Becoming Handsome, joining the sect competition

Over the course of a few days, Li Sheng got a few rewards from the system. He gained some pills, a few talismans, knowledge of arrays and something very important.

The last day before the sect competition came, Li Sheng was fully prepared, now a powerhouse in the body integration realm at stage 8, the reason for his breakthrough to body integration was simple.

A few days ago he received something special;

> Host has reached soul fusion and unlocked a new feature!

Li Sheng looked at the system with joy, "what is it??" He asked hurriedly

> Host can now conceal your cultivation to whatever as long as it's under your cultivation.

"That's good..that means I can focus on cultivation!" Li Sheng was overcome with happiness and immediately went to work cultivating.


Li Sheng felt that he didn't have experience with his sword, he had to get some experience of fighting before the competition so people don't think he's there to joke around.

"Grandfather I'm going to the abyss forest!" Li Sheng called out to Li Huang

"Alright go ahead but come back soon!" Li Huang yelled back

The Abyss Forest, unlike its name its quite a normal forest with a few beasts in it, people usually go to test their techniques out because rhe trees are very strong for no particular reason, even a soul fusion realm cultivator would have to exert his full power in order to a tree down.

But not Li Sheng, not only was he a body integration realm cultivator, he had far surpassed it in strength. With a good technique, he could cut down half a percent of the forest. It may not seem like much, but the forest was incredibly big, it was so big that it was split by every clan in the Xiao Shu empire and no clan has ever met eachother inside of it. Its true size makes men everywhere lose confidence.

Even though someone in the Venerable realm cultivator could swipe it away, it was still impressively big.

Li Sheng treaded through the thick bushes and the broken up pathway with a sheathed iron sword in his hand

He didn't look back so he didn't see the sheer destruction of his leaking sword intent. The entire path he was going was empty, as if it was never there. It was cut into atoms by the sword intent.

Sword intent specifically is all about slicing, when used, it's the strength of the users swing as a cut. It's basically like a paper shredder, to defeat someone who has sword intent, they must have something stronger by a lot, or their sword intent must be even stronger.

Li Sheng stumbled into a large open area with many rows of trees almost perfectly aligned, "this is a good spot. Time to test out my new technique I made up!"

He bent his front knee putting his other one backwards, he looked down as he grabbed his sword from its sheathed and prepared to use his ultimate move.

"Something Something Slash!" Li Sheng's naming sense wasn't the best. But it wasn't the worst either.

His qu compressed into the tip of his sword, he covered it with his sword intent and sliced the air in front of him with all his might, a light shone, then an explosion

The dust settled and he saw in front of him was a deep crater with slash marks that look like ravines.

"I never thought I'd become this strong so fast...I will head home quickly and try and get to the Venerable realm!" Li Sheng exclaimed to himself as he ran away quickly.

After getting home, Li Sheng's first thought was to upgrade things, he had broke through to body integration with 8 stages on top of that, he should definitely have some spirit essence.

"System, how much spirit essence do I have?"

> Host, you have ??? spirit essence.

"Why did i even try.." li Sheng rubbed his temples and thought of what to upgrade then an idea came to his mind.

"System can I upgrade my strength in general?"

> Host, as long as you have it, it is upgradeable, anything is upgradeable

"Great, upgrade my strength and speed with all my spirit essence."

> Host, upgrading your strength and speed..

[Strength lv 1-->lv 6]

[Speed lv 1-->lv 6]

"Woah?? How much is that!" Li Sheng was shocked, he didn't think it would become level 6.

> Host, your strength and speed multipliers are at 64x

"So I'd be able to..destroy 32% of the forest with my full power. That's around peak of lord rank huh?" Li Sheng went to cultivate right after finishing

'I wonder why it didn't hurt this time...better not ask so the system won't do it if it forgot..' He thought to himself as he cultivated

In just one night, he had once again broken through, this time to the 3rd stage of lord realm.

"Sheng'er we are leaving now come with me!" Li Sheng heard a familiar voice calling for him, he immediately concealed his cultivation to that of a soul fusion stage 1 and left.

