Chapter 7 Universe of heroes. Part 2.

Act 1 Greeting the dawn. Abyss. Earth 0.

I felt the light breaking into my room, I started to feel the hum of the psionic energy of everything within my room. My lover felt warm, as she kept snuggling into me.

I was smaller than her by a large margin, as she held me like a small body pillow. my head between her soft rather large breasts, her firm yet comfortable thighs wrapped around my hips, her arms, was around my chest and sides, and her tail placing pressure on my legs.

(Abyss) Sigh. . . 

I enjoyed the comfort she was bringing to both my flesh and soul but I needed to start doing some work. So I closed my eyes, releasing most of my physical senses and connecting with the objects within my room.

The fridge door opened, as eggs, beacon portions, and other ingredients flew out to the kitchen top. as knives, cutting boards, bowls and other utensils stood at the ready.

They worked by slicing carrots, potatoes, onions and garlic. As the stove glowed red with heat as a pan placed itself there with a bottle of olive oil slowly poured and the slowly sizzled.

The bacon was being sliced into strips and then sizzled as they placed themselves on the pan, the work of the whole kitchen continued as I felt my ear being nibbled. I opened my eyes as her's met mine, her hot breath whispered to my ear.

(Miyoung) You know, you could have woke me love.

I gave her a smile and then a small kiss before saying.

(Abyss) I could have, but I would rather stay like this for a few more minutes.

I led her eyes down, as I felt her embarrassment as she realized how much she was clinging on me, her face reddening but then she smirked showing fake confidence.

(Miyoung) So what? You're my prize!

She pinned me down, as she came a-top me, her nakedness was partially covered by the fur she didn't shave. And the risque lingerie she wore. Her confidence almost became real before I met her gaze and held her chin.

(Abyss) Prize? 

The only thing I told her as I gave her a light scratch making melt into my chest laying down, moaning and exuding such smells that would have made a lesser man ravish every inch of her, but I wasn't one, so I stood up. 

(Abyss) Now, when you're ready, join me on the porsche.

I placed a hand on her head, and lightly fingering her ears, making her give out very implicit sounds. And as I moved towards the glass side door, three trays of our breakfast followed.

(Abyss) What a wonderful morning. 

On the sun porsche a canopy shaded a table with chairs, the platform was overlooking some of the sea, of green and waterwork parks it's smaller structures, traditional structures of stone, wood and brick. And those of low to highrises, and the small and mega complexes like those I was now standing on.

(Abyss) Independence the city of old preserved wonders. . . Daniel, I hope I find what you wanted me to learn here.

My last words as I took a sip from my very creamy latte. I might use tea water next time, instead of whole hot milk. For boiling my coffee.

Act 2 A ride through the city. Abyss. Earth 0.

Within a city neighborhood, walked a young man he was tapping away on a tablet, as he waited on a tram-stop.

Log date: Greater Earth, human year 3025 of the Dionysus calendar. Month of the Rabbit. By Meta-Human D class Paragon, paragon name: Abyss-star. Civilian name: Daniel Fyrebird. Level: Unknown Psion, Meta-Rank: Unknown.

Hmm. . .this should be fine, right? Hopefully sister Maria wouldn't be too disappointed, I did use the ID they gave me to fill it in.

I swiped left and saw the digital ID they gave me. It had my name, Age, occupation and other information. It even had a classified version with my more alien information. . .

damn they're thorough. . . well I did do an information projection into the clerk that wrote my info. She might have known me better, than myself thinking back at it. I should ask that grandma if she needs me to do a mindwipe. . . no, they have them here I shouldn't worry too much.

Ting ting ting! Oh it's here! A slow rustic Victorian like train car, steamed along, it was made of mainly wood, reinforced with gilded steel. And stained glass lightening the train car.

It's beautiful, and they use things like this for transport? Daniel, are you sure this was your world? Where were the spaceships? The half human half machines? the genetic monstrosities?

I thought of those things, as I entered the tram, and then it started to move towards where I needed to be. There were already people this early?

