Chapter Twenty Six. *

We went back to the party and I refused further offers of drinks.

Eli went to talk to Lucian but, my bet?

She just probably wanted make out with him somewhere in secret or scolding him for drinking. Maybe both.

I couldn't blame her. I loved this party but, was ready to take Zephyr and run with him.

I saw him giving me a look filled with desire and love and it was the last drop.

I walked up and took his hand. " I'm terribly sorry but, I'm gonna have to steal him."

He give me a grateful smile and let me lead him outside.

Once we were outside, he pushed me against it's wall and claimed my lips as his own. I liked his dominance and let myself be guided. His hands wondered from my back to my ass and lifted me up.

I felt his love immediately through my underwear. We really lost ourselves and could only stop to catch our breaths. On one of those rare moments I stopped.

" I have the keys to Demelza house."

I don't remember how we got there.

But, I did ended up on their bed. I saw him devouring me with his eyes and let him undress me slowly.

I felt his skin was on fire against mine and pulled him harder on me, kissing every inch of his body.

I felt him ..all of him. He was ..whoa..I couldn't take my eyes off.

I heard his soft voice above me. " Are sure my love..?"

" I am..I've been. " - I grabbed his face . " I love you."

Instead of words he showed me his love. Felt him against me... I made him like that. I need to take responsibility.

That night, I had my new favourite memory of us...then soon the second and third one as well.


Next morning was the perfect start after the perfect night.

I woke up in his arms. We were still naked and his hair was still showing signs of last nights activity. I wondered how mine looked and laughed from the image buried my face in his chest.

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer.

He refused to open his eyes? I used my brand new weapon. And touched him gently..I was surprised to feel him ready..ready to go. Was this really..

" You playing a dangerous game so early my young bride." - reached down my back and pulled me up by my ass.

" As someone who is definitely the older one here, I need to take the lead in certain situations. Besides.." - I leaned on him and stroked it faster. " don't seem to mind from, what I can tell."

He laughed little before let his own hand wonder. His touch..well it was quite addictive.

" Mind? I'll say we start every morning like that..what do you say?" - pulled me on top sitting on him.

" ..Hmm..convince me."

And he did..we missed breakfast..and lunch.


I both felt clean after the bath in the river and extremely dirty. It was very stop once you started. I wondered if everyone felt like that.

By the way..the water paired perfectly with our activities. I made a mental note on everything he liked.

Even walking towards the house was difficult and it took us...well I suppose it doesn't matter how long it took.

We did walked through the door and with no surprise found everyone gathered.

I smiled gratefully at Demelza. We really should buy her a new bed at the very least.

" You two look..brand new huh?" - my mother stood in front of us resting her hand on her cheek, and giving me a knowing smile.

I didn't let her or anyone tease me anymore.

" You have no idea.. " - I walked past her and took my fiancee with me." Sit down my love. I'll make us something to eat."

I skipped to make us some food and found my stomach growling, just looking at our spread.

" Ahh, little brother did you climb.. "

" Shut up Alex."

I returned with various different eats. Then we forced them all, to watch as we feed each other.

The two of us ate as much as five.

" Where is my daughter? " - I haven't seen her since mother took her last night.

" She is with Eli and Lucian playing with some other kids. They should be back soon."

Zephyr turned to his brother. " Alex, let's pick up training tomorrow. Other than this ability..I want to double down on our normal training."

" I like that.. feel like it's been forever."

" It's been like four days.." - he pointed it out." ..But, I like your enthusiasm. We need to become better organized and need better quality weapons."

Hmm..looks like he wants to avoid being caught by any surprise.

The monster terrorizing us maybe gone, but there are plenty other dangers. He also needs to train himself. Our happy days soon turn very, very busy.

" True, it's time they become soldiers. " Alex obviously agreed. " What about you? Any special training for your ability?"

He had an mysterious smile. " I have a few plans.."

" More fruit tricks, myyy love? "

I put some more cut up fruits on a plate and bread with cheese, placed it front of him and made a little fun.

He saw my smile and tickled my stomach made me scream out and laugh at the same time.

We spent the early afternoon deliriously happy. In time Eli came back with Ilianna.

" Father...I wanna get married!!"

Zephyr almost choked on his tea. He sprayed it everywhere. Mostly on me.

" You CAN'T!! "

" Calm down my love. She is 5.." - I turned to a very determined little girl. "Sweetheart, what made you want to marry and more importantly.. who? "

I took some cloth and wiped off the tea from my face and Zephyr who was still in shock.

" I want to marry Kelso this winter. He asked me."

Her reasoning was..well a five year olds.

" Who the hell is that kid!? Where is Lucian!?"

His expression made me laugh. Oh my love.. what are gonna do when it actually happens?

Why is he blaming Lucian?

" After hearing her..he made a run for it. " - Eli picked up and gave Anna to me. " Didn't say why."

" How is the words Protect her! Gets lost in translation? " - he walked back and forth in the small space.

" Zephyr..sit down, and what possibly reason you had to attach security to her? " - I tried to reach him but, he was turning too fast " No one in this village would ever dare...Zephyr? Zephyr!!"

With his next turn be slowly walked right out the door ignoring my voice.

" Hahaha.." - Alexander finished his cup and got up himself. " I'm gonna go and make sure young Lucian lives, to see this winter festival. "

Alexander went to stop a angry blessed.

I sighed and sat back down his chair.

Eli looked all red after hearing the reason Alex wanted, Lucian to live. I know what she said..but, It's awful long time away.

She might change her mind.

I picked up my daughter and put her on the table.. I need to fix this before Zephyr comes back.

" Now princess...first you cannot marry for obvious reasons. It's a long list, so lets get on with it.." - I looked towards the door her father left." We have to save little Kelso's father from a beating..."