Chapter 27

After Teleporting Serafall

Serafall was met with the sight of the still unconscious peerage members of Sona and Rias. Quickly scanning the area, she spotted Sona and Rias engaged in conversation nearby.

Without hesitation, Serafall rushed over to Sona, wrapping her in a warm hug from behind. "So-tan, you're alive!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine relief.

Startled by the sudden embrace, Sona turned around to face Serafall, her expression one of confusion. "Of course, I am. Why are you surprised?" she asked.

Releasing her hold on Sona, Serafall took a step back, her concern evident in her eyes. "I thought that Oreki guy had killed you and Rias" she explained softly, her voice tinged with worry.

Sona and Rias exchanged confused glances for a moment before realization dawned on them regarding the purpose of the fake decapitated head.

Sona look at Rias while adjusting her glasses "Rias, your 'friend' seems to have a rather peculiar sense of humor," Sona remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Rias blushed slightly at the mention of her "friend's" antics. "Hey, I just met him today, you know," she defended herself while putting her hands to her waist.

Sona couldn't help but tease her friend. "But you've already decided he'll be your future fiancée" she countered, a mischievous grin playing on her lips as she watched Rias squirm slightly under her gaze.

Serafall, noticing the exchange between Sona and Rias, chimed in with confusion evident in her tone. "What are both of you talking about?"

Before Sona could explain, their conversation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Grayfia, whose arrival halted Sona's explanation mid-sentence.

"Grayfia!" Rias rushed to Grayfia's side and hug, concern evident in her voice. "How are you?"

Grayfia regarded Rias with a perplexed expression. "Lady Rias, you're not dead?" then stared at Sona.

Rias smiled reassuringly. "Yes, both Sona and I are perfectly fine."

Grayfia's confusion deepened. "Then, the decapitated head?"

"It's just a replica made by Oreki," Rias explained, "And it seems that he just wanted to see the reaction of you guys with it." Rias let out a sigh while shaking and holding her forehead.

"So, where did the three of you get teleported, Nee-sama?" Sona inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Before Serafall could respond, Grayfia interjected, "Let's wait for Sirzechs. He will be coming soon too."

Serafall's expression shifted as realization dawned on her. "Is Sirzechs-chan going to go all out?" she questioned, though she already knew the answer.

"Yes," Grayfia confirmed, her tone solemn. "Sirzechs plans to use his true form, or he may already be using it as we speak." She provided an explanation of Sirzechs' current situation.

"I see, so after Oreki left earlier, he went to your location and fought you there" Rias remarked, piecing together the events.

"So your peerage fought them" Grayfia look at nearby Tom ,Jerry and Yoruichi who are playing cards with each other,

Tom, Jerry, and Yoruichi sat around a small table, a deck of cards spread out between them. With playful grins, they each held their cards close, strategizing their next move.

Tom glanced at his hand and then at Jerry, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. He gestured a thumbs-down to Jerry, trying to intimidate him.

Jerry chuckled, unfazed by Tom's taunt, and cheekily stuck out his tongue in response.

Yoruichi, observing the banter between the two, couldn't help but interject with a confident smirk. "Don't fight, boys. Clearly, I am going to win this game." With a flick of her wrist, she played her card, causing Tom and Jerry to exchange surprised glances.

Sensing that they were being watched, Yoruichi casually glanced over at Rias and the others. Catching their gaze, she winked playfully before returning her attention to the game with Tom and Jerry.

"Who's the woman in the ninja outfit?" Serafall inquired with genuine curiosity, though she half-expected her to be another fellow cosplayer.

Sona adjusted her glasses before answering Serafall's question. "That woman is Yoruichi. She's the black cat on Kamisato-san's lap" she explained, gesturing towards tSerafall "As for why she's in the outfit," Sona continued after a brief pause, "she said it's her Shinigami gear." Sona's tone carried a hint of uncertainty, indicating that she herself wasn't entirely sure about the reasoning behind Yoruichi's choice of attire.

"And she's the one who kicked Sona and Tsubaki's ass" Rias interjected, teasing Sona.

"Lady Sona would have won if I wasn't there as a baggage," Tsubaki said with a straight face, offering her unbiased opinion, even though it was illogical and factually wrong. Then she added, "Isn't that right, Lady Sona?"

"Shut up, Tsubaki," Sona muttered, embarrassed by her Queen's behavior. "What happened to you? Why are you acting like this?" she questioned Tsubaki about her recent behavior.

"I don't know what you mean, Lady Sona" Tsubaki replied, sounding genuinely confused. Then, as if reaching a sudden realization, she added while bowing to Sona, "As expected of Lady Sona, it seems you've noticed that I've been brainwashed by that Yoruichi."

