Supreme Sword Body Ascension, Heart Of The Sword Saint

Following his breakthrough, Li Sheng made his way to Li Huang and told him about what happened, with a few lies in between.

He made sure to make his story sound right.

"You actually have really good potential but you wanted to hide it until you got strong enough?" Li Huang looked at him like he was stupid.

"Sheng'er, I have watched your nonexistent cuktivation everyday, how could you have possibly hidden it from me?" Li Huang sighed and took out a small piece of paper with a date, time and location on it.

"Since your a nascent soul I suppose you'd be on par with the elders now. Do you want to join a sect?" Li Huang asked him quietly, as if not to let anyone else know.

Joining a sect and becoming known there means the people behind you would be prosperous for generations.

"Sure, why not?" Li Sheng replied, not thinking much of it since he was going to anyway.

"Then get ready for the competition to join the Lotus Saint sect, it will occur next week there will be a few soul fusion realm fighters aswell, so make sure to forfeit if you face one. I'll take you the day it starts." Li Huang warned him, making sure to not leave out any details.

"Oh yeah, how did you cultivate anyway? We didn't give you a technique since you didn't have talent and couldn't use one." Li Huang was curious about this, how could someone with no talent or technique possibly cultivate, to Nascent soul at that.

"I stumbled across an emperor's tomb and was able to take a cultivation technique! It's true, believe me" Li Sheng proudly said in front of Li Huang.

Li Huang looked at him and sighed, "fine if you don't want to tell me it's okay, as long as you do us good."

He promptly left after he finished talking.

"Eh? He didn't buy it? How come?? My lying skills are amazing!" Li Sheng shook his head and thought about the sect

"Sect'll probably be easy for me, except for maybe the soul fusion realms? No I could probably get to a level past them if I worked hard enough...shoot I'll just cultivate."

He went to his room and cultivated, getting to the peak of Soul Fusion by morning.

Once the sun rose, he hears a familiar sound in his head.

[Ding! Sign-In available]

Li Sheng quickly claimed it with his mind.

> Host, the sign in reward for day 2 is +1 upgrade to your sword intent.

A burst of green light shone around Li Sheng, making him feel more powerful.

"I forgot about upgrades! Open upgrade panel!" Li Sheng didn't even remember the true purpose of his system because of his overpowered body!

> Host, there is no upgrade panel, to upgrade something, please say "upgrade" then what you wish to upgrade, it will cost spirit essence, about 100 per upgrade.

"How much do I have?"

> Host, you have ??? spirit essence.

"Holy F*ck! You're not gonna tell me? Then how much do upgrades increase something by?"

> Host, they increase anything by 2x exponentially.

"So I can upgrade ANYTHING?"

> Host, as long as you have it, you can upgrade it.

"Won't I become insanely strong then?" Li Sheng whispered to himself thinking of all the possibilities.

"System, do upgrades stay at 100 spirit essence? Or does the cost increase when I upgrade?"

> Host, your upgrades will indeed increase by however important that upgrade is.

"Wow...even though it'll cost more, I don't think I care. With this system and hardwork, I'll become the strongest!" He excitedly said out loud.

Li Sheng thought over what he should upgrade, knowing there is many important things, he should take it slow right?

"I learned this in school, if you can't choose just choose all of them! System spend all the spirit essence I have and split it between my sword intent, potential, comprehension, and cultivation speed for now."

> Upgrading now.

[Sword Intent lv 1--> lv 4]

[Potential lv 1--> lv 4]

[Comprehension lv 1--> lv 4]

[Cultivation Speed lv 1--> lv 4]

"I just remembered, I'm not very good at math...system how much multiplier is this?" He asked while looking away as if he was embarrassed.

> Host, the multipliers equal to 16x.

Li Sheng nodded and stood up, ready to go outside. But as the wielder of a godly system, he also had to pay a price.

Another blood curdling scream was heard in the Li Clan, the clan members looked south once more

"Ahh, that boy just can't stop huh?"

"You idiot, it's because of people like you who stress him out!"

"Ahh whatever.."

The reason for Li Sheng's most recent scream was because his Supreme sword body had undergone changes because of his potential, sword intent, comprehension, and cultivation speed upgrades.

Under him was a big puddle of sweat and a bit of blood he coughed up during the painful transformation process

"System...WHAT THE F*CK!?" Li Sheng was furious and couldn't believe his overpowered abilities actually had a drawback!

Li Sheng coughed a bit more before getting up, as soon as he stood up he noticed something was off.

"Am I taller? Oh I'm kind of buff..and my hair grew longer as well. Did I undergo metamorphosis or something? System I forgive you, I look handsome now."

In just a few seconds, Li Sheng went from furious to happy, but who can blame him? After becoming taller, handsome, and buff, who wouldn't be happy?

"Hahah! I'm always 6'2! How can those guys from my previous life even compare to 1% of me now?" Li Shsng boasted to himself in the mirror.

[Ding! Host has evolved Supreme Sword Body to Supreme Sword Body (Ascension) stage 1, Host has an unclaimed reward]

"I knew I'd get one! Haha let's see what we get! Claim for me system!" He couldnt wait to see what it was, could it be an unparalleled technique? Or how about a beast that can swallow realms?

As usual a glowing purple light shone which was a bit brighter than usual. In the air, a black sword with purple energy pulsating around it appeared and fell, stabbing into the ground.

[Claimed the Heaven Divider!]

"Huh. Flashy name, now this is what a person like me should wield!" Li Sheng went to go pick up his new legendary weapon.

> Host, you shouldn't touch it yet.

"Eh why?" He looked at the notification in his mind with confusion, and quickly backed away from the sword.

> Host should reach the pinnacle of the Venerable rank before attempting to wield it.

"Are you serious? Why give it to me in the first place then?" Li Sheng waited for a reply but did not get one.

"If I can't even use it, shouldn't you compensate me?" Li Sheng looked at the blue panel in his mind expectantly.

> Host, you have an unclaimed reward.

"I do?" Li Sheng thought of what he could possibly get a reward for but could not think of one.

> Host can claim a reward for getting to the first stage of Supreme Sword Body (Ascension).

"Huh? Didn't I already receive a reward for that?" He didn't think there was another reward for getting to it.

> Host didn't ask to claim the other reward so it was not shown.

"What the hell? Do you hear yourself?... Ah whatever just claim it! Li Sheng swore to always ask if there was another reward from now on.

[Claimed the Heart Of The Sword Saint]

" it gonna hurt?" He didn't want another painful feeling like before again

> Host, you will not feel any pain, just a slight discomfort.

"Oh okay. That's good then. While you do that can you tell me what it is? Li Sheng asked wondering what a sword Saint heart could do.

> Host, The Heart Of The Sword Saint is another body constitution that is 100% compatible with the Supreme sword body for an unknown reason.

> Host, it gives you full understanding of the sword. With it you can see through the nature of any swordsman, qi will be strengthened to that of weapon intent, you can also use your qi in a way only sword intent can be used in. It gives you a sixth sense for danger aswell.

"It's pretty good, with this I feel like my energy will kill me if I don't breakthrough. I guess I have to get to soul fusion before the competition, f*ck." He cursed under his breath, knowing that he'll have to breakthrough and attract attention.

"I've gotten a lot from today, I'm very satisfied with my gains, it would take someone dozens of years to get to my realms let alone my strength." Li Sheng thought of all his gains and realized how much he grown in just 2 days.

"Then I shall breakthrough and go to the competition. Who cares if I'll attract attention now? I'll just become the strongest in that place!"