was about to reveal to her may not end as pleasantly as most of their conversations. He understood the deviant route he had chosen. But not everyone might, especially his wives who would have to cooperate and sacrifice much for the plan to succeed.

"The spell I cast on myself transforms our talents and connects us very intimately. The Bloodline Extraction talent is directly connected to the act of procreation. When two persons sharing this talent give birth to a child, a third bloodline connection is born. The spawned child becomes an extension of ourselves. When they progress, we can extract part of their talents, their enhancements, be it bodily or spiritual, through the bloodline connection. We can even share the resources our spawns consume, gradually building up a massive momentum to reach the apex of this world...and then break past our limits."

Ken was expecting an outraged outburst, even a punch or two to land on his sternum. But what he received was a steady, steel-like gaze.

"Is that all?" she asked quietly.

"That is it. Why do you look so unsurprised? The Simm I remember used to be an advocate for all righteous forces. This certainly is not a righteous path. We'll be treating our children like investments for ourselves, like crops that would bear a harvest for us to feast on. We'll be depriving them of what they rightfully deserve."

Ken's throat became dry as he tried to explain the full implications of the talent. He really shouldn't have, the cold rational part of his brain told him. This was necessary, so why was he trying to turn her against it by repeatedly asserting the negatives to her?

Love makes one do stupid things, the rest of his conscience declared, making him feel better now that he had shared the bad side of the news with his wife.

"I've seen waaay worse methods being used since your 'death' to break past the limits of the ultimate rank. In fact, your first wife, Emerald Queen Emora, is gearing up to make an attempt herself as we speak."

The coldness in her voice came as a surprise to Ken. Emora and Simm both belonged to the Goblin Race. There was no particular enmity between them, as far as he could recall. Something must have happened after he had faked his death, then.

"I'm relieved to see that you're not angry with me for making that choice for both of us," he said, rubbing circles on her back with his palm.

"I'm relieved enough that you've returned. As for the fate of our chil-children, what use would their abilities be when they reach the ultimate rank like you did, and get stuck in that accursed spiral of misfortune?" Simm's resolve only seemed to grow stronger.

"For the greater good, even the most righteous should know how to sacrifice. Having to share enhancements and talents is nothing when people out there are massacring cities for the speck of hope for a breakthrough."

"Good heavens, what have the Ultimate Rank experts been doing since I disappeared? Have they gone insane?" Ken muttered.

This time a punch did hit him in the sternum, though gentle enough that he felt little pain.

"Idiot master! You have the gall to call others insane when you committed suicide for a way out?! Did you even consider how we would live without you? Do you think all of your wives and concubines are good people? That we'd cooperate and flourish after your death? Idiot! Asshole! Son of a-"

Ken suppressed the rest of her rant with his lips smushed across hers, making his tongue wrestle with hers inside her gob until he could feel her twitching tonsils. Slimy drool spurted out of their joined mouths, ropes of wet spit connecting their lips each time they separated, only to dive back into each other like a pair of hungry beasts.

Their embrace had never been broken, and it only got warmer, wetter, and more intimate as they sensed each other's rising arousal.

Ken's cock was pointing up between their bodies, rubbing into her abdomen and lower chest, poking at her small, delicious breasts that fit perfectly under his greedy grasp. The underside of his shaft ground up against a very recently wrecked pussy.

"Master..." Simm whispered breathlessly. "Are you sure you managed to get me pregnant the last time?"