Sona facepalmed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Stop coming up with weird conclusions and expectations towards me, Tsubaki. You're embarrassing me in front of my sister and Rias" she sighed, shaking her head.

Sona glanced at Rias and Serafall, who were struggling to hold back their laughter at the strange interaction between Sona and Tsubaki.

With a blush still coloring her cheeks, Sona turned her attention back to Tsubaki. "You're doing this on purpose to embarrass me, aren't you, Tsubaki?"

Sirzechs then arrived in the ORC room, interrupting their conversation.

Sirzechs, upon arriving at the ORC room, bore a weary and haggard expression.

Grayfia briskly walked over to Sirzechs and gently guided him to sit on one of the empty couches nearby.

After Sirzechs sat down, all them except Grayfia and Tsubaki sat down.

"How badly did you lose?" Grayfia asked Sirzechs, getting straight to the point.

Sirzechs looked at his wife with a broken smile and replied, "You never expected me to win."

"Looking at your current condition," Grayfia teased, a playful smile tugging at her lips as she glanced at Sirzechs felt a playful jab at his expense as Grayfia continued to tease him. "No, I don't think so" she added, a mischievous glint in her eyes, further stoking his amusement.

But amusement quickly turned to solemn reflection as Sirzechs recalled the last confrontation with Oreki-san. "Oreki-san created a mini black hole to counter my true form" he recounted.

Serafall's keen intuition prompted her to seek clarification. "Is this black hole the same Hole magic by the Abaddon Family?" she inquired, her tone suggesting she already knew the answer.

Sirzechs locked eyes with Serafall, his gaze steady. "Correction, it's just a mini black hole" he affirmed, his tone carrying a note of correction. "And as for your question, the Hole magic is far inferior compared to this mini black hole Oreki-san created."

A wave of self-pity washed over Sirzechs as he continued, his voice tinged with remorse. "Look what the mini black hole did to me."

Serafall responded with unwavering confidence. "The black hole completely drains the destruction energy of your True Form, got it?" she stated, her smile radiating assurance.

"Mini black hole," Sirzechs interjected once more, attempting to correct her, but Grayfia intervened with her trademark calm demeanor.

"Black hole or mini black hole, their difference is completely irrelevant" Grayfia interjected, her smile gentle yet firm as she addressed Sirzechs. "They absorb things, and that's good enough." Sirzechs sighed again, conceding to Grayfia's logic. 

Sirzechs turned to Rias, his expression serious as he finally posed the right question. "What did Oreki want with you, Rias?" he inquired, his tone conveying a mix of concern and curiosity.

Grayfia, ever observant, directed her attention to Sirzechs, her gaze piercing. "Since when did you know Rias and Sona are not dead?" she asked, her tone demanding confirmation.

Sirzechs met Grayfia's gaze unwaveringly. "Since he didn't injure me and Serafall that much" he explained, his voice steady. "And I further confirmed it when Serafall disappeared, or when Oreki accepted my request to teleport you back here."

Sirzechs glanced around at everyone present, ensuring they were all listening. "Lastly, Oreki did not take the fight seriously. He just wanted to genuinely have fun" he concluded and look at Rias and ask once again " So Rias what did Oreki want with you and Akeno?"

"He wants me and Akeno to be part of his harem" Rias answer seriously while looking at Sirzechs in the eyes as if the world is at stake and one wrong move it will end the world.

"I see" Sirzechs reply just like as if already he already expected it 

Rias sigh in relief but Sirzechs reminded him of something she hate the most "But you still have engagement with Riser Phenex" Sirzechs said seriously " How are you going to handle that" he added.

"You just have to give me the right timing to break off the engagement from Riser, like for example a rating game between me and Riser. Then I will handle the rest" Rias proudly before adding " Oreki give me the power to break it off myself" Rias said that so fast that the listeners did not understand it.

Trio of Serafall ,Sirzechs and Grayfia was so confused that they thought their brain is lagging behind.

"Rias means that I will give her the power to break off the engagement" The group look at the direction of where the voice come from.

There Oreki, seated at a small table, focused intently on the chessboard before him. His opponent, Tom the cat, sat across from him, a determined look in his eyes. Meanwhile, Jerry the mouse scurried around the edges of the table , occasionally whispering tactics to Tom. Despite Jerry's best efforts to advise Tom, and Yoruichi is just watching the fun. Oreki seemed to effortlessly outmaneuver them at every turn. His strategy was impeccable, his moves seemingly anticipating every possible counter from his opponents.

Despite Jerry's best efforts to assist Tom. They still lose as Oreki declared "Checkmate" Oreki leaned back in his chair and look at other people watching and ask "What? Do you need for something?"