I smiled lightly as I met the eyes of those within the cozy tram, the seats were cushioned, red velvet on the train armchairs. With small tables in the middle of each chair group.

There were only five people here, an old couple, softly conversing with each other, about how excited they are to see their grandkids this holy break.

A girl in her university years, alone sipping a cup of coffee, looking out the stained glass window. She was humming a song as I saw a little bit of cybernetics just behind her ears.

The last were two older business type adults talking with each other, as the older woman was pointing at a pad and her subordinate nodding along cutely.

(Abyss) Goodmorning Elder. Ma'am.

I walked past the couple, bowing respectfully, to the old man and saluting the old woman, said my greetings, and then moved on. I felt they were pleasantly surprised as they greeted me back and told how polite I was. The old woman even joked that she's too old to be saluted by a young buck.

Next was the office workers. I did my greetings, they met my eyes and greeted me back as the older woman refocused on their work. The younger one didn't, as lust was on her mind.

I looked at their tablet and saw their problem after connecting to the machine. They had a balancing error in the spreadsheet making their calculation add an extra 0 or syntax errors.

(Abyss) Would you mind? I think you've made an accounting mistake at the mean generator, it would explain all the extra 0s

As I told the older woman this she almost started to lecture me about not getting into other peoples business but then she stopped and slid up her pad and found the mistake I told her about.

(Office worker) How? Are you a social science accounting major kid?

I smiled coyly.

(Abyss) Something like that older sister, Daniel Fyrebird, your welcome.

I left her with that. She looked confused, and then shrugged and then went over the file with her subordinate again, but as I moved to my next target I felt her realize who I am. It made me happy to know Daniel was famous even before I started making waves.

Before I reached the last passenger, I thought about the things I felt about those I passed, of their remnant psionic signatures. memories, and emotions.

The older woman was a retired paragon; she likely knew I was a new paragon. Based on how well she received my greeting, and that joke, her husband was one of the founders of the corporation in which the business folks work for, as part of their logistics department.

And then I reached the last one, but before I could greet her she looked up and held her eyes on mine. And then with a light smile she spoke.

(Coffee girl) Abyss-star I presume? The council sent me to be your guide.

(Abyss) Oh?

I tried feeling her with my psionic sense but I felt a blank canvas. The signatures of a machine rather than flesh.

(Guide) "Oh?" Did you see something interesting?

(Abyss) You look like a normal university girl, with a bit of cybernetics. But no, you're more machine than flesh. . . do you want me to connect to you?

The girl jumped in fear as I said that. To her.

(Guide) please no! I saw what you did to that tablet! I don't want to be turned into a. . . 

There was pause as she looked at my confused expression.

(Rebbeca) Ahem. . . Let's start over, I'm Rebecca, your guide during paragon training, and the 1 year observation you agreed to, good meeting you Abyss!

She held her hand up. My shock turned into a light smile as I accepted. A guide huh? She seems friendly enough. I'm actually sad I can't feel her without using my projections. I wouldn't mind having her bubbling my psionic sea.

Act 3 The guide. Rebecca. Earth 0.

(Rebecca) Hi! I'm Rebecca, cyber goddess of district 6! Hg. . .

An android girl wearing synthetic skin over her dermal plating practicing a hello and then being embarrassed after trying, in front of a bathroom mirror.

(Rebecca) Why! Why did uncle Genos make me do this! I'm more of a bang! Bang! Bang! Kinda girl than going and teaching newbies!

She blurred around with guns appearing and disappearing before lowering her head in defeat. And then looked at the mirror again.

Time appeared at the lower part. 7:30. Sigh. . . An hour left before I need to meet him at the union lobby. Where my uncle told me the newbie would be waiting for me.

I pressed the glass, and thought about the file my uncle sent me as the information plastered itself in the regular Mirror.

Name: civilian - Daniel Fyre-bird. Paragon - Star of the Abyss - Abyss-star.

Meta Rank - civilian - rank C. Paragon - Rank A+

Meta Level - Psion civilian - Level 3. Paragon - Level 0.

