(1) Genis Club

Chapter 3

12:46 AM, Thursday

Glancing at the clock in the convenience store; it was getting late, and decided to head home after purchasing three packs of instant ramen for breakfast. Checking my wallet, which now had some money, made me happy. Today's work had earned me about £250 one pack of ramen cost 15£. After deducting all my expenses for the day, did some quick calculations and realized that I would barely make it through the week.


I needed to find another job soon to avoid starving to death. At least I could always rely on Grandma for food when I'm in a pinch. Anyway, it was getting pretty late; it was time to head back home.

As I made my way home, I noticed someone following me from the convenience store. I turned to confront the individual and said, "Do you need something from me? If not, kindly fuck off. I don't appreciate you lurking behind me, thank you."


The figure remained silent.

"Come on, say something dude," I urged. "If you're going to follow someone for no reason, at least have the decency to explain yourself."

Still met with silence, I sighed in frustration. "Fine, just stop following me, man. I'm not interested in dudes. Go find someone else or something. Im giving you a warning. I won't back down to a fight if I have to."

I was not particularly worried if things escalated. Having trained in MMA for over three years and competed in amateur fights, I was prepared to handle myself. However, I preferred to avoid violence whenever possible. It was better to resolve things peacefully out. who knows maybe he's got a weapon. But if push came to shove, I was ready to fight.

Turning my back on the stranger, I suddenly sensed danger approaching. Reacting instinctively, I raised my guard just in time to block his kick. The force behind it was strong, surpassing even the heavyweights I sparred with in the gym. Another kick like that and both my arms would be broken.

It was evident that the stranger was a trained fighter and had been holding back just now. Realizing I was outmatched, I opted for Plan B: tactical retreat. I ran as fast as I could, but to my dismay, he kept pace with me effortlessly.

Spotting a metal rod ahead, I seized it, intending to use it as a weapon against my pursuer. However, it soon became apparent that my efforts were futile. Dude is built differrent and was unaffected by my attacks, shrugging off blows that should have incapacitated any normal person.

That's not fair! What are you made of I yelled in frustration

Frustrated and exhausted, I eventually gave up after a few minutes of hitting him I didn't get tired or anything I enjoyed hitting the dude to the point that the rod broke it was rusted but it was still metal. and sought refuge in a nearby alley. To my horror, I found myself pursued not by one, but by four identical figures. Panic set in as I realized that these were no ordinary men—they were something else entirely. I can't even hurt one of them now what am I supposed to do? are these guys still not humans?


Present Time

I awoke to find myself in an unfamiliar room, lying on a straw bed. Confusion washed over me as I took in my surroundings. Where was I?


Loud sirens blared, jolting me from my thoughts. The noise was deafening the sound sucks ass too, adding to my disorientation. What was happening? The last thing I remembered was being injected with a strange white liquid and then collapsing.

Speaking of the liquid, it had been an unusual pure shade of white, unlike anything I had seen before. Definitely not cum.

There is a mirror adjacent to where I am at

I took a look at my appearance to see myself. My appearance hasn't changed at all. It was a relief they hadn't changed anything while I was out. I also examined my body from head to toe. And found out I still have my buddy down there. Another sigh of relief escaped from my mouth. They didn't change my gender while I was out. Apart from that, I look the same except for having a weird-looking white mark on my left shoulder and a star with the number 1349 stamped on it. I tried erasing it, but it won't come off.

Stepping out of the room, I was greeted by a sight that left me speechless—a gigantic place capable of accommodating more than two thousand people. Filled with different areas bustling with activity; on one side, a lavish party was in full swing with rich-looking old men and smoking hot babes, while on the other, fighters engaged in brutal combat beating the life out of each other

Suddenly, a mysterious middle-aged man tapped my shoulder out of nowhere. I didn't notice him despite my guard being up, he caught me off guard. "Axcel Miller, welcome to Genis Club," he said. "G Club for short. Here, anything is possible. And remember, don't even think about escaping, or there will be consequences a very bad one at that and enjoy your stay. Best of luck!"