Chapter 4 Projection of a space whale.

Act 1 Life in sanctuary.

(???)Is this how you do it sister? (Sister)You're already done? (Sister)Alright, Let me see that, Blue. A human woman that appeared to be in her 20s. She wore the vestments of a nun, but it was in the shades of jade green, and gold rather than the simple black and white of earth.

She was standing over a human child, he was tall, appearing to be in his tweens. . .as she stood, she held a square device, with a screen showing the things written by the child.

Log date 126 Year of harmony. Season of growth. By young apprentice, Star of the Abyss. Apprentice of the golden jade sanctuary, of the Marigold star cluster.

(Sister)Hmm. . . This is fine, but you could have added your other name blue. Well it doesn't matter, come here. The woman took a knee and opened her arms. The boy immediately hugged her. Blue light glowed around his head. (Blue)"Love! Love! Hug!"

(Sister) Now, now, calm down blue, remember your lesson? (Blue) yes, sister! The flaming blue halo, behind the boy's head, dimmed, until it was as bright as a circular glow stick, as voices sounded without the boy moving his smiling lips.

(Sister) Good, now that's a good boy. The nun was fluffing the boy's blue hair. As the boy hugged her deeper. (Elder) "oh? Am I interrupting you two?" The two humans looked up, to see a giant tortoise towering above them. A circular light of golden jade emanated above the gigantic tortoise's head.

(Blue) "Elder! Big Turtle! Elder!" The child pulled away from the woman he called sister as he took a gigantic leap towards the elder as great blue flames danced around his back.

And then, with all his limbs outstretched, landed on the nose of the gigantic elder with a. Thump! . . . (Elder) "I presume your happy little one?" the golden jade glow of the elder vibrated, as he spoke with his mind. (Blue) "Yes! Love this place! Better than the cloudy place!" The large flame receded in an eb and flow of a wave.

(Elder) "Good, now can you do me a favor, little one?" the Elder with his psionic might floated the boy to the tip of his nose so he can look at his eyes as they mentally spoke to each other. The boy nodded excitedly.

Act 2 Welcoming an envoy

Log date 126 Galactic year. 2317 Aqua year. By Vivian Eelectrake. Human diplomat. of the vibranty cradle world Mango juice. Pov Vivian Eelectrake.

(Human) Oh wow. . . on a human cruise vessel, enlarged to accommodate the elder races. stood a woman in front of a glass observation wall. Her glass covered eyes, peered through as awe enveloped them as the sight of the Oogwaian sanctuary habitat came to view.

(Vibranty) Is it your first time seeing one Diplomat Vivi? A small vibranty appeared on the woman's side. She was 4 meters tall, maybe only a few millennia old. Her black pearl eyes peered through the glass gazing at the Oogwaian construction. 

(Vibranty) I've seen many in Oogwaian space, and I can say this one's larger and older than normal. (D.Vivi) old? Is it safe for us Elder youth Tyaka? The Vibranty's smaller arms started to click in their vibrations. (E.Y Tyaka) ha ha ha! You should be glad it's old, Diplomat Vivi. as the older their sanctuaries get the safer it is for life forms other than Oogwaian's!

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An hour later.

On a docking area among the canopy of the sanctuary, parked a shuttle. Human in design, but modified by vibranty organic matter sculpting. As a larger vessel in orbit slowly left the sanctuary's view. 

(Blue) Wowie! That's one small ship! (Vivi) Is that a kid? I looked to my side and saw Elder youth Tyaka talking to a Harmony priestess but they both seemed to have heard that kid's voice. I was looking around and saw nothing until I heard.

(Priestess) Blue! That's rude! Get off of that shuttle! (Vivi) I looked behind me towards my shuttle and saw the kid the priestess was screaming at. He was young maybe 12 or 13 he was tall for his age making it hard to tell how old he really was. 

His blue hair almost made me think he was of a different race, than me and the priestess. maybe a stunted Tailorian, but that smile, and smooth pale skin, and childish human laughter, yes he was my kin. 

He looked towards us, as he stopped cloud gazing. His eyes made something within me steered in fear. . . and it was quite some time, the last time I felt such fear. . . I think it was when I was on a routine gift giving mission in the death world and found myself staring in the eyes of a beakasy (Blue) "Oh! The Guests!"