Serafall's pout remained firmly in place as she directed her question at Oreki, her irritation still evident. "How long have you been here?" she asked, her tone tinged with annoyance, still harboring some resentment over the fake decapitated head incident.

Oreki, unfazed by Serafall's mood, answered dismissively, his hands moving in a nonchalant gesture. "Not that long. I've been here since Sirzechs started talking," he replied casually, as if the matter held little importance to him.

The others in the room accepted Oreki's answer without much thought.

Sona, who had been silent since Sirzechs arrived, couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. With anticipation in her eyes, she asked Oreki, "You play chess?"

Oreki chuckled in response to her obvious question. "No, no, no. I only play checkers, right Tom?" He glanced at Tom, who was struggling to hold back his laughter, a sentiment echoed by Jerry.

Rias chimed in teasingly, "Sona, are you okay in the head right now?" Her smile betrayed her playful jab at Sona's expense.

Blushing in embarrassment, Sona quickly retorted, "Tsubaki's virus is getting to my head" throwing Tsubaki under the bus without hesitation.

Tsubaki then made up a reason for Sona statement "Ah, as expected of you, Lady Sona. I thank you for reminding me that I need to see a Devil Doctor as soon as possible" Tsubaki responded with a surprising lack of embarrassment, further embarrassing Sona in the process.

Oreki and his pets erupted into laughter, while Rias and Sona could only hold back their own amusement.

"You're doing it on purpose, admit it" Sona accused Tsubaki, pointing her finger at him in frustration.

Clearing her throat lightly, Sona redirected the conversation. "Anyway, what I meant is, are you good at chess?" she asked Oreki.

After wiping away some tears of laughter, Oreki smirked and responded "Better than everyone here, including you" pointing a finger at Sona with an amused glint in his eyes.

Sona adjusted her glasses, a glint of competitiveness shining in her eyes. "Oh really? Want to go for a game then."

But Oreki's smirk only widened as he leaned forward in his chair. "No can do" he replied, waiting for her to ask why.

"Why?" Sona asked with a frown, puzzled by his refusal.

"Because" Oreki answered, grinning mischievously, "you're not my type."

Tom and Jerry struggled to contain their laughter, but eventually, they burst into loud guffaws, further embarrassing Sona, who either couldn't comprehend what just happened or was trying to deny reality.

Tsubaki came to Sona's defense, praising her for her intelligence and other positive qualities. "Hey, Lady Sona is cute and smart. She may be lacking in the chest area, but she has a slim figure" Tsubaki listed Sona's good points.

Serafall nodded enthusiastically in agreement. "That's right, that's right. Sona is so adorable in any outfit, especially a magical girl outfit" she chimed in.

Rias shook her head with a smile, directing a gentle reproach at Oreki. "That was rude" she commented.

Oreki smirked and nonchalantly put his feet up on the table. "Hey, I'm just being honest. It might change in the future, but as of now, she's not my type" he retorted.

Sona, having recovered from her embarrassment, came to a conclusion about Oreki's refusal to play with her. "I see, so you know about my condition on finding a fiancée" she mused, then continued, "And the reason you don't want to play with me is that you could probably win against me, but you don't want me to be your fiancée after you win because I'm not your type." Sona looked at Oreki, waiting for his confirmation.

Oreki replied with a smirk, correcting her statement. "Correction, it's not 'I could probably win,' it's 'I could easily win.' But other than that, you're right," he admitted.

Sona's irritation became evident as she made a quick decision. "Wanna go play," she challenged Oreki.

Oreki wagged his finger teasingly. "No can do, unless..." he paused, turning to Serafall with a smirk, "if I win, I will get Serafall too."

Sona extended her hand to Oreki with a beaming smile. "Deal," she agreed eagerly.

Oreki shook her hand firmly. "No take-backs," he added with a smirk.

"Why me too?" Serafall questioned, feeling left out of the exchange, but she was ignored by Sona and Oreki. "Hey, don't ignore me," she pouted, feeling a bit left out of the conversation.

Oreki then stood up from his seat and said " We'll be on way then"

"Ara Oreki are you not going to say goodbye to us" Akeno who just came wih her mother Shuri.

"Is this young man that one you are talking about Akeno" Shuri said who now wearing a traditional miko outfit with white kosobe and red hakama.

Akeno nodded in confirmation, her smile brightening as she addressed her mother. "Yes, Mother, this is the one," she affirmed, her voice filled with happiness and excitement.

Oreki approached Shuri with a respectful bow of his head, a warm smile gracing his lips as he addressed her. "Mother-in-law, it's good to finally meet you. I'm Kamisato Oreki, but you can just call me Oreki" he introduced himself, his tone polite and friendly. "And you are as beautiful as Akeno can be" he added with genuine admiration, his compliment accompanied by a charming smile.