Age: Civilian - 23. Paragon - Unknown.

Race: Civilian - Meta-human. Paragon - Azul Star Bayleen.

Blood-type: Meta O+.

Etc. . .

Sheesh, this guy's powerful. . . And kinda hot. I thought as I looked at the image and watched the video of his trial on how his demonstration of power echoed even within this digital video, and how the bright flaming halo he created radiated from him. . .

Are those wings! I screamed internally as I saw shadows of wings behind the wingless flaming angel. . . Halo, flames, shadow of wings, and beautiful all around. . Are they sure they didn't recruit an actual angel! 

I suddenly felt a lot more anxiety at the idea of meeting and guiding this being of the heavens. . . 

0 0 0 0 0 

I was inside one of those slow trams, when my sensors saw the kid. . . 

He was smaller than what the images told me, his physiques almost scrawny, some fats on his sides stopped him from being called scrawny. . .

But damn he has a cute face! I might need to get him into shape before we start any paragon work tho. . . Even psions need to be able to keep up with the other paragons.

I almost jumped up and greeted him, but I stopped myself. I needed to look and feel like the cool, mature, instructor. rather than the young party girl! Not gonna repeat my last guidance trial.

Sigh, hopefully Momo would forgive me one of these days. I swear I told the girl I was joking!

Then I felt small distortions in cyberspace, as my soon to be ward entered the tram, I looked at him and saw that he was giving out a static like distortion, his repelling the ambient flow of the cyber-net slowly bending it like a boulder in a river.

But the cyber net wasn't a river, it didn't move like water but moved more like an avalanche but rather than snow, it was data pockets. 

The smaller data packs where alright it parted way for him, but the bigger ones? They crashed into his distortion and evaporated into raw data. . . 

Good thing he's only distorting spam data, if he was affecting important data packs like this, I know a few Net-Divers that would kill to take him in.

I listened to his conversation with the old folks. . . I saw their data, the older woman was a retired Paragon Named Venom-Ivy and the older man was an ex-meta criminal known as Ironclad. . . He's currently one of the owners of Ironclad industries, they mainly manufacture industrial exo-suits.

From what I gathered they immediately noticed they were talking to a friendly and new paragon that doesn't know who they were.

They acted as an old couple, even telling him about their Visit with their grandkids. He in turn recommended them to a family restaurant and gave them a note telling them to give it to the chef and they'll be given the best service. 

He smiled and waved them bye As he moved forward, politely saying no to sitting with them. Next he moved on towards two office girls. 

From what data I saw from them, they were nothing special. just some above average office blanks, that works for the company the older man owns. 

but nonetheless he was still friendly with them, greeting them with respect and humility to those that appeared older than he is.

What surprised and scared me was what he did to their Net-pad with just one touch he created and enslaved a nascent mechanical AI inside the Net-pad.

Asked it what was the problem with the girls' documents and once he got it he thanked the AI and then erased it from existence before talking to the girls about their work.

It was terrifying to see a being called the apex predators of Cyberspace who needed to be trapped within gigantic sections of the Cybernet to make it mostly safe.

Yet here he was, making and destroying them as easily as I drink whisky On the rocks. . . And the AI didn't even fight, in those few moments of freedom it had, just after creation. . .

somehow it knew that no matter what it did, It would meet its end. So it chose Servitude for a few more moments of existence, rather than death, just after creation.

A shill went up my aluminum steel spine as I tried to compose myself and act like my usual self after witnessing such a great show of power.

But then I met his loving kind eyes, and that cute small smile of his. The light from the stained glass made him look almost divine as he almost said.

(Abyss) Hel. . .

Act 4 Paragon exercise. Abyss. Earth 0.

I felt suffocated, and constricted. I opened my eyes and saw I was blinded by soft fabric. I sent a small pulse of my energy and saw I was inside a metal like box, my hands tied with the same fabric that gagged and blinded me.

Did Miyoung drugged me? And where doing a BDSM thing? Maybe? No, I'm wearing my training suit. . .