(Vivi) again I heard him in my head and now I started to see blue flames among his hair. Augh, my head, I think I need to lay down. I'm starting to see fire. (E.Y Tyaka) No, your fine Diplomat Vivi, I see it too. But this is fascinating, the greatest psychic in humanity we have ever observed only had enough power to conjure a small psychic thought wave but this child? He projects so naturally like any other Oogwaian.

Then with a large puff of wind he was in front of us with a smile that could brighten the world. (Blue) "Hey! I'm Star of the Abyss! Also Blue! Also Cloudy! Good meet you fellow star sailors!" (Vivi) Hello? That was one of the weirdest introductions I had. . . does he watch a lot of Star Trav sci-fi dramas?

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In the middle of a large pearl pond lay a pagoda formed from living trees, with coulombs of naturally unbarcked wood, and a roof made from the canopy of branches and leaves by the dozens of different orange shaded trees around a gathering of different races of this galaxy.

One was a Vibranty, the greatest artisans within the star council. She was tall, reaching 4 meters, with many scorpion-like arms with a large pair and 2 smaller pairs, and a scorpion-like tail without a stinger, she curled and sat on it like a snake with a torso. She was sipping tea from a small vibrating floating bubble of light golden tea. 

Another was a small turtle, sipping on an even smaller porcelain cup. There was yellow tinting to the turtle's natural green and brown. He was a solid projection of an Oogwaian of the ancient variety for only those ancients of the race can create such projections.

Both of these two are what the other races within the council call the Elder races. The last three within this pagoda were humans, two were female and one a male.

The females were of exemplar beauties to their race but an average when compared to their billions of peers. One was garbed in the outfit of one of their religious orders and the other in the uniform of humanity's diplomatic faction.

The male was young, and the only one different compared to the two other humans as he exhib the trasnxeno dread of humanity. With his galaxy like eyes, and blue fire like hair. But everything else was very much human perfection, from skin, to face, to body…

(Vivi) All the beauty around us did not distract me from the being in front of me now, they were human. at least physically if one was to ignore his eyes and hair. . . and that burning halo.

(E.Y Tyaka) Ancient Priest Song of Harmony, may I ask who this child is? My people have never seen a human, that had achieved psionics, as great as your people before this day. And I know humanity has been trying for galactic years and they barely understand your tech.

(Author) The vibranty pointed one of her smaller appendages, toward the human priestess, as an acknowledgement of her as a social scientist and official envoy to this sanctuary.

(A.P Song of Harmony) "I presume your mother had explained the situation, young one?" (Vivi) Cradle Mother Mango Juice. She sent me here with one of her daughters but she hasn't told me any details of why I wonder if Tyaka knows anything.

(E.Y Tyaka) Yes, Mother Mango Juice told me a great anomaly has graced your sacred space, that is why I and my mother's envoy were sent to investigate and help you in any way we can.

(Author) The Vibranty motioned her smaller hand towards her companion as she spoke of her and then towards the small elder. As is common to the younger vibranties as their use of vibrations is not as developed as the elders of their race. The turtle placed down his porcelain cup on a small table on top of a bigger table that everyone else was using.

(A.P Song of Harmony) "Good that she didn't tell you. This child is the psionic descent of the being we know as the first documented Azula Star Bayleen. Designated as Cloudy. . ." I gazed towards those at present I felt turmoil within the human known as Vivi, my envoy has already known and taken responsibility to take care of the child for now, but I do feel worry within her. . .and the young vibranty? Only pure curiosity was within her enigmatic mind.

(Vivi) "*Woah. . . I shouldn't be here? No I. . . I need to leave, I need to tell the High command. I need, I need to. . . wait what is Tyaka." No, don't!. . . I screamed trying to stop Elder Youth Tyaka from throwing a porcelain cup towards the kid, and failed. but the outcome I expected did not come. The cup ignited to blue flames and then ash and it kept burning into nothing before they even reached the boy. The boy was undisturbed by this as he continued to eat his pie happily.

(E.Y Tyaka) Oh? Are you sure it's the same energy as your psonics? It's blue and my race had never seen psionic flames from your people before. Usually it's force, light or liquid. 

(Priestess) Well I have been researching the phenomena and it is a form of psionic energy and projection, but as you observed it is different from the type the Oogwaian uses. (Author) She was about to continue but stopped as the elder started to project his thoughts.

(A.P Song of Harmony) "You can talk about the technical aspect of the phenomena later, with Priestess Maria. For now I want you two to know why I believe the child has the same psionics as my race's psionic energy."

This is an old story, even before our warring Age. (Author) The Elder turtle appeared somber in the mention of that scarred history.

