The Reincarnation

Ai Song got in front of Li Sheng quickly, sending her strongest move down on him right off the bat.

It was very impressive, she was very proficient. But what is proficient to total mastery?

Li Sheng slapped her away, knocking her out as well as destroying some of the arena with its force.

"Tsk, just a fly." Li Sheng dusted off his hand as he picked his cloak back up and put it on.

"Flashy moves won't get you anywhere." Li Sheng shrugged as he looked around and saw the crowd speechless, even the judges were confused.

Up above the arena was some seated men. The judges of the competition.

One of them was Yu Qiashu, "that kid is insane, he's a grade 1 talent!"

The next one that spoke was Hu Shou, "looking at the registration paper he's only 19!"

The other judges looked at eachother silently,

"Only the sect leader got this far at the age of 19."

"Could he be just like him?"

"Is it possible?"

The judges spoke amongst themselves and came up with a conclusion for the match, although it was pretty much already decided when Ai Song lost in one hit.

"The winner of this match is Li Sheng of the Li Clan, he will proceed to the next round!"

With this Li Sheng was satisfied, he got off stage as the announcer got back to work, to everyone else, the presence of a genius like Li Sheng meant 1 thing, there would probably be a head disciple coming soon.

A head disciple is the direct disciple of the sect leader and will become the next sect leader after the first one passes away, there hasn't been one because the sect leader of the Lotus Saint sect would live for quite a while longer and no one has caught his eye.

With that, round 3 ended and round 4, the semi-finals started. He witnessed many fun fights, as well as some which were very close and even gave some suspense. Then it was once again his turn.

"Soul Fusion stage 1 Li Sheng come on up! Half-Step body integration Chun Bao come on up!"

Li Sheng got up but was confused, why was there a half-step body integration realm? He didn't see one in the registration so how could that be?

Li Sheng didn't know how powerful a hald-step body integration realm was but he knew if he overdid it on accident he might kill the poor guy.

Li sheng looked at him and said, "Brother, I am Li Sheng, I hope you can go all out."

Chun Bao was a big guy, very big, and he Is a body cultivator as well, so he was extra strong, telling him to go all out while being almost an entire realm under him was plain mocking him

"You arrogant kid, I'll make sure to rip out your tounge." Chun Bao said to him.

But Li Sheng wasn't being arrogant, in fact, he was trying to make sure Chun Bao would survive, otherwise he might die!

"START!!" The announcer stood in the air watching how this fight would go, hoping that he wouldn't have to clean up another body.

Chun Bao destroyed the ground as he ran towards Li Sheng, he arms outstretched and ready to turn him into dough.

This time, Li Sheng pulled out his sword and slightly wiggled it in the direction of Chun Bao, this simple gesture knocked Chun Bao hundreds of meters away, he didn't even use sword intent, just his qi!

Everyone in the entire arena went silent, but it was even quieter than before, not even the judges could speak.

"Hahh, what a bunch of crap, is this place really as good as everyone says it is?" Li Sheng muttered, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

These words caused an uproar in the crowd,


Li Sheng scratched the back of his head, "is it really that impressive?" He thought to himself.

After that he went back down and waited again while watching the next matches, for some reason it seemed like everyone was dispirited.

After a while, it was once again Li Sheng's turn, it was the last fight, for the position of the strongest new disciple.

The announcer cleared his throat and spoke, "Soul Fusion stage 1 Li Sheng come on up! Body integration stage 11 Yu Chi come on up!

"Why wasn't I aware there were body integration realms? Did grandpa not think I could get this far?" Li Sheng quickly got onto the arena, noticing it was repaired already

Li Sheng looked at the nice and clean arena tiles with a confused expression, "How do they repair it so fast?"


> Host, you will be fighting the reincarnation of a battle god from the above.



"What the f*ck?" Li Sheng cursed under his breath. The above? Battle God? Why was he even trying to join this sect?

Yo Chi looked at Li Sheng and spoke, "I can feel your strength emanating, I hope you can go all out."

Li Sheng looked at him, smiled a little, and responded, "Then, make sure to give me some pointers brother."

"START!" The announcer stood above them once more, excited to see the battle below him.

Immediately 2 streaks of light were created as a Shockwave destroyed half of the arena, immediately a barrier was put up to stop the tremors.

"This is...kind of fun." Li Sheng spoke as he parried a few blows.

"You'll get used to the feeling." Yo Chi responded while throwing a few punches

"This isn't all you've got, your wasting that Supreme sword body and sword Saint heart."

Yo Chi said in a cold tone right after which stopped Li Sheng in his tracks

"A battle god isn't called a battle god for nothing huh?" Li Sheng retorted

Yo Chi's eyes widened at this statement and he let out a faint smile, "I will be going at full power now, I hope you do that same."

"Alright. Let's go." Li Sheng said

He quietly whispered to the system, "System, Put half of my spirit essence into my strength."

> Host, Upgrading..

[Strength Lv 6-->Lv 8]

A burst of white light came out of Li Sheng as he has forcefully broken through to the lord realm, stage 7. Because of his concealed cuktivation, it looked like he broke through to the 5th stage of Soul Fusion instead.

As soon as it stopped shining, Li Sheng was met with a fist to his chest and another to his head.

he used his qi to propel himself downwards to avoid it and immediately grabbed his sword.

"I'll use everything I've got in one strike, I'll defeat you in one blow." Li Sheng stood on the ground holding his sword.

"That's no fun. But if you'll do it I guess I'll have to do it too huh?" Yo Chi's strength grew by extreme amounts as he used an extremely powerful technique that strengthened himself.

Li Sheng had created a move before in his head, it was time to test out if he could really do it.

"Blade Surge"

"9 Divines Fist"

Li Sheng's sword seemed to turn into a thousand, as a mountain of swords appeared behind him, rushing upwards with full force, every ounce of his energy being used.

Yo Chi responded with his full power as well, 9 gigantic fists that seemed to form behind him as he rushed down like a meteor


in an instant, the barrier cracked and a gigantic amount of smoke and dust erupted from the impact, some could make out a deep hole under the barrier.

"You are truly a wielder of 2 unparalleled body constitutions.." Yo Chi stood above the injured Li Sheng who was coughing blood

"Do you think I'll just go out like this?" Li Sheng said, coughing a little blood out

"What else could you do?" Yo Chi got ready to knock him out to win

"System put all my spirit essence into upgrading regeneration, qi replenishing speed, and speed."

> Host, upgrading.

[Regeneration lv 1-->7]

[Qi Replenishing Speed lv 1-->5]

[Speed lv 1-->4]

Yo Chi watched in surprise as his opponent, who was beaten down to such a point, healed insanely quickly out of nowhere.

"What type of bull.." Yo Chi threw a final punch but Li Sheng was gone.

"What the....." Yo Chi looked above in horror, Li Sheng was fully healed and it was like he had a infinite amount of qi, thousands of glowing blades appeared above the arena, breaking the barrier that could resist a Venerable's power.

"Battle god? Hah, what a joke. Not even hard."

With those last words, the swords came down like rain, anyone under a high level of Venerable couldn't dodge it.

"Pray that you can reincarnate to a time where I don't exist."

Yo Chi's body was impaled by many, many swords. His fell to his knees and his head finally touched the broken up dirt