Chapter 5 Awakening. And enjoying life.

Act 1 Memories of the soul.

Log date 126 Year of harmony. Season of Purpose. By Human apprentice, Star of the Abyss. Apprentice of the golden jade sanctuary, of the Marigold star cluster.

Within a clearing with dense woods surrounding it, sat a youth in linen cloth, his skin sunkissed, muscles forming tightly just below his skin. His eyes closed, blue flame like shoulder length hair swaying in the wind. As azule fire raged just above the back of his head.

A few meters away inside a building of alloy frame and reinforced fiberglass, stood three beings. two adult humans, and a young vibranty, the humans were looking through data windows popping in and out of the glass wall, while the vibranty used its main eyes focused on the meditating boy.

(Vibranty youth) What is this training called, priestess Maria? The large uniped scorpion-like alien spoke her voice sounded human but softer.

The human dressed in robes spoke to answer. (Priestess Maria) Youth Tyaka, elder Song of harmony, called it the Ancestral Descent, it's an ancient rite that would connect your psionic energy to another dimension where all psionics would go after leaving the material plain. Gaining wisdom from older souls.

(Human Female) wait. . . what is that safe? What if he gets possessed by one of those "Souls". the young woman dressed in a lab coat officer uniform spoke his eyes looking toward the priestess. She was laughing.

(Maria) Hahahah Envoy Vivian! That's ridiculous! I've been studying the Oogwaian long enough that much of what they say are nothing but metaphors. Plus, the "souls" that they told me are nothing more than memories saved in a cloud like internet storage program that uses the collective organic processing and psionics of the race to store data. . . well at least that's my theory ever since I showed, Elder Song of harmony, our internet network and said it was very similar to that.

She pointed to the flaming boy in the middle of the woods, as woodland creatures started to come near him and just sleep, in his presence, not just the herbivorous prey but also the predators of this sanctuary ecosystem.

(Vivi) but that didn't answer my question? There was silence between them. (Maria) Yes, it didn't. . . I don't know, it's the first time Blue had done a rite, without the elder holding his hand.

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In a place of fog and shadow, a small whale floated nibbling on fruits. . . yum. (Blue) Hello? A human appeared; he was a man wearing a uniform, silver starting to appear on his hair.

(???) He was smiling at the stuffed toy sized whale, eating fruit. Good to meet you Blue, I'm Daniel. How have you been? (Blue) First Voice! Daniel! Daniel! The whale whooped around the human, happily calling the human's name.

(Daniel) His smile went away, after a moment. He turned serious. Are you ready Blue? The whooping whale stopped. And started to float around the human slowly. (Blue) Not sure. . . would hurt? (Daniel) I don't know. . . But if we don't, will both die.

The older man sat on the void like cloudy nothingness, as the whale sat on his head. Silence prevailed between the two.

(Blue) Daniel, want this? The older man frowned at that. (Daniel) I. . . no, I lived enough but I want you to at least have the memories I have. . . It'll help you, and those taking care of you. Blue was silent after that answer. Ages passed, within the bubble as shadows of larger creatures swam around them, their eyes glowing with vibrant colors. But after a passed, they continued their swim.

(Blue) Daniel. Gone. After? Daniel smiled. (Daniel) No, I won't, I'll always be here. The older man pointed at Blue's side. Remember once you know and live everything that I am Blue, you'll not just be Blue, the Abyss orca. But also Blue, incarnate of Daniel, a survivor of the end.

Act 2 Firestorm

Log date 126 Galactic year. 2319 Aqua year. By Vivian Eelectrake. Human diplomat. for the vibranty cradle world Mango juice.

H-Months after Star of the Abyss, the Azula Star Baleen. Started his ancestral descent. At a pagoda inside a great tree inside a fairy-like woods ate a group of Human researcher friends.

(???) Seriously Vivi thanks for this! Always wanted to visit one of the turtle sanctuaries. A young lady that appeared to be in her 20s excitedly stood up.

(???) Yes and you gave me a chance to meet one of them. A young man that appeared to be in his late 20s said as he tipped his tea cup towards another group filled with xeno's all wearing religious cloth. The Human-like priestess was among them.

(Vivi) Your welcome, just remember I took you guys in for a reason, so don't make me look bad with our new boss alright! Sounds of agreement. Came about, as we talked about more pleasant things and caught up with each other's lives, but then I felt the voice of the star keeper.

(Star keeper) Everyone. Star of the Abyss had made a rift in the Immaterial. (Vivi) I looked at my group and the one on the other side of the tree and saw they looked like they heard the elder's projection. I stood up. Why don't we take a look?

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Outside a great dome of diamond ice-glass, where a firestorm of vivid colors brewed, and in the middle of the typhoon-like storm within the dome a shadow, of a silhouette, of a young man sitting in meditation can be seen.

On a platform overlooking the dome, sat a grouping that would call each other Xenos. (Technician Symiosse) Priestess the dome is holding, but I do not think this "rift" would be able to break a Crystique Dome.

The priestess nodded. (Vivi) I don't know about that, a type 2 solar flare cracked what the Crystique calls a superior grade crystal craft that we used in one of our earlier Solaris engines.

(H-Tech) Ma'am, you know the only reason that happened cause we forgot too. . . The human science tech kept talking about how the old system still needed to use blinders during flares. The dome started to vibrate, the first to notice was the young vibranty. As she sent vibration into her handmade tech.

(Y.E Tyaka) It is holding, but integrity has fallen to 90% Priestess Maria. Do you know what this phenomenon is called? My Matriarch had only imparted to me the basics of the Oogwaian race's psionics.

She asked, as the entire platform focused on their tasks. recording, analyzing and understanding the data they were receiving. while a group sat to a side of the platform, meditating, one of them was the priestess Maria. 