(A.P Song of Harmony) In our earliest day, in our home world Planet Iroh. A being of immense power visited our home system, fed on the energy of our sun, slept in one of our barren planets and then as they slept, they touched every member of my race, showing my ancestors the galaxy and gifting them with this.

(Author) The small turtle held up his tea cold tea cup and then with a thought golden flames erupted, warming the tea. (A.P Song of Harmony) Flame soul was a common and dangerous technique during the early warring age, that is why my race had stopped using it, and sometimes stopped teaching it to our young, only mentioning its existence and why not to use it. . . it is also one of the purest way in using psonics as one only needs a smoldering emotion to use it. . . I smiled as I looked towards the child, happy to see his joy and excitement in hearing my stories.

(Vivi) wait elder, what about that being? Are you saying it was an Azula star baleen? The one that gave your Races psionics? My questions didn't even phase the old turtle as he kept his smile toward the boy and then took a sip on his hot tea.

(A.P Song of Harmony) I am unsure. . . please, 3rd friends. Of us that protect stars, help us find truth in this legend. (Vivi) The elder stood, and then he gave us their iconic bow, the one they gave to humanity after we found an ancient site belonging to them, returning to them an ancestral artifact. Of course Elder, I. . . my team and me, would do our best.

Act 3 What to do with the egg.

Log date 126 Galactic year. 20,205 Frostlake year. By Mizuki Silvered Moon. Yukianna Science officer. of the research station Tears of pearl. Starcouncil Core star cluster.

(Mizuki) I was enjoying a cup of tea while reading through the scan analysis data. of the Azula star baleen, hibernation shell. It was interesting how unalive the shell was, making most of the analysis calling it a seed asteroid. probably a camouflage adaptation, but for what?

Beep, beep, beep.

My caller started to ring. Who could that be? I answered, by pressing the blinking green button. (???) Hello. (Mizuki) They sounded familiar. (Dan) Hey, It's Danny, we need you for a meeting on what to do with the whale egg.

(Mizuki) Crap. I thought as I fixed my clothes, and removed the steadily piling snacks on my work desk. And then I spoke. Yes sir! I'm ready now. (Dan) Good. (author) Within the observation office, the large screen showing the image of an asteroid inside of a dusty multicolor star system with an image of multiple windows showing multiple races wearing the same or similar uniforms.

(???) Ah! Bio Researcher Mizuki, it is good that you had joined us quickly. Can you please calm down these humans? They kept calling me a bigot. (Mizuki) The one that spoke was an ancient, her race one of the 4 races that my people considered as an ancient race. She appeared as a wooden sculpture of a human with leaves for hair, and hardened sap for eyes.

(???) Because you're being unreasonable, elder Birch! We can't just let you try planting yourself on Cloudy's shell! Not to mention what would happen when he wakes. and we're still not sure what would happen to you or him if you try!

(Birch) And I keep telling you leaf eaters, that I'm not gonna do a full symbioses! just a surface one, to see if my race actually seeded on an Azula star baleen before.

(Mizuki) The two ancient races kept bickering like children. But then I felt a private message on my pad. It was in vibranty, a simple pattern of vibrations, that translates to. "Please tell us the update of the latest report." well I need to speak then.

Excuse me. I would like to give my report. And I gave it, explaining my findings and theories of what would happen and what might happen if a Dryaiady environmental symbioses where to occur on the hibernation shell, and then I recommended for it to be tested making Elder Birch happy.

(Human Elder) Elder Music of the wind. Have any of your aspirants connected to Cloudy? I've read the reports and even in this state Cloudy's transmitting his electromagnetic pulses. His brain is still functioning.

(Music of the wind) Yes my aspirants have already tried but they keep telling me a strong psychic field is preventing them from connecting deeper than the shell. . . A star keeper has been dispatched to confirm the aspirants testimony.

(Mizuki) A star keeper! Why would they send a legend like that here! And can they afford it? There's a reason they guard Hyperlane crossroads. . .

(Human Elder) Are you sure old friend? I know those hermits don't like moving, did one actually said yes? (Music of the wind) Yes, one of my great ancestors said yes to my request, but it did took. . . convincing. (Mizuki) I saw the Oogwaian smile bitterly. As the conversation continued my place in the meeting became an observer rather than a participant once again.

I felt another message in vibranty. "Good work, you may leave if you want, or stay and listen through the meeting." I stayed as I sent a thank you message towards my space station's advisor.