Chapter 18

Still outside of ORC room

Yoruichi standing at the opposite side of Sona and Tsubaki waiting for them to make a move, and they did.

Sona created two lions made of water. Sona commanded the lion to attack Yoruichi which the lions comply. With roar the lions run to Yoruichi. Tsubaki followed behind the lions, with her carrying naginata. The first lion attack by biting Yoruichi which she easily dodge by to the right side .The second lion pounce at Yoruichi however Yoruichi duck in advance to evade ,but this time Yoruichi did not only evade but counter by using her palm to strike at the lions jaws destroying the water construct lion .The first lion charge again to Yoruichi like raging bull, Yoruichi caught the lion by head. 

Taking advantage of Yoruichi holding the lion, Tsubaki attempt to hit Yoruichi from the back with her nagita but Yoruichi saw this coming so Yoruichi waited to dodge at the perfect time. When Tsubaki was about land a hit, Yoruichi evade and Tsubaki only hit the lion killing it in the process but Tsubaki is quick to react and attack Yoruichi again with the support water hawks created by Sona attackting from above.

Evasion one of the most basic thing in fighting and that is what Yoruichi kept doing even when the combine attack of Sona's hawk from above and Tsubakis Naginata attack from the ground. Sona created water lions again to help Tsubaki but they got easily dispose by Yoruichi. While Tsubaki and the hawks keep of pestering abd attacking Yoruichi, Sona made a bunch of water snake slitter sneakily at Yoruichi while she is distracted. 

The water snake successfully wrap Yoruichi.

"Now Tsubaki" Sona shouted at Tsubaki happily cause of success of the sneaky trap she laid.

Tsubaki see the opportunity and charged at the trap Yoruichi who struggling to get free. Tsubaki vertically slash Yoruichi with all her might.

"YES" Sona celebrated and did a double fist pump but it was short live.

" WHAT!" Sona and Tsubaki shouted when they saw 'Yoruichi' slowly disappear like she was not ever there in the first place like mist. That's when they realized that they where only blindly chasing and attacking the after image of Yoruichi ,for how long they will never.

Tsubaki eyes widen in shock and shouted at Sona " Lady Sona behind you "

Sona turn around and see Yoruichi standing there and pointing at her right shoulder.

Yoruichi smile and wink at Sona before saying " Hado #4. Byakurai "

A bolt of lightning hit Sona at point blank range

"Lady Sona" shouted by tsubaki in horror at Sona when she saw Yoruichi attack Sona with lightning causing a bleeding injury at Sona. She run to Sona as fast as possible but she did not get the chance when Yoruichi cast another hado.

"Hado #31. Shakkaho" red beam of high temperature flames came out Yoruichi palm causing destruction on in wake.

Tsubaki did stop running but face it head on with determination. As the beam of energy got near Tsubaki, she uses her sacred gear at the last second.

"Mirror Alice" Tsubaki materialize her sacred gear. Her sacred gear reflected the beam of flames with double of it  power causing double the damage on its surrounding

The beam of flames approach with fury, Yoruichi just smile and say "Bakudo #39. Enksen" A circle light appeared in front of Yoruichi.

Yoruichi block it easily as she created it. While Yoruichi was blocking the flames, Tsubaki help Sona to stand up and tend to her wound but the bleeding can't be stop.

Yoruichi look at this and say in mocking tone "Come on little devils give me one last hurrah" Yoruichi then stand still waiting for them to do their one last attack.

"Tsubaki back off" said by Sona to Tsubaki with commanding tone.

Tsubaki was unwilling to follow Sona because " But Lady Sona your injury is bleeding profusely we need tend to it first"

"No buts, this will be my final attack if this does not work then I guess we lost " said Sona looking at Yoruichi standing figure without a scratch even then look at Tsubaki and smile " I guess the lucky part of this we did give all our best to win"

Sona raise her hand and concentrate all of her mana in one creation she visualize a giant water serpent.

The serpent circle around Tsubaki and Sona.

"Go" Sona commanded the Water Serpent to attack enemy, The Water Serpent slitter toward Yoruichi with fury on its eye, wanting to avenge it's creator.

Yoruichi whistle at the size of that thing but got disappointed with it fire power, Yoruichi then sign say " So that it huh" 

Yoruichi then put her palms forward and cast " Hyoga Seiran "

A massive wave of ice came out of Yoruichi palm aiming at the Water Serpent head on. 


Water Serpent and the massive wave of ice clash causing destruction inside the sealed barrier even Sona and Tsubaki was not spare to damage, debris came flying toward then and Ice came through too.

The Clash subside and result is a massive structure of Ice Serpent can be seen. Yes the water turn to solid or to be exact the water turn to ice.

Sona and Tsubaki look at this with resignation especially Sona who made the Water Serpent with all might. Even that was not enough to beat the enemy on its wake. Sona thought that if only she is half as good as her sister who can control ice at her will then Sona can use this Ice serpent to attack Yoruichi again ,but Sona shook her head because Sona is sure of it that Yoruichi is just going to destroy it. 

Seeing this massive ice serpent statue Yoruichi contemplate if she want to keep it as it is or destroy it

Yoruichi walk back and forth to decide but the urge to destroy this brittle thing won over. Yoruichi cast 

"Hado #91. Senju Koten Taiho" Yoruichi created 5 energy pink points at shoot it the Ice Serpent.


Five explosion happened destroying the ice in the process. The Ice crystals sparkle like star in the beautiful night sky. A pretty scene worth etching in the memory forever.

Yoruichi approach the Duo and ask with serious tone " Do you admit defeat?"

Tsubaki ready to attack again but Sona hold her back, Tsubaki stop and Sona come forward holding her own shoulder and say " We admit defeat" 

Yoruichi smile and nodded she then point her fingers at Sona and Tsubaki before casting " Bakodu #1 ,Sai"

causing Sona and Tsubaki arms lock behind their backs which then cause them to lose their balance and fall down face first.

"You despicable cat" Tsubaki shouted angrily at Yoruichi "we already surrendered"

"MEOW" Yoruichi purr.

Sona just shook her head in disappoinment almost passing out because if bleeding but Yoruichi cast a spell at Sonas wound

"Kaido" the wound heal in a blink of an eye.

Sona look at Yoruichi with grateful look even though Yoruichi is the one who cause the wound.

Tsubaki on the other hand say " Round 2"

Yoruichi look at Sona and Sona look at Tsubaki and say " Shut up"


Author desu: Would you guys okay if Jerry and Tom can talk?