"My, my, what a smooth talker" Shuri said with a smile, her amusement evident in her tone. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Oreki. Just call me Shuri, and please take care of Akeno from now on" she added warmly, her gaze shifting to her daughter beside her, her expression tender.

Akeno felt a swell of emotion at her mother's words, her eyes misting with unshed tears of happiness. "Mother..." she began, her voice catching with emotion, but she quickly composed herself, holding back the tears.

"I will, Shuri-san" Oreki replied with a smile, his tone filled with sincerity as he nodded in understanding. He walked beside Akeno, linking his arm with hers, a gesture of affection and reassurance. "I will be her sadist to her masochist" he teased playfully, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips as he glanced at Akeno.

"Ara, Oreki, I think you are mistaking our roles" Akeno chimed in with a smile, her tone teasing as she gently nudged him with her elbow. "It should be the other way around" she added with a playful wink, her eyes sparkling with mischief.


Akeno's playful remark elicited a smirk from Oreki as he decided to take the teasing up a notch. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he moved his hands swiftly and delivered a light slap to Akeno's backside.

Akeno gasped in surprise at the unexpected touch, her cheeks flushing as she shot Oreki a mockingly scandalized look. "Oreki!" she exclaimed, though there was a hint of blush and excitement.

Shuri chuckled at the exchange between her daughter and Oreki, finding their playful banter endearing. "Oh my, you two certainly know how to keep things lively" she remarked with a fond smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement and remembering her time with her husband.

Akeno's concern for her mother's upcoming meeting with her father was evident in her gentle inquiry. "When are you going to meet him?" she asked with a hint of worry, her eyes searching Shuri's face for reassurance. 

Shuri met her daughter's gaze with a reassuring smile, exuding a sense of calm assurance. "Soon, Akeno. I'll meet him soon" she assured, her tone gentle yet resolute.

Turning her attention to Oreki, Shuri's expression softened into one of heartfelt gratitude. Meeting his eyes with sincerity, she offered a respectful bow. "Thank you for giving me another life, Oreki-san" she expressed sincerely, her words carrying a weight of appreciation for the second chance he had bestowed upon her.

Oreki shook his head modestly at Shuri's gesture of gratitude, his own expression reflecting humility. "You don't have to thank me, Shuri-san" he replied earnestly, his voice filled with warmth and understanding.

Then, Oreki's gaze shifted to Akeno a soft smile gracing his lips as he regarded her fondly. "Akeno's happiness is also my happiness" he declared with unwavering conviction, his words filled with a depth of emotion

Upon hearing Oreki's heartfelt declaration, Akeno couldn't help but feel a surge of affection welling up within her. With a soft, adoring smile, she reached out to gently cup Oreki's face in her hands, drawing him close to her.

"Oreki" she murmured his name, her voice filled with tenderness. And without hesitation, she leaned in to press a tender kiss to his lips. Caught off guard by Akeno's sudden affectionate gesture, Oreki's initial surprise melted away as he reciprocated her kiss with gentle warmth.

Rias' jealousy flared up as she witnessed Oreki and Akeno's affectionate display, her teeth gritting with frustration. Determined to put an end to it, she marched over to them and swiftly separated the couple, her voice sharp with warning as she addressed them.

"Stop doing that in front of everybody" Rias admonished them, her tone tinged with irritation at their public display of affection.

However, Akeno couldn't resist teasing Rias, taking advantage of the opportunity to provoke her further. "Do you want Oreki to kiss you too, Rias?" she teased, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes.

Oreki, playing along with Akeno's teasing, stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Rias from behind, his voice low and suggestive as he whispered into her ear. "Rias-chan, you want me to kiss you too? And if a kiss is not enough, we can go further, you know" he suggested, his words causing Rias to blush and squirm uncomfortably.

Flustered by Oreki's boldness, Rias whispered back in embarrassment, "No, a kiss is enough for me" as she turned around to face him, her cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment.

"Close your eyes, then" Oreki instructed with a serious tone, prompting Rias to comply obediently as she closed her eyes, anticipating the kiss.

But to her surprise, the kiss didn't come. Confusion clouded her mind as she heard the others giggling around her, causing her to open her eyes and look around, only to find Oreki nowhere in sight, and the others struggling to contain their laughter.

Realization dawned on Rias as she understood what had just happened, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "OREKI!" she shouted loudly, her voice a mixture of indignation and embarrassment as she realized she had been pranked.


No more chapters this week, and heads up! upcoming chapters are going to be slice of life with random bullshit.

thank you for reading