Chapter 17

Still Outside of ORC room

The group that mainly consist of Sonas Peerage already knew that they trap in this barrier without a no way out. So next best thing they did is to calm themselves and think of what they are going to do next but not Tomoe.

"What do we do Momo-san? we are trap here"  Tomoe the hyperactive girl started facing around back and forth in panic afraid that something might happen to their king.

" You need to calm down first Tomoe-chan, First of all you have to trust Lady Sona to deal with the enemy especially that Tsubaki is with her, both of them  are capable individual and frankly quite strong" said Momo in a calm manner without any shed of bias at all.

"Second of all, we have to look after ourselves first before protecting Lady Sona cause if we lost or we die ,we won't be able protect Lady Sona" Momo reminded them of their current situation.

"and last " Momo pause and turn look at Jerry " The mouse over there is also trap here too, am right mouse-san?" said by Momo with smug face.

Jerry response with a gesture of 'So-so' which in return made Momo blush and embarrass herself.

 Tomoe and Tsubasa look at the Momo weirdly but ignore all of it at the same time. They are thinking of 'Seriously you just got embarrass just like that',

Tsubasa ask Jerry the right question " How do we get out of this" they want to get this over with so she can help the other fighting. She's worried about the others fighting. She seems to forget about Momo speech about looking out for themselves first or maybe her inner boyish personality is kicking in.

Jerry look at them and started shadow boxing to answer the question Tsubasa ask. The Trio understand the only way to get out of this is to defeat him. No other option.

Tomoe and Tsubasa took deep breathes to prepare for the upcoming confrontation with the mouse. Jerry on the other hand is there waiting for them to make a move and from time to time looking at the Toms direction to see if that is doing his job.

Tomoe ask Momo with determination " What's the plan Momo-san, are we going all together or one bye one?" said in an playful manner. Compared to earlier she more confidence more than ever.

Tsubasa hearing that yell at Tomoe "Why do we need an option of going one by one? Of course we are going to attack all together" Tsubasa reminded Tomoe.

"Teehee" Tomoe just did that.

But Momo had a different plan in mind.

"No, we wait" said Momo with serious expression stunning both Tsubasa and Tomoe hearing that. 

Tsubasa look at Momo and asking in earnest " And What do you mean by that Momo?" but Tsubasa is thinking that maybe deep down Momo is scared of the mouse. Anyone can be scared of mouse, especially the big ones in the street of Paris.

"We wait for Lady Sona and the others to finish their battle so they can help us here." explained by Momo to the both of them while looking at the other fighting from the looks of it they are struggling.

Tsubasa is looking at the other battles happening right now too and say with a serious tone "And If they don't finish" 

"We will still wait because we don't know what this mouse can do." said by Momo looking at Jerry standing still waiting for them to finish their conversation. Momos thinking is reasonable , just like Sun Tzu said If you don't know anything, don't do anything at all.

They did wait and Jerry too but Jerry bound to get bored of waiting, so Jerry gaze at then and started walking slowly towards them menacingly.

Tomoe is the first to notice that Jerry started approaching in slow and steady pace. Tomoe turn look at the arguing Momo and Tsubasa and shout at them " Hey guys! look the mouse."

Tsubasa look at the walking Jerry then turn to look at Momo and say "Well It seems the mouse can't wait anymore Momo." Tsubasa then put her guard up and get ready for upcoming 'fight'.

Momo sigh and say in resign tone " It can't be help then, I was hoping mouse-san is patient individual but seems I am wrong yet again." She started getting ready to face Jerry.

Tomoe on the other hand says it like they're only doing a group project " Let's do our best" what an optimistic girl unlike her earlier panic appearance. 

Jerry on the other hand is just slowly walking at snail pace for who knows how long which Momo notice and she have a feeling that something is going to happen and she have a gut the feeling that it's gonna hurt really really bad.

Tsubasa and Tomoe watching Jerry walk slowly feels like a torture and a half. So both them started copying Jerry and started walking slowly.

