Chapter 28

Heads up this week chapters and maybe next week too are all slice of life bullshit so you don't need to read all of them, I repeat you don't need to read them but if you do read them.

Then thank you in advance for reading them.

Edit: This is the great barrier as I abuse the heck out of GPT, I only stop abusing it at chapter 60?, so yeah skip or skim through them as much as you want. 


Upon our return to the Oreki household, Jerry and Tom wasted no time immersing themselves in their beloved forms of entertainment. Their excitement was palpable as they eagerly made their way to the living room, where the TV and PS5 awaited their attention. With swift movements, Jerry's fingers danced over the remote control, while Tom deftly plugged in the PS5, filling the room with the comforting glow of the television screen and the familiar hum of the gaming console coming to life.

Seizing the opportunity to unwind, they both plopped down on the couch without hesitation, their eyes fixed intently on the screen as they delved into a game of Tekken. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile as I watched them lose themselves in their new favorite pastime.

Curious about Bast's decision to observe rather than join in, I turned to her, noticing her transformation back into her feline form. "Are you not going to join them?" I inquired, intrigued by her choice.

Bast blinked lazily, her cat-like eyes meeting mine as she stretched out comfortably on a nearby cushion. "No, I'm content just watching" she replied casually, her tone relaxed.

Her response piqued my curiosity further, prompting me to ask about her sudden transformation. "Why did you change back to that appearance?" I prodded, studying her intently.

Bast paused for a moment before responding, her demeanor nonchalant. "As for the other question, I find this form comfortable, especially since I'm, well, technically naked" she explained, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes.

The mention of nudity momentarily diverted my thoughts, but I quickly refocused on the conversation at hand. "But if you prefer, I can transform back into my human form" Bast offered, a playful smirk gracing her lips.

I waved off her suggestion with a dismissive gesture, appreciating her laid-back attitude. "No need to change on my account. Just do what makes you comfortable" I reassured her, acknowledging her adaptability and easygoing nature. Despite her teasing, I valued Bast's their comfort more than the other.

As Tom and Jerry began their typical bickering and playful fighting, I couldn't help but smile at their antics. It was just like them to keep the energy lively with their dynamic.

As Bast's question interrupted my observation of Jerry and Tom engrossed in their game, I found myself contemplating whether to join them. However, a quick glance at the clock served as a timely reminder that dinner time was fast approaching. In that moment, a sudden idea struck me: why not borrow Tom's chef hat and whip up something delicious for all of us? But before I could embark on culinary endeavors, I knew I needed to unwind and relax with a soothing bath.

"I'll take a bath first and cook dinner for us before joining you guys to play" I announced to Bast with a warm smile. Turning to Tom and Jerry, I encouraged them to continue having fun without me for a while, assuring them that I would join them soon enough

After I made my way to the bathroom to prepare for a much-needed bath, I wasted no time in getting everything ready. As I stepped into the cozy space, I immediately set to work on adjusting the water temperature to just the right level. With practiced efficiency, I ensured that the water would be neither too hot nor too cold, but instead, perfect for a truly relaxing soak.

As the steam began to rise from the tub, enveloping the room in a comforting warmth, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within me. The prospect of sinking into the soothing waters after a long and tiring day was incredibly inviting, offering a much-needed reprieve from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

With the water now at the ideal temperature, I added a few drops of lavender essential oil to enhance the relaxation experience. The gentle aroma of the oil filled the air, mingling with the steam and enveloping me in a cloud of tranquility. Instantly, my senses were soothed, and I could feel my body beginning to unwind in anticipation of the luxurious bath that awaited me.

With everything prepared, I took a moment to pause and appreciate the serene atmosphere of the bathroom. The soft glow of the overhead lights, combined with the gentle flicker of the scented candles I had lit earlier, created a peaceful ambiance that was perfect for relaxation.

With a contented sigh, I finally stepped into the warm embrace of the bath, allowing the water to envelop me in its comforting embrace. Closing my eyes, I surrendered to the sensation of warmth and relaxation

Time seemed to slip away as I lost myself in the blissful sensation of the warm water caressing my skin. With each passing minute, I felt the tension in my muscles begin to melt away, replaced by a soothing sense of relaxation. It was as if the cares of the world had been washed away by the gentle cascade of water, leaving me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

As I soaked in the tub, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of daily life. The warmth of the water enveloped me like a comforting embrace, washing away the stresses of the day and allowing me to simply be present in the moment.

