Chapter 8 Hospital visits. Background Story.

Act 1 Drive. Miyoung. Earth 0. Weeks before present day.

On an open top electric pick-up a couple can be seen. One was a young lady with wolven features with fox ears and tail. She was wearing an open letter jacket. and on the front of that jacket there were two patches.

One was a letter it was an "I" in bold lettering and then a very mechanical heart and then at the back of the jacket there was the letters in logo form "IU"(Independence University)

She had a white v-neck crop top shirt underneath, a ring earring on her right furry ear. Her legs were covered with a cloth belted cargo pants, and her feet with a pair of black rubber shoes. Her light brown hair was cut into a boyish gwen-stacy-cut only reaching the nape of her neck.

(Miyoung) Are you sure about this love? I mean, we just left the union district branch. . . 

I gave my love a quick look of concern, before going back to driving. I'm worried, I know he's not exactly my Dani anymore, but. . . he still feels like him, maybe a bit direct and reserved. . . but he's still that kind, gentle and loving Daniel I fell in love with.

The young man was dressed simply in a v-neck shirt, soft fabric jeans and a pair of high cut converse shoes.

(Abyss) "It's fine Miyu. . ." I'm alright, I just need to make sure of something.

I felt my love's. voice, emotion, and intent. As I felt him in my mind, it was brief but I enjoyed that moment of connection. . .but for some reason I recoiled the first time he did it to me and because of that he never tries it consciously with me again.

I'm not sure why. . . But I think I'm scared of asking him. . . I don't even know how to ask him. . . it's weird, but I already got a home run on him but I'm still scared of asking him. . .

The city was beautiful. The sun was starting to lower itself, casting a shadow on the city, some of the smaller shops and buildings lighting up even before the sun sets.

(Abyss) Are we fine? You already accepted I'm not just Daniel, right? I'm someone with the memories of both Star of the Abyss and Daniel Fyrebird in one body that considers himself more like the Space whale that Daniel befriended than Daniel who. . .

He stopped and leaned closer to me, until I could feel his hot breath on my ear.

(Abyss) had fallen in love, with such a lovely girl.

(Miyoung) Sigh. . .

I placed a hand on his lips, making him give me such a cute confused face. As I switched to the self driving mode. Will get to the medical center later but it's fine.

(Miyoung) You expect me to believe that! When you're being like this!

I pinned him down again. . .he's just so easy, I can't help myself. I felt thirsty for him, as he laid helplessly under me. But I breathed out and relaxed, as I slumped on his chest.

The sunroof of the car was already closed as I spoke.

(Miyoung) I want you to. . . Do, the mind talking, again. . . with me. . . I like it when you do it unconsciously.

He looked troubled like he wanted to do it too but he's worried about something.

(Miyoung) I promise I won't look hurt this time!

He signed and then gave me that cute smile of his.

(Abyss) alright.

Then and there I felt connected to him in a way that I have never done so with anyone else, maybe my sister but this felt like something else. His memories, my memories, our love, our emotions, are goals, the things that inspire us to wake up in the morning and do something with our lives. It was all there. . . for both of us to enjoy. . . I was less angry with Daniel now, that I know why he did such a dangerous thing, without telling anyone.

Act 2 Physical. Abyss. Earth 0. Weeks before present day.

I was inside a machine, it was cold, sounds of beeping came in and out. waves of electricity and light rolled over me. . . and then it stopped and the chrome metal I was laying slid open, letting me out of the machine as it powered down.

(Doctress) Well from the look of this you're perfectly healthy. . . Two things though, your brain's more active? Not really my specialty. I'll get one of my colleagues to look at that. But the problem I'm seeing is your estrogen levels, 

She was looking at her pad as the machine was feeding it data from the scan it took from me. Then after a few minutes of thinking she looked at me and asked.

(Doctress) have you had any recent chest pains? And from your medical history have you missed taking your ACE Inhibitors?

I smiled at her with an apologetic look and shook my head.

(Abyss) I'm not sure doc, but I think I had a heart attack last night or early morning while I was asleep. And I ran out of my meds. I was planning to get more this morning but something happened. . .

