Axcel Miller

Chaoter 2

The day before...

Beep! Beep! Beep! (Alarm ringing)

What's with all the noise? Ah, my head is killing me. What a weird dream— getting jumped by four big black dudes, beat the living shit out of me, and got injected with whatever that strange white liquid was.

I opened my eyes and saw the familiar sight of my ceiling. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

What a weird dream.

I remember getting ditched in that great place inside forsaken city. the most dangerous place in the country; it's given the nickname forsaken city for a reason. Even hardened criminals describe that place as hell.

The government gave up on it seven years ago and handed it over to whoever runs the place. A haven for criminals, be it human traffickers, drug lords, and murderers. No rules, just pure anarchy.

I quickly got out of that place and headed home, hoping I didn't encounter something or someone weird. After that, I woke up and the dream ended.

I got up and started walking outside appreciating the beautiful sunrise at the same time roosters were screaming in the background waking everybody up. It's around 6 AM now.


My stomach growled. I am getting hungry; I should go and buy something to eat. I checked my wallet and it was empty. I'm completely broke.


I put back my wallet since looking at it made me sad. I will work at the site later to make some money. I have no choice but to ask Grandma again for food. I don't like doing it, but I don't want to starve either.

I arrive at her house, which is not big but isn't small either. I knocked on her door three times with each knock getting increasingly louder, but there was no response, so I shouted loud enough for her to hear.

She finally showed up, and I asked her,

"Grandma, do you have any leftovers I can eat?"

"You silly boy, stop shouting and come here. Take as much food as you like."

Grandma Ell is not related to me by blood, but I consider her as my real grandma. I'm an orphan, and Grandma Ell has been feeding me every time I run out of food since I can remember. Without her, I would probably kick the bucket by then.

I tried paying her back many times before from the gigs I did, but she always refused every time. I eventually stopped trying and instead, I help her out as much as I can by doing all sorts of things from basic chores in her house to running errands and keeping her company every day. I feel bad for not being able to do more for her, but one day when I become a successful lawyer, I will give her a big house and whatever things she needs.

"Thank you, Grandma Ell."

But I will only take what I need. I know I'm not the only one you are helping and feeding. Do you need any assistance for today?

"Go and wash up. I don't need your help for today. Take care of yourself. I can handle everything by myself. I'm not that old, boy."

I arrived home then went inside the bathroom and washed myself from all the dirt and dry blood on my body.

After taking a bath, I came out fresh and clean, but the cuts and bruises I sustained from a fight a week ago will stay for another week. I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't know if it's just me or do I look better every day.

I look like your typical male you find anywhere except I got black hair with brown eyes like with most asians but my most distinct features are my jawline and mouth. Nothing crazy about them, I just like the way they look. They look sexy..


Enough with being a narcissist. I can't reach the drawer above; which genius designed this drawer? Did he not account for short people?

I didn't dwell much longer about it and climbed on a chair. The last time I checked my height, it was around 165cm. Let's get it checked again as well as my overall stats since it's been a while since I got some extra money.

(Note: the hospital can do a stat check on a patient showing them their overall stat, both major stats and the minor stats, and the list of the stats is in the basic information.)

Anyway, I should go ahead and eat what Grandma gave me and start the day. After eating, I planned on what to do with the rest of my day.

I will start with my roadwork, then go to the boxing gym, train for a few hours, then find work in the afternoon so I have something to eat for dinner and tomorrow's breakfast. Then jog some more. After all that is done, it is time to rest.