A dark Blue smart bodysuit designed to blunt any impact and resist energy charges, while having emergency systems that can stop bleeding and administer drug cocktails.

That means I'm Doing a training exercise! But why don't I remember anything? Well. . . Should I escape? Or do I call for help?

As I thought about what to do I connected with my binds and the box I was in. Asking my binds to untie themselves.

I stood up looking around, seeing nothing In the pitch darkness of the box. I ignited my soul flame and it brightened the large box I was in.

I saw words carved on the wall, "escape or call for help" huh? So I was right this was a test of some kind. 

There was a tool belt hanging by a hook on one of the walls, another has a blaster and cold weapons. . . I asked the box to deconstruct one of her sides.

The one I was pushing on, I heard the sounds of bolts and nuts falling and then the door fell outwards.

What greeted me was the white room. My guide, Rebecca, told me I needed to participate for at least a month of paragon training before she could bring me on her missions.

I looked around and saw my instructor, a veteran paragon. Her paragon name was Discharge.

I'm trying to not "know" her real name, it was a privacy measure not to share your real name, even though not everyone here does it, but she does.

So I respect it, and I don't remember the names of those like her. I Only, remember their real names if they share it with me. . . even though I sometimes psionically get to know them, every time I over here someone thinks about them, or if they say it randomly and an object hears it. 

But anyway, she has the ability to absorb most types and sources of energy and then shoots it out in beams or does really cool things with it.

I smiled at her as she looked up from her pad, which was cameras showing the inside of my box and the other 5 inside the room. 

(Abyss) Hey teacher, so did I pass? And also I'm not sure, but did you ask me to mindwipe myself and the others?

She smiled and gave a tut. . . Of approval, before looking back at Her pad. 

(Discharge) Fast and direct as always Mr. Abyss. And yes, I asked you to induce short term amnesia on your classmates and yourself to let you guys experience a kidnapping or being captured and left by a criminal.

(Abyss) How long did you ask the amnesia to last?

I asked her as I looked at a larger monitor to her left, where it shows my classmates' biosigns. Annie seems to be panicking based on her heart rate. . . but knowing the girl, she could be excited rather than scared.

Clark seems to be freezing up based on how slow his heart beat is. . . or his knocked out will know in a couple of hours.

(Discharge) maybe 2 more hours? You told me you can't do immediate memory recall, because it's dangerous and it's better to do a 6 hour gradual memory restoration so we did that it's been an hour since we started the exercise. . . as you can see you're the first one out.

(Abyss) Huh. . . How did you make me agree to this? My master always told me memory manipulation was. . . risky, and I only practiced minutes of memory manipulation never this.

I pointed at my classmates. This made my teacher laugh.

(Discharge) Ha. . . Damn, you did mindwipe yourself. . . it's like I'm talking to my grandpa again.

Her smile faded for just a moment, but came back as she spoke to me. . . I wish I wasn't able to have felt her emotion at that moment or seen fragments of some of her fond memories of her star sailing grampappy.

But I did and it only strengthened both my soul and resolve to learn more about this world.

(Discharge) Like I told you earlier, we can regenerate their brains after the exercise if there's any damage done to them.

At the mention of healing I remembered a support paragon who's called Childhood.

(Abyss) Childhood. . .

Discharge looked interested, as I muttered a name of a faint memory I had.

(Discharge) Your right kid, Little Childhood has been stationed here for medical emergencies. . . just in case you don't remember her, she has the meta-ability of limited time control. Able to reverse and advance time for anything with a pulse.

I still don't remember her, but her name. Still, it's good to know a little bit about her for now, I hope my memories come back sooner. But then I noticed one of the monitors started to blink.

(Abyss) Ma'am? Is Annie alright?

She seems to be the one most active among his classmates, during this exercise, at least the others are finally awake.

(Discharge) Hmm? Annie? 

She looked at one of the cells on her pad. We saw Annie jumping using fire bursts to propel herself higher.

