Chapter 29

Gathered around the table, the aroma of the delicious meal filled the air, sparking a sense of anticipation within me. With the chef hat now in Tom's possession, I couldn't help but hope that my culinary efforts would exceed expectations.

As each of us delved into the dishes, I watched eagerly, awaiting their reactions with bated breath. "How is it?" I inquired, unable to contain my excitement.

Tom and Jerry responded with enthusiastic thumbs up gestures, their approval evident in their expressions and gestures.

However, it was Bast who provided the first verbal response. "It's better, miles better than the dinner you made the other day" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with delight.

Her words elicited a grin from me. "I'm glad you think so" I replied, a sense of accomplishment washing over me as I basked in the success of the meal.

After savoring our delicious dinner, we seamlessly transitioned to our next activity: playing Tekken. With a playful grin, I scanned the room, eager to find a worthy opponent for a thrilling match.

"Who's going to play against me?" I challenged, but to my amusement, my query was met with silence. It seemed my friends were hesitant to take on the challenge, perhaps wary of being bested in the game.

Chuckling at their reluctance, I shrugged. "No takers? Well then, looks like I'll have to find someone else to challenge" I declared, reaching for my phone.

With a few taps, I composed a message to Kaho, a fellow gamer friend known for her skill in Tekken. "Hey Kaho, want to battle it out in Tekken? I need some real competition!" I typed eagerly, sending the invitation with a playful smirk.

As I awaited Kaho's response.


In the heart of the Hinata household lies the sanctuary of Kaho's bedroom, a space that reflects her vibrant and playful personality. Stepping through the door, Kaho feels an immediate sense of comfort enveloping her, like a warm embrace welcoming her home.

The room is adorned with lively colors and decorations that speak volumes about Kaho's interests and passions. Posters of her favorite video game characters line the walls, while shelves display an impressive collection of gaming memorabilia. Funky LED lights cast a soft glow across the room, adding to its cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Making her way to her bed, Kaho can't help but smile as she sinks into the plush comfort of her mattress. The crisp white bedding is adorned with pixelated characters from her beloved games, a playful touch that brings a sense of joy to her surroundings. Closing her eyes, she takes a moment to relish in the familiar feeling of being surrounded by the things she loves.

Her gaze then drifts to her desk, where her gaming setup awaits. The sleek console and high-definition monitor beckon to her, promising endless hours of adventure and excitement in the digital realm. With a sense of anticipation, Kaho imagines the thrilling battles and epic quests that await her, ready to dive into another gaming session filled with fun and excitement.

Excitedly, Kaho settled into her gaming chair, a grin spreading across her face as she reached for her trusty controller. With a flick of her wrist, she powered up her console, and the familiar sound of her favorite game, "Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" filled the room with its enchanting melodies.

The game's opening sequence played out on her screen, Kaho felt herself being drawn into the immersive world of Hyrule. With practiced ease, she navigated through the lush landscapes and treacherous dungeons, her fingers dancing across the buttons as she battled monsters and solved intricate puzzles.

For Kaho, playing "Breath of the Wild" wasn't just a pastime; it was a cherished escape from the stresses and pressures of everyday life. In the virtual realm of Hyrule, she was free to be herself—a carefree and cheerful girl with an insatiable thirst for adventure.

Hours flew by, Kaho lost herself in the game, her laughter echoing through the room as she encountered unexpected challenges and triumphed over formidable foes. With each victory, she felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her, reaffirming her love for gaming and the joy it brought to her life.

Despite her tsundere persona at work, in the comfort of her own room, Kaho was free to embrace her true self—a passionate and enthusiastic gamer who reveled in the thrill of exploration and discovery. And as she continued her adventure in the world of Hyrule, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the moments of happiness and excitement that gaming provided.

While Kaho was deeply engrossed in her gaming session, her concentration was momentarily broken by the buzz of her phone, signaling a new notification from LINE. Curious, she paused her game and reached for her phone, her heart skipping a beat when she saw that the message was from Oreki.

A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she read his challenge to a Tekken game. "Oreki-san, let's see if you can be a worthy boyfriend for me" she murmured to herself, her cheeks flushing crimson as soon as the words left her mouth. "I mean, friend! Just friend" she hastily corrected herself, inwardly cursing her slip of the tongue. "And why am I trying to correct myself when nobody is listening?" Kaho muttered, shaking her head at her own antics.

Chuckling at her own embarrassment, Kaho quickly composed a reply to Oreki, accepting his challenge with a playful tone. "You're on, Oreki-san! But expect beat down from me" she typed, her fingers dancing across the screen with a newfound sense of excitement.

She hit send, her heart raced with anticipation, and a blush still lingering on her cheeks. She couldn't help but wonder what the outcome of her match against Oreki would be and whether their friendly rivalry would lead to something more. Kaho then saved her progress in "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" and exited the game, ready to embark on a new adventure in Tekken 8. The anticipation bubbled within her as she navigated to her gaming library and launched the fighting game, her excitement growing with each passing moment.