'I totally forgot to use those talismans and pills to help cultivate...' Li Sheng scolded himself while running to his grandfather.

"I'm here!" He called out to Li Huang who was sitting on top of a spirit beast that can travel quickly, the thunder horse.

Li Huang looked at Li Sheng strangely, "what the hell did you eat to look like that?" Li Sheng forgot to tell his grandfather that his appearance changed and because of this, his grandfather could barely recognize him.

"I just went back to the tomb of the emperor and ate a peach that was there and now I look like this!" Li Sheng was obviously lying.

Li Huang rubbed his temples and grabbed something from the bag on the side of the horse.

"Here." Li Huang threw him a cloak that covered his face with a hood and could hide his body in case something happened.

"Woah that is pretty cool looking." Li Sheng whispered as he put it on.

"It is. Now let's get going then? Start running, Qilin!" Li Huang told the horse to go and it did, it went crazy fast, if Li Sheng wasn't a lord realm cultivator who could fly now, he would definitely be stunned.

His grandfather had named the horse 'Qilin' after finding it near a dungeon that was said to contain qilin blood, an ancient and extremely powerful beast.

The route to get there only took an hour and a half before they spotted the gates of the sect, it was magnificent, with carvings of immortals and lotus's on the gate.

"Halt! State your names and purposes for coming here" one of the guards in front of the gate yelled towards them

Li Huang quickly got off the horse and responded, "I am Li Huang, clan head of the Li Clan. I am here to take my grandson to the sect competition."

The guard looked at the other and they both nodded, opening the gate.

Li Sheng and Li Huang walked into the sect, it was Incredibly big, much bigger than the clan, atleast 12x the size, not to mention the strength.

"Sheng'er I cannot come with you from this point. Be careful okay? I will wait for you at the clan, if you do not come I expect that you have joined the sect, and if you do not send letters I will prepare a funeral for you." Li Huang told him softly, holding his shoulders before leaving

Li Sheng waved to him as he left for the sect competition. 'So many people, I guess they really wanna join. Where is it even at? I forgot to ask..' Li Sheng muttered under his breath and walked everywhere for the arena.

Eventually he found it, he saw the 3rd round commence, a soul fusion realm at stage 5 vs a nascent soul at its peak.

He thought the nascent soul might have a chance against him but instead he saw him get thrown around like a toy and beaten half to death before being thrown out of the arena.

"Is the difference between realms really that great?" Li Sheng whispered while putting his name down on the registration list.

After sitting and waiting for half a day for his turn he was finally called up to fight.

The announcer stood in the middle of the arena and called out for the 2 people, "Soul Fusion stage 1, Li Sheng come up on stage, Soul Fusion stage 7Ai Song come up on stage!"

Li Sheng jumped onto the stage, his cloak flying off onto the ground as he clutched an iron sword, "Hope this isn't gonna be too hard."

Ai Song, a 5'3 female with blue eyes and glowing skin elegantly walked up to the arena, her red and white hanfu looked good too. She had a blue and red sword that was presumably a qi sword.

"3...2.." The announcer counted down, Ai Song was visibly annoyed by how carefree hee opponent was, 'does this bastard not know who I am? He's kind of hot so ill let it slide this once.' She thought to herself.

Ai Song was the Ai clan's next heir, the Ai clan is the most prestigious and powerful clan and can even be compared to some small sects, with its 60,000+ years of history, it was definitely not lacking in most areas.

She gripped her sword tightly as the announcer started the match, 'This guy better be ready, I'm 6 stages ahead of him, what could he possible do?' She thought in her mind, ready to see the beaten face of her opponent.

"Not very elegant now huh? Yikes." Li Sheng mouthed to her and mocked her. The look on her face was full of anger.



The announcer stepped away as he started the match, Ai Song went in with her clan's main technique

"Blossoming River!" Ai Song's sword seemed to flow like a river, the qi that was being left behind seemed like it was blossoming into flowers.