(Discharge) Oh yeah she's fine, she's trying to do the flame trick you showed us a couple days ago to reach the tool belt. . . she isn't doing it too well. . .Reckless girl, if she keeps up at this she'll roast herself, fire proof or not.

I was about to go in and stop her when I felt my body gone a bit heavier than normal and looked behind me.

(Discharge) Don't worry Mr. Abyss she's fine I placed an emergency coolant and heat releases on her box if she reached critical heat.

That calmed me down and made me sit next to her again.

(Discharge) You know, you could just go and meet up with your guide, you don't need to stay and watch the rest of the exercise. . .

I shook my head and then mentally spoke to her with my emotions and intentions with each word.

(Abyss) "I want to make sure there alright"

This made the older woman laugh again. I felt her pride and thoughts around me being ready to be called a paragon.

Act 5 Meeting officers. Abyss. Earth 0.

Log date: Greater Earth, human year 3025 of the Dionysus calendar. Month of the Dragon. By Meta-Human, D class Paragon, paragon name: Abyss-star. Civilian name: Daniel Fyrebird. Level: 0 Psion, Meta-Rank: A.

I was typing on my pad as I waited for my guide in the lobby of the Union district HQ. It was large, comfortable, and tastefully decorated. and accommodating for both civilian and government people leaving requests and paragons taking those requests.

I steered when I felt my guide come to me and she had two people following her. One was a very athletically built younger man and the other was a slightly overweight shapely woman.

They were in civilian attire, but I felt both the badge and stun pistols on their sides. I smiled at them and gave them a bow. Cutting of Rebecca's introduction.

(Rebecca) He's my. . . 

(Abyss) I Am Abyss, provisional paragon and ward of Little Merc, It is a pleasure meeting you officers.

After I told my peace I stood up straight and relaxed. I felt a small shock from them, after my little revelation. But then I felt a rolled up document hit my head.

(Abyss) Ow. . .

(Rebecca) Sigh. . . Sit down Abyss. 

I complied quickly, the dark skinned slightly overweight officer laughed at me a little as she gave a mocking grin to Rebecca. As they followed along and sat, Rebecca sat next to me.

(Jones) How new is your boy, Becca?

(Rebecca) Newer than your Jones.

And then they both laughed, sharing an inside joke that I think I know. And then the older officer looked at me and spoke.

(Emily Jones) Where's my manner! I'm Emily Jones and this is my partner Jake Parolta where both investigators for ICPD. and we're here to contract you two for our day patrol, your guide practically beg. . .

(Rebecca) I did not! You're the one saying. Mwha, mwha. I need a telepath!

(Emily Jones) I didn't cry!

The two squabble as I met eyes with Jake. I held up a hand to him and he accepted it. 

(Jake Parolta) Good to meet you, Abyss. . . is that normal? I never met Ms. Little Merc before, but I knew. SO knew her.

(Abyss) Know clue. . . "You guys need a telepath?" 

I mentally sent it to him and to his SO and to Rebecca making it seem like an accident. They steered at my action, the reactions felt visceral to me.

(Emily Jones) Yes we do, and I'm lucky that my friend knew of one. 

Her face and emotion seemed neutral. . . anti telepathy training? I gave her a little pressure, a false memory defended her real emotions and intent. Her forehead slightly creased.

(Abyss) You're very well trained Ma'am, now that we've tested each other what do you need from us?

I said leaning towards Rebbeca and pulling her closer connecting to an external transmitter sending the information of my light probing against the two officers.

Emily raised an eyebrow at my actions and words. And gave Rebecca a questioning look.

(Rebecca) Abyss! Don't be rude, I know she's insufferable but that doesn't mean she's suspicious.

This made me stop doing the protocol she made when talking to suspicious people.

(Abyss) Alight Little Merc. but really I want to know, you can't just be calling in specialized help for a simple patrol?

No she didn't, she needed a telepath for a bigger operation, but she needed to test me more than she already did, so the plan was to help them with a patrol before joining them in the bigger mission. . . in the end I agreed.