While the game loaded, Kaho's heart raced with excitement. She selected her favorite character, Ling Xiaoyu, knowing she was skilled with her agile and acrobatic moves. With a deep breath to steady her nerves, Kaho braced herself for the upcoming battle, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"I'm getting nervous and excited at the same time" she muttered to herself, her fingers itching to take control of the controller and dive into the action. The prospect of facing off against Oreki in a game of Tekken filled her with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation, but she was ready to give it her all.

Finally, the notification she had been waiting for popped up on her screen, signaling Oreki's invitation to the match. With a determined glint in her eyes, Kaho accepted the challenge without hesitation. 

The first round commenced, Kaho's grin widened mischievously when she noticed that Oreki had chosen to mirror her character, Ling Xiaoyu. The unexpected turn of events added an extra layer of excitement to the match, as Kaho prepared to face off against her own character.

With her familiarity with Ling Xiaoyu's moveset and playstyle, Kaho felt a surge of confidence coursing through her veins. She executed flawless combos and deftly evaded Oreki's attacks, showcasing her mastery of the character's abilities. Each calculated move brought her one step closer to victory, and she relished in the thrill of the competition.

Kaho's confidence only continued to grow. With each successful blow landed on Oreki, she felt a sense of exhilaration coursing through her, fueled by the adrenaline of the intense battle. Despite Oreki's valiant efforts to mount a comeback, Kaho maintained her dominance in the first round, securing a decisive victory.

With a victorious grin plastered on her face, Kaho couldn't help but revel in the satisfaction of her performance. She had proven her skill and prowess in the game, and she was eager to continue the match and see how Oreki would respond in the subsequent rounds.

The match progressed into the subsequent rounds, Kaho quickly realized that Oreki was not to be underestimated. With each passing moment, the dynamics of the game shifted dramatically as Oreki began to adapt to Kaho's style. Studying her movements and patterns with keen precision, Oreki swiftly devised a strategy to counter her every move.

In the following rounds, Kaho found herself facing a formidable opponent who seemed to anticipate her attacks with uncanny accuracy. Oreki's Ling Xiaoyu moved with a fluidity and grace that matched Kaho's own, effectively evading her strikes and responding with swift, well-timed counterattacks. Despite her best efforts to maintain her momentum, Kaho struggled to keep up with Oreki's relentless assault.

As the match wore on, Kaho's frustration began to mount. Each round seemed to further solidify Oreki's dominance, showcasing his remarkable resilience and strategic prowess. With a combination of defensive tactics and calculated aggression, Oreki gradually wore down Kaho's defenses, inching closer to victory with each passing moment.

Despite her growing frustration, Kaho refused to give up without a fight. Gritting her teeth in determination, she pushed herself to her limits, desperately seeking an opening to turn the tide of the match in her favor. However, no matter how hard she tried, Oreki's Ling Xiaoyu remained an elusive and formidable opponent, dominating the match with skill and finesse.

By the end of the intense battle, Kaho couldn't help but feel a mixture of disappointment and admiration. Though she had initially hoped to emerge victorious, she couldn't deny the exhilaration of facing off against an opponent who pushed her to her limits. With a rueful smile, Kaho's competitive spirit burned brighter than ever as she issued a challenge to Oreki once again, eager for a rematch that would test her skills and determination to the fullest.

However, despite her best efforts, Kaho found herself struggling to gain the upper hand against Oreki's relentless onslaught. Round after round, he dominated the match with calculated attack leaving Kaho frustrated and overwhelmed. Despite the mounting odds against her, Kaho refused to back down, with each defeat she tried to search for any weakness she could get to gain advantage and turn the tide to her favor.

The night wore on and the hours crept past midnight, Kaho and Oreki remained locked in an exhilarating battle of wits and reflexes. Their intense gaming session filled her room with the rhythmic sounds of button mashing and the occasional burst of laughter or frustration.

Despite the outcome of the matches, Kaho couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in the intensity of the competition. Win or lose, she cherished the opportunity to test her skills against a worthy opponent like Oreki, knowing that each match brought her one step closer to becoming an even better gamer.

As the clock continued to tick, signaling the passing of time, Kaho's adrenaline surged with each round, her focus unwavering as she strategized and executed her moves with precision. With each match, she pushed herself to her limits, determined to emerge victorious against the formidable challenge presented by Oreki.

While the night grew later and the fatigue began to set in, Kaho found herself losing track of time, completely absorbed in the thrill of the game. Despite the late hour, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, fueling her determination to emerge triumphant.

Finally, as the clock struck midnight, signaling the end of their gaming marathon, Kaho couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her. Despite the outcome of the matches, she knew that she had given her all and had proven herself to be a skilled and dedicated gamer.

As she whispered to herself, "You are good boyfriend material for me, Oreki-san" Kaho couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment at her slip of the tongue. However, deep down, she knew that her admiration for Oreki's gaming prowess was genuine, and she looked forward to the next opportunity to challenge him once again.