She looked interested. And I felt she was bordering on anticipation and calling for nurses. I sent her a simple mind projection.

(Abyss) "I think I became a Meta" 

(Doctress) Hmm. . . well it's not unheard of for a Human blank to become a meta-human during high stress situations especially because every blank does have a dormant meta-gene. . . It's just very rare. And dangerous.

She looked contemplative, and then sent messages before she talked to me again.

(Doctress) Have you been registered yet?

(Abyss) Yes? I think so, I spent most of the day at the District Union hall.

(Doctress) Good. . .have they done a full physical and evaluation yet?

(Abyss) I'm not sure, they did some tests but I don't think it was an evaluation.

(Doctress) alright this should be enough, please wait, if it's fine with you sir Fyrebird, can we do your Meta-human Physical here? Unfortunately we don't have the facilities for evaluating psion type meta's but a full physical is doable, will be passed along are findings to Union Hall.

her outward appearance was very business-like and professional but inside she was a ball of worry, anxiety, excitement and joy.

I was curious as I felt her soul's emotion and intent.

(Abyss) Is this normal Ma'am? I never heard IUMD doing this before.

Her emotions spiked but then a pang of realization came to her making her sigh.

(Doctress) Sigh. . . You're reading my mind aren't you?

She looks deflated. I nodded my head slightly, giving her a mischievous smile.

(Abyss) No I wasn't, you would feel it if I did, but I am able to feel emotions and intent. You didn't have any evil intentions against me but you were worried. Sorry I was just being cautious.

She smiled this time genuinely as she gave a light chuckle.

(Doctress) You're cute, boy. No it's not normal, but as this is a university hospital some doctors are also researchers which I am one of them and I'm researching telepath nervous systems. . . 

She walked out of the operations room and I followed her.

(Doctress) sadly there are too few telepaths in this district and they're very much in demand in the territories governed by the Union. . . so my sample size is only a handful of telepathic metas. . . everyone of them a valuable data set.

She ended as she sat on one of her office chairs. She looks pleading, as her emotions mirrored what she's showing to me. I gave her a small smile and nodded.

Her reptilian-like eyes looked so happy, as she let out a break of air. As her tongue licked the air.

(Adriana Morales) Here's my card come in. . .

I looked at her card as she opened her pad and swiped at it. Adriana Morales. Doctor of neurology, Master in medical Meta R&D, Master in cardiology. Office and personal number. Emails, media and addresses. . . is this a normal business card?

(Adriana Morales) How about tomorrow morning?

I nodded at her which made her feel happy as she returned to her business-like demeanor.

(Abyss) Please take care of me in the future doctor Adriana.

I gave her a bow, and then left her office, meeting a very obviously jealous lover. Who was snacking on a bag of chips on one of the lobby chairs.

Act 3 Interruptions. Abyss. Earth 0. Weeks before present day.

(Abyss) Morning, I'm looking for a Doctor Adriana Morales? I have an appointment under Daniel Fyrebird.

In the lobby of a hospital a young man was talking to a younger girl behind a monitor screen.

(Clerk) A moment please.

She started tapping away on her device. As I looked around me looking at the people and decor of this medical center's lobby.

The place felt. . . clean? Or sterilize yet comfortable as the metal chairs were padded and the white cream walls had plenty of windows letting in natural light bringing life to the flowering vines inside the room.

There weren't many people this early in the morning, especially with a society as relaxed as this one. There was a mom with her kid, who probably has the sniffles, an old man who's using a cane and a worried older boy, with a proud looking girl with him.

(Clerk) Here you are, sir. . .

She felt infatuated? Well, I am a male, and a very attractive one based on my memories of Miyu courting Daniel, until she was able to bed him. I gave her a smile as I said.

(Abyss) Thank you. 

And then scanned the code on the pad she showed me before freezing up. And before she could answer back, I left towards the test site.

0 0 0 0 0

With a white room where everything was made of ceramic steel like material sat a young man on a velvet armchair with a cup of cold tea in hand. And many tubing on his body and a wired headband on his head.