Her eyes opened (P-Maria) This is a rift gate. . . not a typical one, but somehow Blue had made one while only doing the ancestral descent rite. . . many had done this rite before within this sanctuary but none had made a rift to oblivion.

The young vibranty can only nod at the new information as her hands kept working her equipment in stabilizing the dome as the star-like power within, became more and more powerful. 

Act 3 Memories of earth.

Log date 126 Year of harmony. Season of Contemplation. By Human apprentice, Star of the Abyss. Apprentice of the golden jade sanctuary, of the Marigold star cluster.

I felt warm, and comfortable and then hotter as my back felt pressure as my lower end felt softer pressure and then it tightened on. . . I opened my eyes, and stirred.

The pressure faded a little as I turned around. What met me was both familiar and unfamiliar. She had a human face, her ears were above her head, instead of on her side. . . they looked fluffy. And then I felt a soft yet rough pull, as she smiled at me in an odd way.

(Vixen) Goodmorning love. You, awake yet? I don't know her? Do I? My head was aching memories, moving in and out slowly. Like a reaction I kissed her, saliva became a bridge as she pulled away first.

(Vixen) Oh? You're being feisty today love, lets see how far you get Ha! She jumped me, pushing me down, painting her juice all over my red hot iron sword.

I felt her love, deep and squeezing. . . very passionate, a lot of dirty talk from her. . . she started strong, aggressive but as my body took over, instincts and muscle memory pushed me though. and at the end, she was just like any other broken and tossed around, hot leaking mess, of a flesh-doll. . . huh? Where did that thought come from?

She was knocked down cold, I looked at the time and it was past 9. How long have we been doing it? I'm not sure. I came towards a sliding window wall, and it undone itself. Removing the dark film like shading, showing me a morning view of a city. . . High to low rise scrapers, giant steel and stone towers, bridges and sky roads and trains. . . I was on earth, in the 30th century.

0 0 0 0 0

(Vixen) Grrr. . . The fox girl let out a soft growl, as I was cooking breakfast pancake sandwiches with eggs, beacon, tomato and grilled lettuce with cheese. 

(Vixen) You know Love, thought you were another wet noodle, but damn I was wrong. . . She kept talking about how unexpected the morning was, compared to what we did last night. As I placed in milk and our breakfast.

(Abyss) we were already eating into our breakfast, when I finally spoke, without speaking. . . "Sorry ma'am but, who are you?" her face looked confused, as her ears twitched for a moment, and then raised one of her long thick haired eyebrows.

(Vixen) Oh? Hahaha. . . she let out soft giggles. Didn't know you were meta, but that explains why you were so easy. . . and it's Miyoung. I know we only been working together for a month love, but. . . wait. . . you're not Daniel aren't you? You sounded too polite.

(Abyss) "No. . . I'm Daniel, and also Abyss, where am I? I'm taking In Daniel's memories but it's slow. . . I'm remembering our childhood right now. . . the look of our mother. . . Rina Fyrebird."

(Miyoung) Hmm. . . You're on earth, United America, New yorkshire, city A district 12 . . . Unicorp Mega complex, Daniel's Apartment floor. . . Are you a time traveler or alien? Or did you transmigrate? Did Daniel die?

(Abyss) she was odd. I felt her mind. She was curious, worried and a lot of other things, suspicion was a main one. I also noticed her legs tensing under the table, her breathing becoming more deep, yet subtle . . . everything she's doing was subtle and slow.

"Well. . . I don't know, I'm an Azul star baleen, my name is Star of the Abyss . . . I've met Daniel before this. I've met him in dreams. He shared his best memories. I shared mine. . . we were friends as he taught me alot."

(Miyoung) So you are an alien! She yelled playfully at me as I was cleaning up, she was still seated at the table, her legs flexing. As I was washing the dishes I felt she was dialing something on her phone.

(Miyoung) What now? Are you gonna keep being Daniel Fyrebird? or are. you. Gonna. . .Tsuk as I was making my way back to the table as she jumped me again, this time it wasn't a playful thing.

I felt my back hit the hardened floor. . . actually it was pretty soft, as Daniel was apparently a fan of fine persian rugs. Her weight was greater than earlier, as I felt the pressure of her strong, firm, hips and soft thighs. as her hand became that of a claw as she placed it on my neck as she spoke on her phone.

(Miyoung) Ma'am! Need support! Suspected Extraterrestrial Meta subdued. . .She was looking me in my eyes, her's fierce mine confused yet amused, she noticed that.

(Miyoung) You think I'm joking! Give me back my Love! Get out of Daniel! Now! She was strengthening her grip on my neck, and chest.

(Abyss) "You know, yelling like that, and trying to kill our body wouldn't do much, would it?" Her grip loosen as I projected my thoughts to her. 

"Thank you, now can you stop pressing on me so much it's worse than what you did in bed. Then we can sit down, and talk about this Miyu." I smiled at her as I sent my emotion on how amused I was by the situation.

She looked stoic, unflinching against my projection, but I felt how conflicted she really is about all that is happening especially now that she's committing violence against a lover. She sighed and released her clawed hand on my chest.

I gave her my warm smile and then a hug, I felt her recoil in uncertainty as I easily lifted her up off me and gave her a carrying warm hug. "I'm not just Daniel anymore, I'm also Star of the Abyss now, our memories merging mine more than his . . . but I care for you as much as he did, so please, don't do something you'll regret. Let's wait for the Meta Protection Union, as I know you already called them Miyu."

I felt tears on my shoulder, as she hugged me tighter I felt she's finally realizing the situation and finally understanding what's truly happening. . . Is this what Daniel wanted from me? To experience the lives he lived?