With each breath, I felt myself sinking deeper into a state of peacefulness, my mind clearing of all worries and distractions. It was a rare opportunity to pause and recharge, and I savored every moment of it.

Finally, with a contented sigh, I decided it was time to emerge from the bath. Wrapping myself in a fluffy towel, I couldn't help but smile at the sense of invigoration that washed over me. It was amazing how something as simple as a bath could leave me feeling so refreshed and renewed.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, I paused for a moment to take in the tranquility of the space. The soft glow of the candles, the lingering scent of lavender in the air – it all contributed to a sense of peace and calm that I wished could last forever.

"Well, that felt good" I murmured to myself with a satisfied smile, feeling grateful for the moments of relaxation that I had just experienced.

With dinner preparation looming, I mentally went over the ingredients and steps needed to cook a delicious meal for my friends. "Alright, let me cook" I declared

Heading out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen or to Tom first to borrow his chef hat.

Approaching Tom, who was deeply engrossed in his Tekken game, I tapped his shoulder gently to grab his attention. "Hey, Tom" I called out, my voice competing with the sounds of the game. Tom turned his head slightly, his focus momentarily shifting away from the screen as he acknowledged my presence.

"Let me see your chef hat" I requested, my tone lighthearted as I made my request. Tom blinked in surprise, as if taken aback by the sudden interruption to his gaming session. However, without hesitation, he reached into his pocket dimension and retrieved the chef hat.

With a flourish, Tom handed me the hat, his expression curious as he watched me. Holding the chef hat in my hands, I took a moment to inspect it, noting its design and structure. Then, with a focused gaze, I channeled and commanded my authority, utilizing my abilities to replicate the hat.

As I willed it, I created a perfect replica of the chef hat, shaping it with precision and care until it matched the original in every detail. Once satisfied with the replication, I grafted the effect of the replica to myself, ensuring that it would function just as seamlessly as the original.

With a satisfied nod, I handed the original hat back to Tom, a smile playing on my lips. "Thank you" I said sincerely, grateful for his willingness to lend me the hat. Tom returned my smile, a hint of curiosity lingering in his eyes as he watched me.

I headed to the kitchen and began cooking.

With a focused determination, I embarked on the culinary journey of preparing a delightful dinner for my friends. My first task was to cook plain rice, a staple in many Asian households. As I carefully measured out the precise amount of rice and water, I couldn't help but chuckle at the timeless connection between Asians and their love for rice. With the ingredients set to simmer, I moved on to the main dish: fish.

Selecting a fresh fillet from the refrigerator, I seasoned it with a carefully crafted blend of herbs and spices. As I brushed the fillet with a light coating of olive oil and placed it on the grill, I knew that a little bit of seasoning would elevate the flavor profile of the fish to new heights.

While the fish cooked to perfection, I turned my attention to a side dish of stir-fried vegetables. With a colorful array of carrots, bell peppers, and snap peas sizzling in a hot pan, I added a splash of soy sauce and sesame oil for an extra burst of savory goodness. As the vegetables danced and sizzled, I couldn't help but appreciate the vibrant hues and enticing aroma that filled the kitchen.

As the dishes continued to come together, I prepared a comforting bowl of miso soup. Simmering the dashi broth with miso paste, I added in tofu, seaweed, and green onions for a rich and flavorful broth that would warm the soul. With each stir of the spoon, I felt a sense of contentment knowing that this traditional dish would bring comfort and satisfaction to my friends.

No meal would be complete without a side of pickled vegetables, so I took the time to slice cucumbers and radishes thinly before marinating them in a tangy brine. The crisp and refreshing taste of the pickled vegetables would provide a delightful contrast to the other dishes on the table.

With everything ready and plated, I stepped back to admire my handiwork. The table was set with an array of delicious dishes, each one prepared with care and attention to detail. As I called out to my friends to join me for dinner, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what I had accomplished