HE was joined by a woman of reptilian ilk, with no tail but very human face and eyes yet with soft light brown scales. She was surrounded with glass pane-like monitors with data, graphs and analyses decorated, those glass monitor screens.

(Adriana Morales) And done, it's now calibrated to compare your base neural activity to when you use your meta-ability. Whenever you're ready.

I should start simple.

(Abyss) I'll begin small. "Do you like me Ana?"

I felt her give pause, at my simple mental projection. And then turmoil. . . as she showed me a mask of a smile. As she worked with digital AIs to Identify which parts of my biology changes everytime I cast a projection.

(Abyss) Tell me if you're ready for the next one, doctor.

She continued her work, as she answered.

(Adriana Morales) It's fine boy, just cycle through what you can do. and the system can record and store them while I'm analyzing them one by one.

I nodded to her even though she didn't see it as I placed down the tea cup on a platform that razed itself up on the white stirile floor. . . that had small rumbas cleaning over and over. . . on its almost mirror-like surface.

(Abyss) Doc, have you prepared what I asked?

The doctor looked at me and gave me a nod. I felt excitement in her. . . I felt a spike of jealousy in my lover just above us behind a reinforced glass wall.

(Adriana Morales) 2A please Initiate simulation Meta-human Esper class. Daniel Fyrebird.

And then the whole hall stirred, creating objects and letting people in for me to use my psionic projections on. . . and the room changed for my test as I contemplated which projections to use. . . which were the safe ones, mostly. . . I can't exactly use war projections. I might accidentally destroy the surface of this world, If I tried any of them.

I started with my focus projection. In a white hall the lighting dimmed as it was placed by a warm hit of a blue flame filling the entire room with burnless fire.

Some of the nurses and medical and research students that volunteered reacted in surprise, some even with fear.

but they calmed once they noticed it wasn't hurting them, and then they simply shrugged and continued to help the doctor, or do their own work.

The young man standing in the middle of this gentle inferno spoke.

(Abyss) This is not a projection, it is my natural expression of my raw psionics. My master called it my "soul ignition". With this I can use simple projections. "Like the feeling of emotions and intentions of others. Talking to people through thought and this"

I influenced the metal cubes, placed far across me and moved them to form a simple tower. As I told everyone in the room my actions.

(Abyss) Sigh. . . that's as much I can do as I am.

The flames abetted, gathering into one point at the back of the head of the young man turning into a cape and halo of Azul flames. With hair as blue as his flames.

(Abyss) This projection is called "Focus" with it I can perform more complex projections like this one which is called "Soul Flame"

I pointed my hand towards the metal cube tower, and then it ignited into a dark blue flame. It wasn't hot, nor was it melting the steel cubes.

(Abyss) this projection only hurts depending on the LV value of a person.

I felt a student raise her hand. I nodded to her. As my flames subsided.

(Abyss) Yes?

(Student) What does LV mean sir? The AI is having trouble using context recognition.

(Abyss) it means level of violence. . . my soul flame inflicts cleansing pain, or healing. . . depending on how much violence a person has committed to another.

(Adriana Morales) we don't have any criminals here. . .does killing animals or fighting sports included?

(Abyss) Sports barely. . . it would hurt as much as drinking hot coffee. . . animals would just make you feel guilty or make you a vegetarian after being burned. Do we have volunteers? As you can see it has no effect on material things.

A nurse came forward, she was dressed in a nurse outfit with a researcher coat over the outfit. The scarlet haired lady was mature in her looks, but I can feel she was younger than she looks.

(Abyss) Are you sure? 

She nodded and then I sent my flame to her. She stood there inside an ocean like inferno. . . her hair hasn't even been singe by the flames heat. I felt no pain from her.

Before I could quench my flames ending my demonstration I felt a familiar presence as muffled voices of pleading and anger came from the entrance to this testing hall.

(Jihoon) Where is he!

She quickly scanned the room, her eyes stopping at mine. Annoyance in his eyes and then towards the doctor as her eyes turned to domestic rage.

All I can say Is that by the end of that day I learned that Paragons had their own hospital/testing facilities and that their meta-abilities were a state secrets. . .Atleast I calmed her enough to let the doctor have my telepathy scans.