Momo got confuse of what her two teammate is doing and ask " What are you doing?"

Tsubasa looks back at Momo and got angry " What do you 'What are we doing' , isn't it pretty obvious! we are walking slowly"

Momo try to explain it more clearly" What I meant is, Why are you slowly walking too" clearly annoyed that she got corrected by Tsubasa.

Tsubasa look toward the Jerry and say " Because the mouse is trying to intimidate us and I don't like it one bit"

Momo did not join them in their antics.

So Tomoe and Tsubasa continue walking looking determined, the same with Jerry but with each steps Jerry is getting bigger and bigger in term of size. The Trio notice the changes happening to Jerry. Tsubasa and Tomoe ignore but Momo started casting magic spell cause of worry.

As they got closer and closer Jerry grew bigger and taller than than girls. Tomoe started panicking again but Tsubasa did not. What an iron willed girl.

When they meet in the middle of the field. Tsubasa and Tomoe look up at the tall and big figure. Jerry shadow cast over both Tomoe and Tsubasa.

Jerry standing at 190 cm, with broad shoulders and well built body. His arm is as thick as logs .just by moving it his biceps contract. Jerry abdominal area consist of 12 packs abs. Over all Jerry became an incarnation of Jojo and Baki the grappler character.

Tsubasa look at Jerrys figure up and down trying to examine everything "You're big and tall but it doesn't matter if you can't take a punch from me." Tsubasa mocked Jerry but deep down she is kind of scared of  Jerry right now.

Hearing this, Jerry smile like demon ready to devour his prey alive. This scared the shit out of the trio specially Tomoe.

Jerry squat and look at Tsubasa in the eye. Jerry point at his own cheek gesturing Tsubasa to punch him in his face freely.

Tsubasa look at Jerry and felt insulted " You're just bigger mouse nothing more" yell by Tsubasa getting ready to punch him with all her might.

"Don't regret this" with a yell, Tsubasa swing with all might and punch Jerry in the face.


"urgh" Tsubasa hold her knuckles 

"HA HA HA" Jerry laugh loudly at Tsubasa reaction

Tsubasa on the other hand felt more angry and ignore the pain. Tsubasa punch Jerry again and again and again.

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE" Tsubasa yell while she still punching Jerry not stop until Tsubasa gets tired,

Tsubasa looks haggard and breathing like she ran a marathon, Sweat dripping and her hands shaking. Tsubasa look at Jerry unchanging face,

Jerry look at Tsubasa and pointed at himself then his hands meaning he is going to hit Tsubasa in face so Tusbasa needs to ready.

Sensing Jerrys meaning, Tsubasa yell at Jerry "Give your best shot mouse"

Jerry was about to swing at Tsubasa when something broke out nowhere. Jerry turn look at it and see Tomoe holding a broken katana. Tomoe looking at her katana and Jerry simultaneously.

Tomoe hide her katana to her back and say " Sorry"

Jerry swing and bitch slap Tsubasa wtih force enough to knock her out completely without her for good hour.

Jerry then turn to Tomoe and pointed at Tomoe gesturing 'You're next' ,Tomoe then run for her life while Jerry chase her playfully like a cat and a mouse this Mouse is the cat.

Momo see this started throw spell but Jerry just accepted without damaging him. This shenanigans only stop when Jerry notice that Tom is already finished. Not to be outdone.

Jerry take a stance like he is going play against to a non existent opponent with rock-paper-scissors.

Compressed yellow energy started gathering at Jerrys hands after enough energy gathered

Jerry punch the ground causing shockwave all over the sealed space .Momo and Tomoe tried block the incoming shock but I was futile. The Trio got fling away and hit the barrier.

Dust scattered and debris falling alll over the place. After the dust settle down. There's a big crater at the center of the sealed space in the epicenter of Jerry who now back to normal standing. The Trio injured body are in the corner of the barrier lay unconscious.

Jerry then did a fist pump in the air to claim Victory.